Macrocephalon maleo
(ma-cro-sef-a-lon mal-e-o)
Do you see that bump on the maleo’s head? It’s a bony horn called a casque, like the ones atop the heads of the helmeted hornbill and the southern cassowary. But why the maleo has a casque, no one knows! Both males and females have one, so it probably doesn’t play a role in attracting a mate.
Standing at around 2 feet (60 cm) tall, with whitish-pink feathers on their bellies, these shy birds don’t usually make a sound unless they’re near their nesting grounds or they feel threatened. They take turns standing guard over their nests and watching for predators.
Where They Live
The maleo is native, or endemic, to two regions of Indonesia: Buton Island and Sulawesi. They like to nest in groups—with more birds around, they’re better protected against predators. Maleos nest in riverbanks and sandy floors, digging pits in the ground with their large feet and laying their gigantic eggs before covering them with sand. The birds rely on heat from the sun to keep the nest warm for two to three months. If the temperature of the sand drops or rises too drastically, the chicks won’t survive.
What They Eat
Like other birds from this part of Indonesia, maleos spend their days feeding on a range of seeds, roots, and fruits, as well as small invertebrates such as insects.
Conservation Status
Maleo eggs are considered a delicacy these days, and so people in Indonesia collect and sell them for money. The bird’s habitat is also being destroyed by deforestation and commercial logging. Invasive species like dogs and rats have been introduced to the area, and they hunt the maleo and their chicks. In the past 50 years, the population of maleos has declined by 90 percent.
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