Reticulate Stargazer
Dactyloscopus foraminosus
(dak-til-o-sco-pus for-a-mi-no-sus)
What would it be like to have eyes on the top of your head? Just ask the reticulate stargazer. This flattened, zombie-faced fish can lie on the marine floor without moving and keep an eye on its surroundings.
These fish are easy to miss, but that’s how they like it! Reaching 3 inches (8 cm) long at most, they have speckled skin that helps them blend in with their surroundings, and their large side fins do a great job of digging up the sand around them so they can bury themselves in seconds.
Where They Live
They like to hide in the sand and gravel of marine waters, so reticulate stargazers aren’t easy to spot. If you’d like to try your luck finding one, though, you’d best start your search in certain parts of the western Atlantic—such as the waters off the coast of Brazil—at depths of around 36 to 260 feet (11–80 m).
What They Eat
This unusual fish has some very interesting traits that have evolved to help it hunt and feed on crabs, small fish, and squid. They attract prey with a worm-like lure above their mouth, dangling it around and then lurching forward to swallow their victims. They use fringe-like appendages on the outside of their mouth to stop any unwanted sand and debris from getting in.
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Reticulate stargazers face very little danger during their lives, as they spend most of their time beneath the marine floor, hidden from any potential threats.
Some fishermen consider the fish to be a delicacy, but most keep their distance because, when threatened, this fish is likely to sting or even electrocute you.
Fun Facts