Mclean, Virginia
The Office of National Intelligence and the National Center for Counterterrorism are in the same building not far from two major shopping complexes in Tysons Corner. Both are located within thirty minutes of the headquarters of the CIA, depending on traffic. Notwithstanding the short physical distance and secured telephone communications, the Director of the CIA provided the first solid intelligence the National Center for Counterterrorism needed to determine the source of the radiological event in the Mojave Desert via their common superior. The timely sharing of information and intelligence between the intelligence agencies of the U.S. is still not a sure thing. The old aphorism was never more true: Information is power. As it so happens, some organizations and leaders can never have too much of it.
The Director of the CIA arranged to have Eddy O’Conner, Alice Linda, and Joe McRory travel to Camp Peary for a reunion of sorts. She did not tell the Director of National Intelligence, or anyone else outside of her inner circle for that matter.
She wanted to know everything the three knew about Todd Adams and Achmed Al Hami.
Information is power. Information and power accrue to those who make the first move.
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Near Williamsburg, Virginia
The debriefings went on for several days. They started after breakfast and ended early evening. Snacks and lunch were taken in the briefing room with its video cameras, microphones, and harsh lighting. The only escape was the occasional visit to a restroom next door.
The three of them were interviewed by a series of different interrogators. After the first debrief, each person to whom they spoke entered the room with a large bound copy of their earlier testimony. Each time they were asked to start at the beginning. They were challenged when their wording changed, and especially if it didn’t. There was no winning, but they all knew the drill. The CIA had to be certain they were truthful.
Each evening, one of Eddy O’Conner’s former contemporaries would escort her to dinner. Alice Linda and Joe McRory were left to fend for themselves. Linda opted for the gym instead where she would work out for two hours. By the time she was done, the only food available came from a vending machine. The microwave stood at the ready, if necessary.
By contrast, McRory worked out before breakfast and elected to eat dinner with the late shift. Afterward, he would make several laps around the housing area, although the winter air was prompting him to consider a different schedule.
Breakfast was the only time all three had the opportunity to chat without anyone else being present. Not that there was all that much to say.
On the fourth day, the interrogations ended. They were escorted from the conference room to an executive office. Sitting behind the desk was the Director of the CIA and her Deputy Director for Operations. The Director wasn’t one to waste time.
“Joe, you knew Adams best. Where would he be hiding?”
“Director, I never met the guy. I did the background investigation. Talked to people who knew him, or knew of him.”
“Okay. How about this instead? Of the five of us in the room, you probably know him the best. Fair enough?”
McRory shrugged his acceptance. “Can’t you find him?”
“No, both he and Al Hami are gone. Damn good job of it, if I say so myself.” The Director paused, looking from one to the next, each in turn. “Do any of you have an idea where he—they—might be?”
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They were asked to stay on as guests of the Agency for several more days. It was difficult to turn down a request from this former employer.
They were assigned to a different conference room to work as a team. This time, the furniture was more comfortable, the lighting less severe, and no recording equipment—that they knew of. Eddy started first.
“One of the great myths in this country is about dropping ‘off the grid.’ Sure, there are places you can go to avoid being noticed for a while. But you must get there from wherever you start. Getting there means travel. Travel exposes you: Credit card transactions, hotel accommodations, meals, fuel, video surveillance, ATM machines. Everyone leaves a trail of breadcrumbs.”
“You have to hide in plain sight,” Linda stated. “The more you look like you belong in a place, the less likely anyone is going to notice you’re there.”
“Where in this country is there no video surveillance?” But before anyone could answer, Joe continued, “Today, every ATM machine has video surveillance. Every convenience store has it. Gas stations even have it to catch people who drive off without paying. Hotels, motels, diners, restaurants. Did I say convenience stores? They’re everywhere.”
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The remainder of the day proved frustrating. That evening, Linda skipped her workout and decided to retreat to her room, eat some junk food, and veg out by watching a movie. The rooms at Camp Peary had a pay-per-view movie service. She scrolled through the options and settled on Reese Witherspoon’s last movie, Wild. After watching for an hour, she bolted from the room.