“This seems like a terrible idea,” said Orint to Ariste as they marched through the woods.
“What? You fucking orcs or you abandoning the Assassins’ Guild, just like me?”
In the week since they had pledged their allegiance to Sandraste, and, by proxy, essentially became agents of the war chief Mugdul and the orc alliance he was creating, they had had far too much sex with Sandraste and those that the sorceress had enticed into her bed.
Ariste found sex with Durz, Sandraste’s bodyguard, to be satisfying. She had never fucked an orc before and under the sorceress’s watchful eye she found the violation of sexual mores to be satisfying. While she hadn’t witnessed it, she knew that Sandraste had fucked Orint several times. Further she knew that Orint had fucked an orc as well. She just didn’t know which one, but she had a suspicion it was the big red one. Both Orint and the big red orc were carefully avoiding looking at each other as they marched.
The one encounter that Ariste found she enjoyed more than she would have expected was when Sandraste pulled her into the tent when there were three green orcresses there as well. Two were heavily pregnant. Having sex with the sorceress and the orcresses was something that Ariste never would have guessed was something she would have done in her life. But she had done a lot of unexpected things in her life.
Sex with an orcress was much the same as sex with a woman, just more muscle and force. Ariste liked it. Orcress cunt was slightly sweeter than human cunt, but maybe that was just wishful thinking. She knew that Sandraste had plans beyond what the simple assassin could see. The only thing to do was to play along with her. A feminine orgy was enjoyable. Sandraste was controlling them and they all went along with it.
Of the three orcresses who were in the orgy, only the one that wasn’t pregnant accompanied them on the journey through the woods. Ariste had learned that all three were mates of Mugdul, the war chief. She was relieved, however, that Kavni seemed disinterested in her outside of Sandraste’s tent.
The party marching through the woods wasn’t small. Besides Ariste and Orint, the only humans besides Sandraste, they were accompanied by the big red orc, Kavni, Mugdul and his four bodyguards, plus a handful of other warrior orcs. Bringing up the rear were three orcresses that dressed in armor and carried weapons. Ariste wasn’t sure what their story was. They were seemingly shunned by the rest of the orcs but they also had some sort of status. Sandraste had an interest in them, Ariste could see that.
“No,” said Ariste. “Parading through the woods to…wherever the hell we’re going.” The route seemed strangely familiar to her though she was certain she had never seen these woods before. Ariste had left the navigation to Orint when they were stalking the sorceress.
“I just do what Sandre tells me,” he said.
“Does that include sucking Big Red’s cock?”
He didn’t answer her. Orint just gave her a sneer and looked away.
Ariste changed her pace and moved back to where Omokk was walking alone. He didn’t acknowledge her when she fell in step next to him.
“I think my friend Orint is sweet on you,” she said in her best orcish. Ariste’s orcish was limited most to matters of money and sex so this opening wasn’t that difficult for her.
The big red orc just grunted. She smiled because her orcish was still decent enough.
“I’m Ariste. He’s Orint. He’s the shy sort. He’d like to suck your cock tonight.” That wasn’t exactly a lie, but it wasn’t anything close to what Orint had said to her previously.
“I don’t fuck humans,” he said, his voice rumbling.
“He’d be happy to fuck you in the ass,” she offered, making light of the situation.
Moving faster than she could counter, Omokk slammed his axe into the ground in front of her, stopping her progress. The entire caravan came to an abrupt halt. Noises of concern were made by those who had seen what happened. Sandraste was at the head of the column and missed everything.
“Shut your filthy mouth, human,” Omokk warned and swung his battle axe from one shoulder to the other in a sweeping arch that came much too close to Ariste’s head for her comfort.
Ariste tried to reply but found she was too scared to say a word. Her fear should have sent her scurrying away, or maybe she should have stopped walking, but she found herself not moving away from the big orc.
She reacted like she did too often in this sort of situation. She became a smartass. “I like being fucked in the ass. Would you do that to me?”
“No. I don’t fuck humans.”
“Or women?” she hinted.
He just growled at her.
“Have you fucked Sandraste? I have. She’s a great fuck.”
Omokk started to brandish his axe again but just as he started to threaten her, he stopped dead in his tracks.
Ariste continued on for a few more steps before she stopped like him. The end of the small train made to move around him but the female orcs bringing up the rear took their cue from him and froze as well.
“What is it?” asked one of the orcresses softly.
Omokk said nothing. Ariste felt the hairs on the back of her neck rising. She didn’t know what was happening and she didn’t like it.
“Do you smell—?” the big orc started to ask but was cut off by a crashing of limbs and foliage.
The creatures burst out of the tree line with no other warning. The strangest thing about them was they were silent. They were humanoid, but not really. Instead of being made of flesh, they were formed of wood and metal. They didn’t wear armor, but their bodies were naturally armored by the metal that formed torsos, limbs, and heads. While they had faces, they were unnatural because they didn’t change expressions. Weapons and shields weren’t grasped so much as they were either socketed into the ends of limbs or were simply a part of the limb itself.
“Otroks! Otrok attack!” Omokk screamed, rallying the warrior orcs around him.
Ariste was grateful on one level that their attackers were using melee weapons and they hadn’t been attacked at a distance. The otroks weren’t skilled and limber enough to use bows. Crossbows were a possibility, but for some reason this group wasn't so armed.
Ariste quickly found herself facing off against one of the silent warriors carrying a mace and shield. It moved with an unnatural energy. She knew that otroks were often used as bodyguards by magic-users because they were created by and powered by magic. They had no will of their own. There had to be a mage nearby controlling them.
Pulling out the pair of daggers that had been returned to her by the orcs, she stepped away from the first swing from the otrok trying to brain her. Its blow wasn’t wild, but it took a moment to recover. That was when she stepped in and slashed at its wrist and elbow with the daggers. Both attacks were useless. The first skittered off the metal of the elbow joint and the hard wood of the wrist proved just as strong.
“Fuck,” she cursed.
Shouts went up from the orcs as the battle was joined. These were quickly joined by screams as orcs started to be hit. She heard the clash of heavy weapons on the otroks’ bodies but the magical-mechanical warriors made no noise of their own.
“We’re gonna die,” she hissed under her breath.
Suddenly the head of the otrok trying to kill her went flying off its shoulders. The body didn’t stop moving, but now it was missing the arcane sensors that drove the machine.
“Not me,” grunted Omokk. “Not today.”