“They haven’t got dicks,” Kavni pointed out. She was still standing on the stone altar, not the least bit ashamed of her nudity. Ariste and Orint had started to dress, if not for modesty then because of the chill air. Winter was rapidly approaching and the fire that Sandraste had started only kept them marginally warm. Orcs were a hardy breed and could withstand the chill better.
“Or cunts,” Sandraste agreed, reminding them of the two orcresses that had joined the army of forty Durz had summoned.
“You made them into monsters,” Durz said again.
“I wouldn’t call them monsters,” she contradicted him. “They are more powerful warriors, all but unkillable and unstoppable.”
“You didn’t give them any choice in the matter,” he growled at her. “That’s evil.”
“Wouldn’t they all lay their lives down to protect the village, the tribe, the orc alliance that we have built? They are still doing that now, but in a different form.”
Orint approached the red-tinged stone golem and appraised the big creature. “I had been hoping to maybe see what it was like to fuck an orc cock,” he said speculatively. “Especially you.” He reached out and put his hand on the golem’s hip. “Please tell me you have a hidden cock somewhere.”
The monster opened its mouth but no sound issued forth. The features of the golem’s face were reminiscent of an orc’s but were not the same. They were smoother, less detailed. The golem still had a consciousness and self-awareness. It struggled to make some sort of verbal reply and was frustrated by his efforts.
“They are mute,” said Sandraste. “That has disadvantages, of course, but stone doesn’t operate the same way as flesh. They cannot speak except through magical means. Or writing.”
“Very few orcs can write,” said Durz.
The sorceress’s smile was twisted. “I know. But they are guardians, protectors, and more. They have left behind their weak flesh and replaced it with something that is better.”
“How do we know!?” Demanded Durz.
“Do you hear them complaining?” asked Sandraste. “Come. let’s explore my new citadel. The golems, my honor guard, my bodyguards, will remain here.” She turned to the group of golems that had gathered, either they had accepted their fate or had been magically influenced to do so. Or maybe they wanted to serve her in this way. Her eyes glowed with yellow light. “Protect the citadel. Mark the perimeter. Defend it from all attackers.” Turning back to her lovers, she said, “Come. There is room here for everyone.”
It was as if the sorceress was intimately familiar with the newly formed structure. She knew where all the hallways led and what was behind every door. She assigned rooms to her lovers. Ariste, and all the others, accepted her gift graciously. They were all agog at the size of the rooms. It was like nothing they had ever had before. Beyond the throne room that held the stone altar, there were kitchens, storerooms, a banquet hall, guard rooms, private residences. The largest of the bedrooms was, of course, reserved for Sandraste.
The bed was huge and would easily accommodate a half dozen people sleeping. Or fucking.
Though he was pleased with the structure—setting aside the orcish cost to its creation—Durz still questioned why she had created it.
Sandraste led the procession down to the throne room—the stone golems were now gone—and draped herself across the stone chair that was somehow, against all logic, padded with a deep green cushion. “What do you think?”
The four lovers exchanged glances. They knew if they stayed with her, they would live lives of such luxury and ease they had never dreamed of. But the risk, of course, was that they would have to defend her with their lives.
The orcs who had been turned into stone golems had already given her their lives.
“It’s impressive,” said Kavni. “Will we be living here from now on?”
“Yes. Of course.”
“I’m staying,” the orcress declared.
Sandraste flicked her eyes to the other three. “Better than working for the Assassin’s Guild,” muttered Orint.
“Better than working for the Assassin’s Guild or in the whorehouse,” Ariste echoed.
Everyone looked to Durz. The big orc sighed. “You never intended to raise up the tribes, did you?”
“That was never my goal,” she said agreeably, “it was just a lucky byproduct for the orcs.”
“And now the southern kingdoms will come looking for us. Looking for you. Looking to kill us all.”
“We’ve had this discussion,” she reminded him. “There is room for you here. I have need of you, but you are not irreplaceable.”
“Not even when you’re carrying my offspring?” he asked angrily.
She glared at him. “I’ll never know who the father truly is.”
“The humans will come. As will the elves and the dwarves. Probably the goblins and trolls as well. We’re going to die here. There’s no way to make this place safe for orcs, not after what you’ve done.”
She smiled and slipped a hand inside her robes to cup a breast. It was a casual gesture and one that didn’t immediately elicit sexuality, but just the way she posed and moved and spoke gave evidence as to her desires and intentions.
“You think so little of me? You think I can’t defend myself? My lovers? My new home? My orc allies?”
“I think you’ve taken on a huge risk.”
“And which side of this conflict will you stand on?”
He sighed and sank to one knee. “On yours. I’m bound to your forever, you know that.”
She rested a hand on his head. “Yes, yes I do.”
Ariste found living in Sandraste’s citadel was…boring. There wasn’t much to do.
A week into the new situation she had repaired all her clothes and gear. She had amused herself cooking meals in the kitchen. The larder always seemed full but where the vegetables and meat came from she couldn’t say, but it had to be magic. The others were appreciative of her efforts.
She had sex too many times with Orint. That passed the time and was fun for what it was, but it certainly wasn’t the best of her life. It was hardly notable. She had sex with the orcress, Kavni, out of curiosity and out of boredom as well. The sex was good enough. Kavni was a very good and enthusiastic lover but she didn’t dare approach Durz to see if he was interested.
What the others were doing to keep themselves occupied was half a mystery to Ariste. Orint spent too much time practicing with his weapons and writing in his journal. Kavni took long walks in the forest around the citadel. What she did in the forest was beyond Ariste and she didn’t talk about it.
Durz, when he wasn’t with Sandraste, hid in his room. He was attractive enough for an orc and Ariste would have loved to fuck him just to say that she did, but he was so cold that she knew it was never going to happen.
Sandraste was the real mystery. She was unapproachable. She never ate meals with the others in the dining hall. She never seemed to be anywhere other than the room that had been designated as her workshop and laboratory. Well, there and her bedroom. Out of pure curiosity one night, when Durz had joined Sandraste in her bedroom, Ariste had snuck up to the sorceress’s door and pressed her ear to the heavy wood.
This was something she had done many times as an assassin. She was skilled at picking out conversations and other noises through heavy doors. But in the citadel Sandraste couldn’t hear anything going on. The two weren’t speaking. They weren’t fucking. Nothing. It occurred to her that maybe the pair were just sleeping together and nothing else.
That made no sense, but it was the reality of the moment.
The stone golems were another mystery that Ariste had to deal with. They were no longer orcs. They didn’t behave like orcs. Mostly they stood around, unmoving, and only reacted when she or one of the others approached them. They didn’t speak, but they would respond to simple verbal commands.
It was unnerving to see them walking around the outside of the citadel on their silent patrols. Nothing ever approached the citadel and they didn’t go more than a few yards from the walls. As a joke, Ariste went up to one of them and started flirting with it, just to see what sort of reaction she would get.
“You’re a big one, aren’t you?” she said teasingly when she encountered one of the stone golems walking through the citadel’s corridor.
It said nothing. It paused momentarily as she blocked its way.
Ariste sidled up to it. “I’ve fucked a lot of different species in my time, but I’ve never fucked a golem.” She paused. “Stone or otherwise.”
The golem’s face turned down to stare at her. It didn’t blink. Its expression remained, to coin a term, stone-faced.
Seeing how far she could take this course of action, Ariste pressed her body against it. The coldness of the stone surprised her. Somehow she expected it to be warm, like flesh, either from the magic or just because it could move.
“So hard,” she purred. “Muscles and…what else?” she teased. This was the sort of thing that earned her tips at the bordello. Men liked to be flattered. Women liked to be complimented. There was a difference.
She had to lift her hand up a bit to reach between its legs, cupping its crotch. She wasn’t sure what she expected to find there. It was hard, but smooth. No bulge. Nothing. The hand she had placed on its biceps could feel the stone moving when the golem extended its arm, but the creature was sexless.
Even Ariste couldn’t help but wonder if the orc that had been the base of the stone golem was somehow still inside the creature or if the orc was gone forever. Did the orc care its sex was taken away? Did it even know?
Still, she didn’t give up. “Shy?” she asked. More than once in the bordello she had a male partner that couldn’t get hard. The solution was time and caring and elaborate mouth work. “No need to be shy. I won’t hurt you.”
She rubbed the front of its crotch and then went up on her toes to kiss the golem on the cheek and then the lips. It was exactly like kissing a statue.
The thing’s mouth was permanently twisted into a half-open grimace. It didn’t react to the kiss.
“Does your tongue work?” she asked. “You can use that on me, if that’s what you prefer. I don’t mind.”
The golem gently pushed her back. It could have shoved her. It could have bashed her head in.
Maybe there was something inside the creature after all.
While considering her next move, she paused when she heard footsteps approaching. The golem’s hands were on her upper arms, holding her back, when Durz turned the corner and found them.
While not exactly innocent, they weren’t engaged in anything that could be considered untoward. Even so, Durz paused and furrowed his heavy brow.
“What are you doing?” he questioned her.
“Just seeing if there’s anything inside these thing other than the brain of an automaton.”
“Hmm.” He shook his head. “Sandraste wants you.”
“Right now? Just little ol’ me? In her bedroom I hope.” Ariste stepped back and the golem assumed a slightly more neutral stance.
“In the main hall. She wants all of us.” Glancing at the golem he amended his statement. “All four of us. She doesn’t need the golems. She controls them already.”
Ariste sniffed. “I’d say she controls us pretty damn well also.”
Durz didn’t answer that. He turned. She followed him, falling in step. As much as she hated to admit it, her useless flirting with the golem had gotten her worked up. That gave her the courage to ask a question.
“So, after our little meeting, do you want to go back to my bedroom and fuck?”
Ariste paused in her stride for a moment, and then quickly caught up to him.
“Why not? Is it because I’m not pretty enough? Sure, I’m no beauty like Sandre, but I can assure you that what I can do—and have done—in bed will absolutely change your life. I worked as a whore for a while.”
He glanced at her but didn’t change his pace. “Because you won’t want to have sex when we’re done.”
Unable to resist the opportunity, Ariste said, “Why not? I worked in a whorehouse. Didn’t you hear me? I’m used to having sex all the time.”
“Because Sandraste is going to drain all our sexual energy in a few minutes.”
That left her momentarily silent. And standing still in the middle of the corridor.
By the time she thought of a reply and rushed to catch up to him, they had arrived at the main hall.
Everyone else was already there.
Kavni and Orint were standing off to the side while Sandraste stood at the head of the stone altar. Her eyes were already glowing with yellow light. The altar was covered with a thick quilt. Where it had come from Ariste couldn’t say. She imagined it was magic, like everything else in the citadel, but she wanted to believe it was natural.
Already Ariste knew what was coming. She had spent too much time naked on the stone altar. She supposed she was glad that the sorceress had taken the time to create something to protect them against the hard, rough surface.
When the duo walked in, Sandraste acknowledge their appearance and, without a word, swept open her robes, dropping them to the ground.
Even though she had seen the sorceress naked as much as she had seen her clothed, Sandraste’s body still took Ariste’s breath away. It wasn’t perfect, but for all the flaws, it was still painfully beautiful. Her curves were in all the right places. Her hips and thighs were full but not fat. Her breasts stood up on her chest with light brown nipples fully erect. Before Ariste would have claimed that her skin glowed with youth and lust, but now she was certain the sorceress’s body glowed with magical energy. Her long black hair fell loosely over her shoulders, just barely failing to obscure her nipples. The black hair was complimented by the triangular patch that hid away her cunt.
All of this would have been proof the woman was a natural beauty and unashamed. There was one thing now that was different from before.
Her belly was swelling. Ariste, a veteran of the bordello knew right away the reason. It might have been guessed at before, but it was obvious now. She was fully pregnant. Unable to stop herself, Ariste wondered at the child’s sire. Most likely Durz, of course, but Mugdul was a possibility. So was Orint. So were any number of orcs back in the village or orcs from surrounding tribes. Any that caught her attention. Sandraste wasn’t exactly a woman who denied herself any sexual pleasure.
After displaying her body to them for a moment, her brow furrowed. “Why haven’t you undressed yet?” she demanded.
They hurried to comply. Though she had never directly threatened anyone, the power that she seemed to wield, not just powerful spells, but just by talking, just by existing, was undeniable.
Worse, Ariste realized, she wanted to obey the sorceress. She undressed like the other. It wasn’t like they all hadn’t seen each other naked before. It wasn’t like they all hadn’t had sex before, together, alone, and in groups.
Sandraste waved her fingers and a set of stone steps rose up out of the floor, reaching all the way to the altar top. A second wave of her fingers made a stone chair rise up out of the altar.
Ariste shivered with the power that the sorceress now so casually wielded. It was scary. It was sexy. It was enticing.
“Durz. Ariste. Orint. Kavni.” Their names were spoken as Sandraste took to the chair that was really a throne. She reclined against the padded back and spread her legs, displaying her cunt to them all.
Her most faithful follower and long-time lover approached her. Only then did Ariste realize that Sandraste was speaking out an order of procession. He knelt before her and pressed his face to her cunt.
She moaned as he licked her. The rest watched for a minute as he expressed his love and affection for the sorceress. Sandraste allowed a tiny bit of her humanity to show through the facade she had built and moaned as he pleasured her.
Ariste found the act slightly erotic but took no action. That was a mistake on her part.
Sandraste’s eyes abruptly snapped open and focused on the human assassin.
“Ariste! What are you waiting for?”
“Mistress?” she said, automatically reverting to the personality she used when she had been a whore.
“Suck Durz’s cock. Now.”
Ariste hurried to comply. The only way to get to the big orc’s cock was for her to lay down under his legs. She shuffled forward on her back, glad for the quilt on the altar and eventually got far enough forward to take the orc’s cock in her mouth.
His masculinity was on full display. He wasn’t erect, not yet, but she vowed to change that and got to work on him.
Orint’s name was called out and a moment later Ariste felt her thighs being pushed open. She complied. It was easy. It was what she wanted. A second later her cunt was being licked by her partner in crime.
As it turned out that while Orint preferred to fuck males, he was either a natural at eating cunt or had done this sort of thing before. The few times that Ariste had copulated with him, he hadn’t eaten her cunt. This was a change in behavior.
It was rather nice being on her back sucking Durz’s cock while having her cunt eaten by her human companion. It should have been distracting. It wasn’t. It was what she needed and wanted right then.
When Kavni was called, the orcress quickly joined the group, positioning herself under Orint and sucking his dangling cock. If she was disappointed there was no attention given to her cunt she didn’t complain. She did, however, push her hand down between her legs to rub herself and play with her clit. Knowing Orint’s preference for sex with males made no difference to her and it turned out her fellatio skills were appreciated by the man.
The group focused on pleasing the partner they had been assigned to while Sandraste enjoyed all the attention. She viewed the little chain of bodies with lust and approval. They were doing this all for her. They just didn’t realize what exactly they were doing and what they were giving up.
She kept her breathing focused and let the magic of the Circle of Wonder on which her citadel had been built flow into her. She used her lovers’ bodies to focus that flow and gather it up.
They all felt it. The familiar lust that came with sex affected them all, but the end goal of sex was to have a climax. That climax was elusive for them all Durz felt himself on the edge of erupting as Ariste eagerly deep-throated his cock but he couldn’t get all the way there. In frustration he took out his desire and needs on Sandraste’s cunt, which was exactly what she wanted.
The frustration was passed down the daisy chain of sex through all their bodies and was passed up and into Sandraste.
Just as she was reaching her peak where she wasn’t going to be able to hold her lust and the magic in check, she screamed out and let fly with all the magical energy.
The four non-magical beings abruptly stopped what they were doing and looked up at their mistress. Magic erupted from her body and passed in a slow-moving wave through the chamber and into the citadel itself.
“What the fuck was that?” demanded Durz.
Sandraste groaned as her body twitched with pleasure. She hadn’t exactly climaxed but had reached another plane of pleasure instead.
“I was so close,” Kavni complained. Her thighs and her hand were soaked with her amrita. She had been ready to climax but it was stolen from her.
“Me too,” said Ariste as she pulled Durz’s mostly hard cock from her mouth.
“Did I cum in you?” asked Orint of Kavni. “It felt like I was going to cum and then…it just went away.”
“And that magic light…” added Kavni.
“I stole your orgasms,” Sandraste told the group.
“What? Why?” Ariste felt incredibly frustrated. She had wanted to cum and then to have it stolen…it seemed like a crime but she would have been hard pressed to define what the crime was.
“I needed your energy to power the citadel, to power the golems that protect us.” She stood up from the throne. Her skin was faintly glowing with yellow energy and the air seemed revitalized. “We will be doing this every few days to maintain our home.”
The group looked at each other. While they weren’t exactly drained, they didn’t feel the emotional bliss that accompanied orgasm.
“I’ll be in my chambers,” said the sorceress as she stepped down the temporary stone stairs, summoned her robes to her hand, and strode confidently out of the room. Despite the situation all of her lovers cast longing gazes at her shapely ass as she exited.
“Are we fucking slaves?” asked Orint with a wry grin. “Get it? Fucking slaves?”
“Shut up, Orint,” said Ariste as she hopped down to the floor and gathered her clothes. She didn’t know how to feel. Used and angry were the emotions that bubbled up.
The assassin wondered if Sandraste realized exactly what she was doing to them.