Chapter 18


Samuel luxuriated in the bed. He had barely been out of it in the past month. He had lost track of how many times he had fucked Sandraste. It couldn’t be too many but it was approaching large number. He had penetrated her mouth, cunt, and even her ass. He had had her in every position. He had fucked her while others had watched, mostly her orc bodyguard and the human female, but others as well. 

He liked when the sorceress held an orgy in her room. It seemed she did that every other day. That was fine with Samuel. He had participated in the orgies held by many of the brothels back in his home city. These were smaller but no less enjoyable. He liked to hear the sounds of others fucking. 

There was sunlight streaming through the open window of Sandraste’s bedroom, which he had started to think of as his own bedroom as well. Why not? He hadn’t left the room in days. Food was brought to him. Sex was brought to him. Wine and other drinks were brought to him. What else did he need?

Strangely this morning he was alone in the bedroom. Usually Sandraste was there sucking his cock to wake him, or sitting on his face. Sometimes she was there with her orc bodyguard, standing up or on the other side of the bed while they fucked. Samuel liked to watch while the sorceress was fucked. She could be on the edge of ecstasy and still she was in complete control of everything. Often, while she was fucked, he watched and jerked off. 

She didn’t stop him from doing that. If he wasted his seed on his belly, she would come over to him when he was done and lick it up. If he didn’t finish by the time she was done fucking her orc, she would allow him to cum on her tits, but never her face. And she would still wipe up his leavings from her skin and consume it. He knew she was doing that to control him, but he didn’t care. 

The first time she made him eat her cunt after she had just been fucked by the orc, he wanted to resist, but found he couldn’t. He was under her thumb and he was glad for it. He went down on her, tasting her amrita mixed with the orc’s cum and he didn’t regret it at all.

Maybe that made him less of a man, but in the sorceress’s bedroom, what did it matter? No one else knew. Just her lovers. And he was willing to do anything for her.

He liked going down on her. Every day he could see the swelling of her belly with the life that was growing inside her. There was much debate over the father of the child, but Samuel knew it wasn’t him. He was interested in seeing the child after it was born, though that wouldn’t prove parentage conclusively. 

In the end he was certain it didn’t matter to the sorceress who the father was. She was the most powerful woman in the North, perhaps the world, and if she wanted to breed with monsters, that was her business.

It was strange that he was alone in the bedroom. Normally there was someone else there with him. He hated when it was one of the silent stone golems that protected the citadel and acted as her personal servants. They did what he asked, but they were unsettling to deal with, not the least of which was because they had killed all of his men back at the start of winter.

Had it been that long ago?

It didn’t matter. He liked it better when one of the orcress servants was there. He wasn’t exactly a prisoner but it wasn’t like he had been outside the bedroom in…how long exactly? The orcresses would keep him happy. They were ugly to be sure, but he had discovered that female orcs were incredibly talented at giving head. Samuel wasn’t sure if that was a racial trait or if the few humanoid servants that worked in the citadel were hand-picked because of their sexual prowess. It didn’t matter. He liked it when they sucked his cock. It was unsettling the first time to see his cock between their prominent tusks, but the danger heightened the thrill.

He just wished that the orcresses didn’t insist on being fucked with him on top, staring down at their faces. They were ugly. That didn’t stop him from fucking them, but they were ugly. Sure, there were plenty of ugly whores in the bordellos, but this was something different.

More than anything Samuel prevented himself from thinking about what might have happened to his seed with the orcresses. Half-breeds between humans and orcs were rare, but not unheard of. The last thing he needed was his father getting wind he had bred some orcress bitch.

He would have liked to fuck the pretty human. What was her name? Arie? Anie? Asie? It didn’t matter. She would only occasionally suck his cock and maybe give him a handjob. She had promised him a fuck if would suck the cock of a black orc. He had blanched at that offer and they had laughed at him.

Still, he considered it. But he was sated—mostly—by Sandraste’s cunt and those of the orcresses ordered to fuck him. 

Alone. He hadn’t been alone in a long time. He heaved his body from the bed and stumbled over to the window. Squinting against the bright light, he peered outside. 

Where had the snow gone? There were buds on the trees. That was wrong. He reached his hand through the window, penetrating the invisible barrier that magically kept out the weather but allowed light in. 

Instead of being bitterly cold, it was pleasantly warm. 

Samuel was standing naked in the bedchamber. He wasn’t shivering with cold because there was a small blaze in the fireplace, but nothing more than to remove a bit of chill.

How long had he been in the sorceress’s citadel? It had only been a week since the defeat of his small army. No, that wasn’t right. Maybe a month. He had been held prisoner and Sandraste was going to ransom him back to his father, but she wanted to fuck him silly first.

Reflecting for a minute, he realized that he had been fucked silly more times than he could count.

Knowing he had lost track of time, not just for a day but for weeks…months even. He was disturbed by this, but he found that he didn’t really care.

Looking down at his body he realized he had an erection. That wasn’t unusual. That was the way that Sandraste liked him. Hard and ready for her or anyone she brought into their shared bed. The upsetting part was that he was hard and he didn’t have a partner to use it on, to share it with.

He idly pulled on his cock, masturbating, wondering where his breakfast was. It was morning. He could tell that. He knew he had fucked Sandraste the night before. She had been on her hands and knees when they did it because her belly had grown so large.

It had been a good time last night. He was certain it was night time when he had fucked her. The windows were dark. Samuel didn’t remember the orc bodyguard—Durz! That was the creature’s name!—being there watching. That was different. Samuel had gotten used to being admired when he was fucking Sandraste and the orcresses.

His stomach rumbled, reminding him it was morning and he couldn’t remember the last time he had eaten something that wasn’t cunt.

Normally a maid would appear with platters of food for him and the others to eat. Maybe they had forgotten. Maybe they were elsewise occupied. It never occurred to him that they were bringing the food and drink to the others and not to him.

The prince looked around the bedchamber for some clothing. He couldn’t remember the last time he had worn anything other than a loose-fitting robe or gown. While the maids were good, often the sorceress’s bedchamber was a disaster of disorganization, mostly because the many people fucking there simply tossed aside clothing and other possessions so they could copulate with anyone and everyone. 

There was clothing everywhere. The maids hadn’t picked up since last night’s party. 

It took him a minute, but eventually he found a pair of trousers that didn’t immediately fall down when he put them on. The only shirt he located was a little too small and had a vibrant color pattern on it. He told himself that it showed off his muscles. He was fooling himself; half a year of fucking and little other activity had made him soft bordering on fat.

The door vexed him for a moment before he discovered that it was, indeed, not locked. He wasn’t a prisoner. With great confidence the prince walked out into the corridor. 

The stone floor was cold on his feet. Sandraste at least kept her bedchamber floors covered with warm rugs.

The corridors were strangely silent, empty, and cold. It was the first time Samuel had explored the citadel. He didn’t even remember being brought to the sorceress’s bedchamber when he was unconscious and a prisoner.

Was he still a prisoner?

Some common sense and his nose led him to the kitchens. Back home the kitchens had always been the heart of the palace. This place was no exception. He finally found some other living beings: a pair of orcresses busily cooking.

He paused in the doorway. It took them a moment to notice him.

The taller and uglier one—and one that Samuel was reasonably sure he had fucked at some point—stopped and glared at him. “Oh. Right. You haven’t been fed yet,” she said in her language, her words so thick Samuel could hardly understand her.

“Yes. Where is my breakfast?” he demanded.

The two exchanged a roll of eyes. 

The slightly prettier one—a hard assessment considering their general frightful appearance—pointed to a basket of bread and cheese that had already been picked over.

“You can eat that. We’re too busy to cook,” she said and then added, “for you.”

“For me?” He snapped at them but grabbed a chunk of cheese out of the basket and hungrily chewed on it. “I am a prince and the Sorceress Sandraste’s Consort. You should respect me as such!” It was hard to muster up as much dignity as he wanted at the moment because he was eating like a starved man.

There was a pregnant pause and then the orcresses glanced at each other. An instant later they dissolved into peals of guttural laughter. 

He glared ineffectually at them until the uglier one finally said, “You’re the mistress’s plaything. And prisoner. But you can leave anytime you want.”

His lips curled back in anger. He wanted to stab the two of them to death, but they were closer to the rack of knives and he was unarmed and unarmored. “Where is everyone else?” he demanded, trying to recover a shred of his dignity.

“The mistress is in labor,” said the not-so-ugly one. “Most are in her private chambers.”

Samuel was offended that he hadn’t been invited to the birth. He was offended that they thought of him as a prisoner. He was offended that they didn’t consider him a threat.

Mostly he was offended at how weak and powerless he felt. 

Grabbing the basket he went back to the bedchamber that was his gilded cage and gorged himself on the bread and cheese. He was delighted that he found a bit of dried, salted meat on the bottom of the basket and hated himself for that.

It was an hour later when he was bored and looking out of the window, still marveling and the magic that kept out the chill, though lovely weather, that the less-ugly orcress maid opened the door and walked in. 

Her face soured. “Right. You’re here. Forgot.” With those words she set to straightening up the room, picking up discarded clothing and various personal items, and cleaning. He watched her for a minute.

“How is Sandraste?” he finally asked.

“Still in labor,” she replied without looking at him. “You know how these things are. Takes a while.” 

“No. I didn’t know that.”

“Sometimes mothers die in childbirth, did you know that?” The orcress continued to work, not looking at Samuel.

“Of course I knew that.”

“Probably won’t happen to the mistress. Don’t know why she doesn’t just magic the little bugger out of her.”

“Maybe she can’t?” Samuel suggested.

“How would you know?” the orcress challenged him. She snapped a blanket that had been on the floor and neatly folded it. “Are you a wizard?”

“No, but it just stands to reason—”

“How’s that?” she cut him off. “What do you know about birthing babies?”

He glared at her and tried not to stare at the cleavage she was inadvertently showing off. The corset she wore did something incredible for her figure and it was distracting. He was glad the pants he was wearing hid his nascent erection.

“Nothing. But if such a thing were possible Sandraste would have done it already and spared herself the torment of labor. She’s a smart woman.”

The orcress frowned. The expression made her oddly adorable. Samuel pushed that thought aside.

“She is,” the orcress finally agreed. “You shouldn’t call the mistress by her name. You should respect her better than that.”

“I’ve had my cock in every hole she has. I can call her whatever I want.”

The orcress whirled around and glared at him. For just a moment she didn’t move, and then suddenly she had crossed the room and was inches away from Samuel. “You’ve had your cock in my cunt and mouth as well. Does that mean you can call me anything you want? You think you can disrespect me?”

Samuel was suddenly sober and up close the angry orcress was terrifying. He was reasonably sure he could handle himself in a fight of any sort, but he was unarmed and out of practice. Orcs were well known for the propensity to violence. 

“No. Not at all,” he said as calmly as he could. He wasn’t sure if he should step back or if that would provoke her further. Her eyes were blazing with anger.

“Do you even know my name?” she demanded of him.


“It’s Kura.”

“That’s a lovely name. And don’t take this the wrong way but I don’t remember having sex with you. Ever.”

Kura leaned forward, forcing him to step back. She bared her teeth, which was terrifying. “I’m not surprised. You’ve been drunk and potted the entire time you’ve been here. I’m surprised you remember your own name.”

“Samuel,” he said.

“Pleased to meet you, Samuel. I remember that you had a nice, hard cock.” She shot her hand forward and gripped his crotch. His cock was already hard. “You still do.”

He tried to back away, but found he didn’t want to. “That’s a mistake.”

Her heavy brow furrowed. “What’s a mistake?”

Despite the situation, he couldn’t help but think she was cute in a twisted sort of way. “Getting hard.”

“I like hard.” She pressed up against him. Her tits mashed against his chest. It was distracting and arousing.

“I can see…and feel…that.”

“Want to fuck?” she asked. It wasn’t exactly out of nowhere, but it was unexpected. 

Samuel didn’t know how to answer her. “What?”

“Do you want to fuck?” she repeated slowly and carefully. Her words were foreign to Samuel’s ears, but he understood her well enough.

“Why?” The whole thing was puzzling.

“No one is watching. I’m bored. Mistress will be in labor for hours. I don’t want to clean.” She shrugged. “There’s lots of reasons why, but if you’d prefer a cock to suck…”

“NO!” He was quick to cut her off.

“Then let’s fuck,” she said.

The gods were confounding. He was a prisoner. He had been fucking the pregnant sorceress for what seemed to be months, and now the gods were throwing a horny orcress at him. He didn’t understand anything anymore.

“Why do you want to do that?” He genuinely couldn’t understand why this was happening. 

“I’m horny and you’re stupid.” She shook her head at him. “It really is true what they say about humans. Too stupid to fuck.” She backed away.

Samuel, suddenly desperate, shouted out, “I didn’t say no!”

She laughed at him. “You didn’t say yes.”

He quickly shrugged out of his mismatched and ill-fitting clothing. “Yes. I’ll fuck you.”

Taking a look at his prominent cock, she smiled. “I had forgotten how impressive you were.” Kura started unlacing her corset. “Can’t wait to get that cock in my cunt again. Is it true that humans prefer to fuck like animals? I want to do that this time.”

“It’s weird that orcs fuck face to face.”

“You like looking at the back of your partner’s head?”

“Her ass, actually.”

Kura finished unlacing her corset and her tits sprang out. They weren’t huge, but they were easily among the largest Samuel had ever seen, and he had spent too much time and money in whorehouses.

“Good gods!” he blurted out.

“You like my tits?” she asked, hefting them up and shrugging off her dress.

They both looked down at his erection. It was throbbing but he wasn’t sure if she could see that. She could see, however, the slippery precum that was starting to ooze from the slit.


Now naked the orcress kicked away her dress, took a few steps back, and fell onto the bed. It was a bed for a queen, an empress, so she figured it was fine for a chambermaid to make use of it. Spreading open her legs she displayed her cunt. Oddly, the black hair on her head wasn’t mirrored on her body. As far as Samuel could tell she was completely hair free on her body, including her cunt.

“Are you hungry?” she asked him.

Samuel slowly nodded and fell to his knees at the edge of the bed. Her scent was strong and intoxicating. 

“Make me cum and then you can fuck me.”

He feasted on her cunt with a fervor and hunger that put to shame what he had done to the contents of the food basket. He slavered over her lips and clit. He stuck her tongue up her cunt as far as he could. He sucked on her clit and made her cry out in surprise and delight.

Between his saliva and her steadily flowing amrita, she was soon a swampy mess. He should have found her green skin and thick limbs a turn off. They weren’t. Her tits were capped with dark green nipples that should have been disgusting. They weren’t. Her tusks and heavy features told him she was a monster. She wasn’t. She was desirable, more desirable than the sluttiest courtesan, the most virginal lady, the horniest slattern. 

A minute of focus on her clit had her crying out loudly for her gods to come and rescue her from the delightful torture. Her thighs clamped around his head and he briefly passed out from lack of oxygen, but life was restored as her body shook from the orgasm.

Pushing him away she rolled over and presented him with her round ass. 

“Aren’t you worried about getting knocked up?” asked Samuel as he knelt behind her, cock in hand, ready to penetrate her cunt.

She laughed aloud. “From a human? Half-breeds are so rare. A fuck from a human is risk-free!”

“What about the sorceress?” he asked, unable to stop himself.

Kura looked over her shoulder at him. “I think she wanted to have a little half-breed.”

That was interesting news, but Samuel realized he was less interested in gossiping about his jailor and more interested in fucking the chambermaid.

He’d come this far so there was little incentive to stop now. He shoved his cock into her waiting cunt. Kura grunted as he filled her up.

“Fuck yes,” she breathed.

Her hot, slick walls grabbed his cock and he paused for an instant while gathering himself. She claimed to have fucked and sucked him before, but he couldn’t remember that. But he couldn’t remember much of the last few months. 

Had he really been out of it for that long?

“What are you fucking waiting for?” she demanded of him. “Fuck me!”

Grabbing her hips, he did exactly that. Thrusting back and forth he admired the way her fleshy ass rippled with each impact of his body against hers. The way her green skin was smooth and supple was different from any woman he had ever been with. Though she was much more rotund than human women, he could feel her muscles just beneath the surface of her skin. It wasn’t fat. 

Once they got into a rhythm, they slowly built up speed. Kura lifted a hand off the bed and put it between her legs, rubbing her clit to heighten her pleasure. Samuel liked the way her cunt quivered in response to her masturbation. Looking down at her full ass he couldn’t help to focus on his cock going in and out between her lips, but eventually he found himself staring at her puckered back entrance. 

He knew what he wanted.

She had told him he had fucked her cunt and mouth, hadn’t she?

“Want me to fuck your ass?” 

Kura groaned. “Make me cum. Fuck me harder.”

That wasn’t a no. Holding onto her hip with one hand, he continued to fuck her, but then slid his other hand across her broad ass until his thumb was pressing against her asshole.

When he made contact she immediately tensed up.

“What are you doing?” 

He could feel her cunt squeezing on his cock.

“You’ll like it,” he assured her as he pressed against the ring of muscle.

She resisted for a moment but she hadn’t expected this. The first part of his thumb disappeared inside her up to the first knuckle.


“Good, huh?” he asked her as he continued to rock his hips.

“Take your fucking finger out of my ass!”

“It’s my thumb.”

“I don’t fucking care! Take! It! OUT!”

Samuel didn’t comply right away. He could feel his cock inside her cunt with the tip of his thumb. He liked the extra stimulation because it was unexpected. Apparently the orcress wasn’t as sophisticated when it came to sex.

He slowly withdrew his thumb and watched as her anus winked shut after he pulled his hand away.

“You’re a fucking asshole,” she told him, but she didn’t tell him to stop fucking. She breathed heavily into the bedsheets. That told Samuel that she liked it; she just didn’t want to admit it.

“No, I was fucking your asshole. With my thumb. Do you want me to fuck your asshole?”


“That’s how the whores who don’t want a royal bastard do it. I’ve fucked so many whores in the ass that I’ve lost count.”

“That’s not nearly the triumph you think it is.”

“I might have a few bastards growing up in whorehouses,” Samuel mused as he got back to business fucking her.

Kura let out a laughing bark. “You truly are an asshole. I don’t know why the mistress kept you around for so long.”

“It’s because I’m a great fuck,” he told her, caressing her ass. Her green skin was so smooth and firm that it was a pleasure just to touch her.

“You aren’t nearly as good as you think. I’ve had better.”

“You’d think I was the greatest if you let me fuck your ass.”

“You’re delusional. Just fuck me and make me cum.”

“I can do that.”

He focused on thrusting again while she rubbed her clit.

Samuel fancied himself as quite the accomplished cocksman. They fucked for another minute and then the inevitable signs of orgasm started building in Kura. Once he realized that she was going to cum and nothing could stop it, he lifted his hand from her hip again and, with accomplished accuracy, launched a gob of spit that landed directly on her puckered anus. 

She felt the wetness but was moaning so loudly she couldn’t complain.

He shoved his thumb into her ass as quickly and deeply as he could.

Kura howled. It wasn’t with the pain of being so rudely penetrated, but with a crest of pleasure from being fucked and frigging her clit. The unusual stimulation of a thumb up her ass was unexpected and unwelcome, but she realized she didn’t hate it.

She came hard. She loved the waves of pleasure sweeping through her. She felt her asshole tighten up on Samuel’s thumb in a way that was unpleasant but caused a certain satisfying feeling to grow from there. It was wrong but good. She hated that she liked it.

“Take your thumb out of me!” she demanded as she struggled away from him when her orgasm had passed. 

“I haven’t cum yet,” he told her as he removed this thumb but firmly grabbed her hips so she couldn’t escape his cock.

They struggled for a minute. Samuel continuing to fuck her while she tried to get away, her limbs limp and weak from the powerful orgasm.

Eventually his cock slipped free and he ran it back and forth between her buttocks a couple of times before he came, shooting his seed on her ass and lower back.

He would have preferred to cum in her cunt. Or in her ass. Still, he enjoyed the display of his cum on her skin. 

“You’re a fucking asshole,” she told him again.

“You loved it.”

She climbed off the bed and found some piece of dirty clothing from the floor and wiped off her back and ass. “The mistress will know about this!”

“Me fucking you? Why would she care? She won’t. Besides, if she survives the labor, she’ll be too exhausted to do anything.”

Kura found her dress on the floor and pulled it on. “She’ll care. If nothing else, she’ll care about this.”

Moving faster than he thought she was capable of, Kura moved back to the bed and slammed down her fist on his still partially erect cock. He grunted in pain and rolled to his side, too late to protect himself.

“She’ll care,” said Kura casually as she pulled her corset into place over the dress and relacing it into place. “If nothing else, she’ll care about your swollen balls.”

“What…what the fuck…did you…did you do that for?” he wheezed, clutching himself.

She smirked at him. “You should know why. Have some fucking patience. If we had another throw tomorrow I might have let you put it in my ass.”

The chambermaid picked up the dirty clothes she had gathered and strode out of the room, leaving Samuel alone, moaning, and focused on not puking.