Chapter 20


The metal band went around his wrist. A short chain was already attached to it. Sandraste gave him a small smile. He mirrored her smile, but it was all faked. She slipped a matching metal ring down the third finger on his left hand. Light flared from her fingertip, welding the ring to the chain. More light flared from her finger, this time joining the ends of the wrist band together, effectively making it impossible to remove either the band or the ring without cutting the chain.

He wasn’t familiar with the metal but she had said it was impossible to break or cut without magic. She had added that it would be easier to cut off his finger and hand to remove the ring and band.

“And with this ring I make you my husband,” she announced. He hadn’t had a choice in the matter. Once Sandraste’s belly had started swelling he was doomed.

He gave her the most sincere smile he could muster. “You are now my wife to whom I happily submit as your husband.”

She went up on the toes of her boots and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. There was polite applause from those gathered in the citadel’s main hall. The stone golems stood silently as honor guards at the edges of the room. Except for Ariste and Orint every other person in attendance was an orc. There was a wide variety of tribes represented: green, red, black, blue, and yellow were easily spied. The room was crowded and the air seemed oppressive to Samuel, but he said nothing. This was his fate now. 

Turning to the crowd Sandraste smiled and said, “Let the celebration begin!”

Musicians started playing their instruments. Servants, again all orcs, appeared with food from the kitchen. More appeared with casks of ale and wine. The orcs didn’t need to be told twice to start enjoying what was provided for them. Sandraste settled into the chair that could only be described as a throne and indicated that Samuel should sit next to her on a rather plain chair. 

Food and drink were brought to them both and the feast began in earnest.

“I’m surprised that the orcs so willingly give you fealty,” he said quietly to her.

“Willingly? No. I am merely a means to an end for them. Any of these chieftains would slit my throat given half a chance. They’re more upset with you than me.”

Samuel stopped chewing whatever roast meat he had been given. “Upset with me? Why?”

“For making you my husband. All the chieftains would kill their daughters to marry their first born son to me.” She sipped delicately at her wine.

“You have an orc spawn already. Why did you make me marry you?” Samuel asked nervously.

She gave him a withering look. “It’s a marriage of convenience, my dear. I need a connection to the human lands to continue my conquest.”

“I’m a pawn.” He said it without emotion.

“Everyone except the queen is a pawn, my dear.” She deigned to give him a glance. “If I had my choice I’d marry Durz, but he would refuse.”

“He has a choice but I don’t?”

“His mate died in childbirth. He doesn’t want to have any emotional connections to anyone. Ever.”

“But he fucks you every night.”

That was an exaggeration, but Samuel had been kept on a short leash. He had witnessed the sorceress copulating with both the humans in the citadel along with a variety of orcs and orcresses, but Durz was her most frequent partner.

“Why not? He is the sire of my first born.”

“Disgusting,” Samuel said under his breath. He was grateful that Sandraste didn’t notice his erection in his pants.

The feasting and drinking and dancing went on for a bit until Sandraste grew bored. She set aside her plate and stood up to make an announcement. The musicians ended their song and all turned to her. 

“I’m glad you all chose to participate in my wedding celebration.” 

As if they had any choice, thought Samuel.

“But I want the real celebration to start now!” she shouted.

A cheer went up from the crowd and they started undressing. Clothes flew everywhere. This did not surprise Samuel in the least. He watched with disinterest as cocks, cunts, tits, and asses came into view.

He kept closest watch on Ariste, the one person in the citadel he had any interest in fucking besides Sandraste. She was on her back on a table, her head hanging over the edge. An orc was already plowing her cunt with his big green cock while a second orc, this one red, was having his organ sucked by her greedy mouth. Both were mauling her tits. She seemed thrilled to be in the center of the action.

Letting his eyes wander around he spied a pair of muscular orcresses. They were of the warrior elite; few orcresses were fighters. These two were eating each other’s cunts while a third orc looked on, jacking off his cock while he watched. Inflamed by their actions the orc was bold enough to stick a thick finger into the ass of the orcress on her knees, ass in the air. Either she didn’t care, or didn’t notice, or wanted it. There was no problem.

There were an unnatural number of orcress on the their backs on the floor or the tables, all getting fucked by the large orc cocks they all seemed to have. Samuel wasn’t offended by the orgy; he had participated in a number of them but always with humans…except for the occasional elf. But for females to be on their backs was wrong. They should be on their hands and knees, getting fucked from behind or riding their partner’s cock. 

Samuel realized this display wasn’t for him. Still, it would have been nice if he could have participated. It would have been nice to be on his back being ridden by an orcress while her partner was sitting on his face, smothering him with her cunt. That would be a dignified end to his shame and imprisonment. Choked to death by orcress cunt.

He was startled by a hand suddenly grabbing his cock through his pants. He hadn’t expected Sandraste to show any interest in him while she had an unlimited choice of orc cock and cunt to choose from. “Bored, husband dear?”

“Yes,” he replied sourly.

“Your cock says otherwise.” 

“I’d only want to fuck you or the pretty assassin.”

Glancing at Ariste, the sorceress smiled. “She’s occupied, it seems. And it breaks orc norms for a bride to fuck her husband on their wedding night.”

“Because they’re sick and twisted.”

“It’s a good thing we aren’t orcs then, isn’t it?”

She stood up and offered her hand to Samuel. Not having an option, he took it. 

No one noticed her rising and their exit from the room. He doubted any of the orcs cared.

She took him to her private chambers. Not the bedchamber where he had been imprisoned for the better part of a year, but the place she went to escape from everyone. 

He had never been in the room.

There was a bed, of course, a desk, a shelf of books, a window that overlooked the forest that pressed in around the citadel, and not much else. 

“Strip,” she told him.

“Are we going to fuck?” he asked while following her orders. “I thought you said brides didn’t fuck their husbands on their wedding night.” He finished undressing and showed off his hard cock to her. 

She smiled and opened up her robes. As many times as he had seen her do that, he still stopped and watched. The robes tonight were midnight blue and showed off both her steadily swelling belly and tits. Underneath Sandraste commonly wore stockings and knee high boots and nothing else. But this night she had somehow acquired human lingerie. The sort whores would wear in the fleshpots of the city. It was dark blue matching her robes. The pantalettes hid away her cunt and the corset forced her tits to create incredible cleavage. 

He paused in admiration of her body. Even the bulge of her belly was attractive. His cock was standing upright and throbbing. Unconsciously he stroked himself.

“Lay down on the bed, husband,” she said. 

He didn’t question her. This was more like it. She was going to suck his cock, maybe while sitting on his face, and then she was going to ride him, letting him cum in her cunt.

It was going to be a good night.

The moment he lay down, magical bonds suddenly burst into existence, grabbing his wrists and ankles, stretching out his body to the bed’s four corners. He laughed.

“This is the sort of thing men pay good silver for in the bordellos,” he told her.

Sandraste nodded and smiled. She snapped her fingers while circling the bed. “You’re going to get a special treat tonight, husband.”

“I deserve it.”

Sandraste didn’t answer. The door opened and a red orc came in. Samuel didn’t know his name and didn’t care to find out. The orc was naked and his cock was soft. Samuel’s brow furrowed in confusion.

“What’s going on?”

“I like to watch,” she said. “You know that. This is Praved. He’s going to suck your cock.”

Samuel started to protest, but realized it was pointless. He just nodded. It was easier to give in to the sorceress than to fight her. He had learned that long ago. 

Praved approached the bed and climbed on it. Samuel closed his eyes and willed himself to drift away to another place.

The orc’s warm mouth surrounded his cock. Despite everything he hadn’t gone soft. It was only the presence of the male orc that was off putting. Being forced by Sandraste to strip, being bound to the bed, being forced to have sex…all of these things he liked.

He just hadn’t had his cock sucked by a male before.

At least, he didn’t remember it happening.

The tusks had become a sort of fetish of his. Getting sucked off by the orcresses was fine. Praved’s tusks were bigger and thicker. That was different and interesting. 

Praved knew how to suck cock. He wasn’t being forced by Sandraste to do this. He wanted to do this.

Samuel moaned as the orc took all of his cock down his throat.

“Good, very good,” Sandraste cooed. She had perched on the bed’s frame. One foot on the floor and the other leg’s knee pressed against the frame. One hand was pressed against her cunt, masturbating, while she held a crystal ball in the other. 

“Fuck…” Samuel moaned as the red orc sucked his balls between the tusks while jerking off his cock.

“Don’t make him cum too soon,” Sandraste cautioned.

“Yes, my mistress,” the orc rumbled. 

What followed was exquisite torture for the next ten minutes. Samuel knew that orcs weren’t exactly accepting of those who preferred sex with their own gender. Samuel preferred women himself, but this orc was an artist when it came to sucking cock.

Sandraste suddenly appeared next to him, giving him a quick kiss and then offering her fingers to his mouth. He greedily sucked them, tasting her amrita. 

“I want to watch you fuck him,” the sorceress said to Samuel.

“He’s sucking my cock,” he moaned.

“I want you to shove that cock up his ass.”

Samuel wanted to say no, but he knew that he would give in to her.

She tucked her fingers back into her cunt and gave him a second offering. 

It was impossible for him to say no.

A minute later, released from the magical bonds, Samuel was on his knees, pressing the head of his cock against the red orc’s asshole. He found it interesting the orc was so willing to go along with this; Samuel figured the creature was just Sandraste’s thrall, willing or not.

But here he was about to fuck the creature and completely deprave himself. 

The hesitation was not missed by the sorceress who was right next to him, watching, with the crystal ball in her hand. 

“What are you waiting for?” she asked.

“I don’t know…” He didn’t finish the statement. He didn’t know why he was doing this. He didn’t know why she wanted it. He didn’t know why the orc was so willing. He didn’t know anything.

“Do it anyway. I want to see you fuck him. It will be beautiful.”

Samuel nodded. His cock was already slicked up with the orc’s saliva and whatever it was that Sandraste had smeared on his cock and Praved’s ass.

It turned out that fucking an orc’s ass wasn’t all that different from fucking a whore’s ass.

The moans were louder and deeper, but it was the same. Samuel grabbed the orc’s hips and started fucking the monster the way he liked. Sandraste was right next to him, watching, licking her lips, one hand on her cunt, the other still holding the crystal ball.

Samuel was never so proud of himself when he made Praved cum, shooting his seed onto the bed. The orc said something the prince didn’t understand. Samuel just kept fucking his ass while Sandraste whispered a few words to the suffering orc.

It was with great relief that Samuel shot his load into the orc’s ass and then collapsed in satisfaction on top of him.

Sandraste sighed her approval and stroked Samuel’s hair.