Black Metropolis


It is just impossible for me to describe it to you,” Madam Walker wrote Ransom of Lelia’s spectacularly renovated Harlem town house. The first-floor hair salon, tastefully decorated in muted grays with royal blue velvet and white marble accents, “beats anything I have seen anywhere even in the best hair parlors of the whites,” she gushed. “The decorators said that of all the work they had done here in that line there is nothing equal to it, not even on Fifth Avenue.” And that apparently included the posh midtown salons of Elizabeth Arden and Helena Rubinstein, the city’s premier skin care specialists who competed aggressively for New York’s elite white clientele.

Just after New Year’s Day 1916, and a few weeks before Madam Walker’s permanent move to New York, Lelia celebrated the remodeling of the Walker Hair Parlor and Lelia College with a festive open house. To the rousing tunes of James Reese Europe’s Tempo Club Ensemble—a favorite of East Coast high society from Saratoga to Newport—hundreds of guests glided along a deep-pile blue runner into Lelia’s elegant lobby, past porcelain manicure tables, pristine operators’ booths and sparkling display cases of Walker products, then through beaded curtains into her Japanese-themed tearoom. Even in the winter’s chill, the backyard gazebo lured visitors into the garden.

Like her mother, Lelia loved staging social extravaganzas and providing her guests with delicious food, appealing entertainment, inspired decorations and, above all, interesting people from the worlds of music, theater, art, politics and business. And like her mother, she had a knack for engineering the events to create publicity for her business.

On this particular occasion, the Indianapolis World stringer lauded the stylish hostess—a “most affable and courteous woman” whose personality “permeates the atmosphere”—and anointed her “the presiding genius” of this “exquisite beauty palace.” So often overshadowed by Madam Walker’s prodigious accomplishments, Lelia relished the recognition. Even her mother had credited her with the idea of establishing a Walker presence in Harlem. The salon—with its refined ambience—would be her most enduring contribution to the expanding Walker enterprise.

“Now, Mr. Ransom, in regards to this house, you will agree with Lelia when she said that it would be a monument for us both,” wrote the proud mother in late February 1916. And although they had initially planned to manufacture products in the basement, Madam Walker decided against marring the tranquil atmosphere. “Lelia and Mae are rejoicing over the fact that they will not have to make any more [hair] preparations,” she told Ransom. “And I agree with you that this house is too fine to have a factory connected with it.”

After having been irritated with Lelia for months over the excessive costs of the renovation, Madam Walker now had nothing but praise. “It was a surprise and I haven’t a word to say against it,” she said. Adept as Madam Walker could be at handling confrontation in her business affairs, she dreaded direct conflict with her daughter. Lelia, likewise, shrank from arguments with her mother. Still, they had their battles. Caught in the middle, Ransom frequently was required to serve as the go-between, buffering their impulsive tempers and diplomatically dispatching the criticisms and complaints that neither woman wanted to deliver to the other.

The clashes had begun only a few months into the first phase of the remodeling project at 108 West 136th Street as Lelia quickly ran through the $7,000 budget Madam had allotted. Fearing her mother’s exasperation, she asked Ransom to convey the news of the contractor’s cost overruns. “Am writing you to do a friendly turn for me. Am dodging behind you to keep the bullets from hitting me,” she wrote, enclosing the “final” bill of $15,000, a sum which, she admitted, did “not include wall coverings or any of the hundred and one things that are taken in building.”

Lelia anticipated Ransom’s reprimand, but the closeness in their ages—Ransom was only three years her senior—made him a less intimidating judge. “Now I know, Mr. Ransom, Mother has been wonderful to me. She has been so good until I know it seems a rank imposition, and, so it is, for me to say money to her again. That is why I am getting behind you,” she said both with diffidence and with a near-desperate hope that her mother would approve of her efforts. “You can trust me when I say the home is wonderful and if she was here she would back me in everything I am doing. There isn’t one penny being wasted.”

To soften the request, Lelia proposed a “loan from Mother in a businesslike way,” rather than an outright gift for the additional funds. “I am willing to give Mother the same interest her bank gives her, even double. I’ll pay it, my word of honor as a woman, Mr. Ransom,” she breathlessly bargained, pleading with him to intercede on her behalf. “Whatever you do, don’t let her get sore at me and ball me out, for I certainly am one nervous child.” So nervous, in fact, that she invoked the image of a recent high-seas rescue: “I realize I have certainly imposed some task on you, but you’ll have to be to me what the Carpathia was to the Titanic.”

To reassure Ransom, and ultimately her mother, she reminded him that she would more than make up for her costly renovations with expanded product sales, more Lelia College students and new customers. “My income now is $1,000 a month in poor seasons and in the summer time I know it will be $2,000 to $3,000 per month since I’ll be able to take care of the increase in my trade.” Like her mother, Lelia had nurtured a satisfied clientele, collecting testimonial letters that commended her work in New York and Pittsburgh. “Since you treated my hair, it has grown thicker and longer in 7 months than it has grown for 7 years,” a happy customer from nearby Ninety-ninth Street wrote. Every six weeks Lelia and Mae instructed a class of twenty Walker hair culturists—many of them from other states, who then returned to their homes and trained others.

By January 1916, Lelia’s monthly revenues indeed had reached the $2,000 mark. “The business has picked up wonderfully since she opened,” Madam Walker told Ransom, vindicating Lelia’s insistence on having an opulent setting for their New York operation. And although Lelia feared her mother’s disapproval, her anxiety was as much self-imposed as real since her requests were almost always granted. “Lelia wants $3,000,” Madam Walker had advised Ransom during the summer of 1915 as Lelia completed the purchase of 110, the building next door to 108 West 136th Street. “Am sending her a check today.” Two months later, Madam Walker again instructed Ransom to honor Lelia’s request for an additional $4,000. “Will you kindly go to the bank and see . . . if there is sufficient amount to cover the same? If not, you make arrangement so that they will honor my check.”

At Lelia’s direction, architect Vertner Tandy—a graduate of Tuskegee and Cornell and one of the first black licensed architects in New York State—combined 108 and 110 into a single stately building with a bowed red-brick-and-limestone Georgian façade. Scalloped pale gray chiffon curtains framed the stylized Venetian windows that spanned the street-level front wall. On the right, French doors opened onto the hair salon with its patterned metal ceiling and buffed parquet floor. To the left at 108, marble Doric columns guarded the entrance to the upstairs living quarters. On the third floor, Madam Walker’s bedroom—with its intricately carved fireplace and English wall tapestries—was furnished in heavy mahogany. Down the hall Lelia’s ivory Louis XVI suite was trimmed in gold, her dresser and mantel filled with framed photographs and statuettes, her floor scattered with hand-woven Persian rugs.

The women’s love of music was evident on every level of the four-story house. In the bedroom hallway they shared a Victrola. A player organ reached from floor to ceiling in the main hall. But it was in the drawing room where music took center stage, whether from recordings on the gold Victrola, from the talents of professional musicians on the new gold-leaf-trimmed Aeolian grand piano or from Mae’s hands as she practiced on the gold harp that had been retrieved from Frances Spencer.

As Madam Walker settled easily into her daughter’s luxurious home, few outward traces of her earlier life remained. Some observed that her mannerisms, her grasp of public affairs and her cultural interests all meshed comfortably with her newly acquired status. Frances Garside, the first white reporter to pen an extensive profile of Madam Walker, noted in the Literary Digest that as she entered the drawing room in an “expensive pink-flowered lavender dressing-gown on a week-day morning,” she carried herself “gracefully on high French heels . . . with a lack of self-consciousness few of us know when we get on our Sunday clothes.”

Almost from the moment Lelia moved to New York in 1913, she had longed for her mother to join her, and with each trip to the city, Madam Walker became more and more receptive. In October 1914 an intimate Sunday evening dinner party that Lelia hosted in her honor may have sealed Madam Walker’s decision to relocate. Amid decorations of orange and crimson autumn leaves and golden chrysanthemums, a few of Harlem’s most influential residents dined upstairs at 108 while extolling the community’s investment opportunities and rising real estate values. Among the guests seated beneath Lelia’s dazzling crystal chandelier were New York Age publisher Fred Moore, Realtor Philip A. Payton, Jr., and composer and conductor James Reese Europe, all men whose accomplishments Madam Walker admired.

With his 125-member Clef Club Orchestra, the classically trained Europe had caused a cultural sensation in May 1912 when he introduced African American music and musicians to a racially mixed Carnegie Hall audience. As bandleader and music director for Vernon and Irene Castle—the celebrated husband-and-wife dance team—Europe had provided the rhythmic tunes that helped them popularize the turkey trot and the foxtrot among white American audiences during the 1910s. A dark-skinned man with a “statuesquely powerful build,” Europe moved easily on the yachts and in the ballrooms of the Wanamakers, Goulds and Vanderbilts, who frequently booked his musicians for their private parties. With his recently formed Tempo Club Ensemble now headquartered in a row house at 119 West 136th Street, he and the Walkers had become neighbors.

Another guest, Philip Payton, was called “the Father of Colored Harlem” for his role in opening the area’s housing to African Americans a decade earlier. While working as a janitor in a white-owned realty firm, the college-educated Payton had witnessed the profits to be made from lucrative real estate deals. To cash in on a surge of property speculation, Payton founded a small firm in 1900 when fewer than 5,000 of Manhattan’s 36,000 black residents lived in Harlem. Four years later, under a new name—the Afro-American Realty Company—he began a concerted drive to rent apartments to blacks who were moving to Harlem from lower-Manhattan neighborhoods as well as from the American South and the Caribbean.

His biggest break surfaced, he often said, when a personal dispute between two white landlords on 134th Street caused the more creatively spiteful one to turn over an apartment house to Payton to “fill with colored tenants” in order that he might “get even.” As a result, scores of the remaining white tenants fled, forcing other landlords in the neighborhood to hire Payton to fill their emptying buildings. It was a story that Fred Moore, another of the dinner guests—and an early officer and investor in the Afro-American Realty Company—knew well. Despite Payton’s prescient coup, he had been forced to close his firm in 1908 after a series of legal and financial difficulties. Nevertheless, in 1914 he remained an astute investor and observer of the market.

Until the early 1870s Harlem had been a distant, rural village of mostly poor farmers on the northern end of Manhattan Island. The estates of its few wealthy residents were sparsely dispersed, isolated from the hustle and bustle of Wall Street and the gentility of the Astor, Carnegie and Vanderbilt mansions that later would stand like jeweled sentinels along Fifth Avenue. But by the end of that decade—when the launching of the city’s first elevated train cut commuting time from lower Manhattan to the “el” station at 129th Street to less than half an hour—Harlem became the city’s first suburb, a kind of “rural retreat of the aristocratic New Yorker.”

Optimistic contractors and architects—including the acclaimed Stanford White—built block upon block of opulent brownstones and luxury apartment buildings. By the 1890s Harlem Monthly Magazine proclaimed the district “distinctly devoted to the mansions of the wealthy [and] the homes of the well-to-do.” As the nineteenth century ended, subway construction sparked such feverish speculation that when the Interborough Rapid Transit line reached Lenox Avenue and 145th Street in 1904, risk-taking investors had transformed nearly all of Harlem’s former farmland into residences. With this second wave, Irish and Jewish families joined the upper-class British and German residents who had begun arriving two decades earlier.

When the overheated real estate market finally collapsed in 1904 and 1905, West Harlem was saturated with vacant apartments. A shrewd Philip Payton capitalized on the situation, allegedly charging blacks higher rents than whites had paid, but also offering those middle-class blacks who could afford to leave the slums and tenements of the Tenderloin and San Juan Hill districts the first truly decent housing many of them had known. And while greater Harlem would remain predominantly white for many more years, the trickle of black migration began to turn into a torrent during the coming decade.

In 1908, around the time Madam Walker arrived in Pittsburgh, Payton was forced to close the Afro-American Realty Company. Two of his employees, John E. Nail and Henry Parker, filled the breach, combining their youthful ambition with Nail’s considerable family connections. Nail’s late father, John B. “Jack” Nail, had been a political boss who had owned a hotel and two popular taverns in the 400 block of Sixth Avenue in the Tenderloin district at the turn of the twentieth century. His investments in Harlem property and other real estate had made him one of the wealthiest black men in New York.

In 1911 when blacks were scattered between 128th Street on the south and 145th Street on the north between Fifth and Seventh avenues, the younger Nail joined with Reverend Hutchens C. Bishop—pastor of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church’s prosperous, all-Negro congregation—to engineer black New York’s first million-dollar real estate transaction. The package—composed of land for a Vertner Tandy–designed church and rectory at 214 West 134th Street, as well as a row of ten apartment buildings along the north side of 135th Street between Lenox and Seventh that sold for $640,000—became the symbolic beachhead of an unstoppable black presence in Harlem.

The backlash from white Harlem residents—still very much in the majority—was swift. John G. Taylor, president of the Harlem Property Owners’ Protective Association, called upon his members to “fight the common enemy.” His solution for the new arrivals—regardless of their incomes or aspirations—was to “drive them out and send them to the slums where they belong.” Just before St. Philip’s 1911 purchase, a group of white homeowners on 136th Street had vowed to “neither sell nor rent to colored people.” Taylor insisted that “no matter what happens, the residents on the south side of 136th Street will stick absolutely . . . by erecting a 24-foot fence in the back yards of the houses.” Two years later, when Lelia persuaded Madam Walker to buy 108 West 136th Street in the block behind St. Philip’s buildings—and on that very same “south side of 136th Street”—no wall had been constructed and the owner was eager to sell. By October 1914, when Madam Walker dined with Payton, Europe and Moore, an estimated 50,000 blacks were living in Harlem.

Not long after their enjoyable meal, Madam Walker and the three men were joined by black Shakespearean actor Richard B. Harrison on an excursion to a nearby investment property. Convinced that “all she had to do was lay eyes on Bishop’s Court”—the Flushing, Long Island, home of William B. Derrick, a recently deceased, and much revered, AME bishop—the men arranged a tour of the estate with his widow, Clara Derrick. “Naturally enough the New York folk felt that after New York came the end of the world,” the Freeman jealously reported. Almost immediately Madam Walker made a deposit on the property.

Enchanted by the four-story, twenty-room house with its spiral staircase, frescoed ceilings, magnificent trees and customized Italian marble fireplace, Madam Walker admitted that she had been taken as much with its connection to the late bishop as with its actual market value, especially after she learned that the lovely mansion was surrounded by one of Flushing’s poorest neighborhoods. Ransom could not help agreeing with Madam Walker that because of the bishop’s status among African Americans, her association with his home—regardless of its location—would provide what she called “a big ad” for her and her business. But before Madam Walker could move into the house, Flushing’s local governing board destroyed whatever fiscal value it had left by rezoning the district surrounding the estate from a residential to a business area. “The house is worth nothing . . . and the property as it stands altogether is worth no more than $17,000,” S. A. Singerman, an attorney she had retained to handle her New York legal affairs, informed Ransom. “[It] is only good for the erection of cheap tenements.” By late May—after black newspapers across the country had made much of the purchase—Madam Walker was seeking a discreet and graceful exit from the deal.

“Apparently your client has been fearfully imposed upon,” Singerman continued, “and I would by all means suggest that an endeavor be made to obtain a return of the deposit.” But because Madam Walker had signed a contract, the best Singerman and Ransom could do was to negotiate a lower price.

Whether Philip Payton played any role in misrepresenting the facts to Madam Walker is unknown since his business records no longer exist. But Ransom, who had little trust in the motivations of some of Madam Walker’s New York acquaintances, could barely contain his annoyance. “As you know, Madam had gone into this before consulting me,” the perturbed attorney wrote Lelia. “And even had she consulted me she would not have taken my advice for her heart was and is set on this property and on moving to New York.” Fiercely opposed to the proposition, Ransom hoped to persuade his client to delay her move for at least eighteen months until she had settled her current debts and “piled up a snug sum for rainy days.” He also hoped to squelch entirely any plan to relocate the company headquarters to a city whose cost of living he considered astronomical. “I have advised Madam against moving her business to New York,” he told Lelia. “She says she won’t, but I take it that it will be only a question of time before she moves it to your city.

“There are those who say live while you are living,” he cautioned Lelia. “But I can imagine no greater disgrace than to be known as your mother is known, and in the end give your enemies a chance to rejoice in the fact that you died poor.”

Still, the disappointment over the Derrick house had not changed Madam Walker’s mind in the least about moving. “As regards my coming back to Indianapolis, Mr. Ransom, that is clear out of the question,” she declared. “Even if I don’t build in New York, I will never come back to Indianapolis.” And although she regretted leaving her friends, “among whom I class you, Nettie and Alice, the best, there is so much more joy living in New York where there are not so many narrow, mean people.” Incidents such as the Isis Theatre episode had spoiled the appeal of Indianapolis; in contrast, she and Lelia had been greeted warmly by Italian tenor Enrico Caruso after a performance at New York’s Metropolitan Opera.

Indianapolis had become too small, too confining, too conservative. And while she did not dispute the wisdom of maintaining her company headquarters in the Midwestern city, her unfolding political and cultural agenda required a larger canvas. New York simply had more of everything Madam Walker wanted: sophistication, wealth, culture and intellectual stimulation. That it also had more vice, corruption and poverty did not diminish its attraction. Unquestionably a city of extremes, precedents and immeasurable expansion, Manhattan held bragging rights to the world’s tallest buildings, from the sixty-story Gothic terra-cotta Woolworth tower at Broadway and Park to the fifty-story Metropolitan Life Insurance Building. By 1880 Manhattan had already become the first American city to exceed a million people. With its more than 25,000 factories, New York was the nation’s indisputable center of manufacturing in 1890. A decade later it could claim the home offices of two-thirds of the largest 100 U.S. corporations. By 1910 Manhattan’s population topped the two-million mark, nearly ten times that of Indianapolis’s 233,650. That same year, New York City was home to almost 92,000 blacks, more than four times the number of black Indianapolis residents.

Whereas the Hoosier capital city’s leaders prided themselves on the dearth of immigrants, New York had dedicated the Statue of Liberty as a symbol of ethnic inclusion in 1886. And although the metropolis did not welcome all nationalities with equal enthusiasm, it had become home to a kaleidoscope of foreign arrivals. The large influx in the 1880s of Italians and Eastern European and Russian Jews, as well as smaller numbers of Greeks, Poles and Balkans, had begun pushing earlier groups of Germans and Irish farther north up Manhattan’s avenues. And just as Southern and Eastern Europeans had flocked to the city—by 1910 there were at least a half million Italians and more than twice as many Jews—African Americans and black West Indians flowed into Harlem to form a cultural, political and intellectual mecca.

During the summer and on Sundays, the sidewalks of Lenox and Seventh avenues, at either end of 136th Street, were crowded with black Harlemites. Those attired “in loud-checked suits and flaming ties rub elbows with Negroes in most somber dress and mien. Much-beribboned women in cool, white dresses and carrying gay parasols make the avenues ring with their laughter and chatter, furnishing a contrast to almost as many who are soberly garbed,” wrote one observer. “The visitor may see there all manner of style and dress just as he does down-town among New Yorkers of lighter hues.”

While Harlem was not without its share of substandard housing, its west side was primarily a district of wide boulevards and grand homes that wealthy whites had begun to abandon in a frenzy. A National Urban League report concluded that “Negroes as a whole are . . . better housed [in Harlem] than in any other part of the country.” The black populations in several large cities were exploding simultaneously, but it was “the character of Negro protest and thought” that rendered Harlem different from Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, D.C. By 1916 Harlem was evolving into “the biggest and most elegant black community in the Western world . . . within the most urbane of American cities,” wrote historian Nathan Irvin Huggins. As black leadership jockeyed to fill the void left by Booker T. Washington’s death in late 1915, New York had become a magnet for many of the more militant thinkers, including some who had openly challenged the Tuskegee leader’s gradualist politics and who had found his efforts at securing civil rights and suffrage for Southern African Americans inadequate. Among the most outspoken of these “New Negro” intellectuals was W.E.B. Du Bois, who, in 1910, had become the Director of Publicity and Research for the recently founded National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, with personal hopes of charting “a new course for racial assertiveness.” By 1916, as Madam Walker herself was developing more assertive views on race, she was becoming eager to assume her place alongside Harlem’s famous, influential and intriguing residents, including Reverend Adam Clayton Powell, Sr., of the Abyssinian Baptist Church; Bert Williams, one of the era’s most successful comedians; New York Colored Republican Club founder Charles W. Anderson; and James Weldon Johnson, former U.S. consul to Venezuela and Nicaragua.

Madam Walker’s move to New York coincided with the huge influx of African Americans who were being pushed from the South by the floods of 1915 and the boll weevil infestations of 1915 and 1916, as well as the ongoing racial violence and untenable living circumstances. One Mississippi man told a commission investigating Southern working conditions that both men and women were forced to labor in the fields during harvest season. “After the summer crops were all in, any of the white people could send for a Negro woman to come and do the family washing at 75 cents to $1.00 a day,” he contended. “If she sent word she could not come she had to send an excuse why . . . They were never allowed to stay at home as long as they were able to go.” Consequently, women were as likely as men to leave, as many said, “to better their conditions.” When they arrived Madam Walker was poised to offer just the opportunity they desired.

African Americans also were pulled to Northern cities by the factory jobs left open when the flood of European immigrants was stymied by the start of World War I in 1914. The steady deluge that had resulted in 25 million European arrivals between 1870 and 1915 dwindled to a trickle of just over 100,000 by 1918. Ready to fill the gap were an estimated half million African Americans who arrived from the South between 1916 and 1918 just as the nation’s industries were escalating their wartime production. The chance to make as much as $8 a day in a factory in the North was a seductive incentive for farmhands who had been paid as little as 40 cents a day in the South.

Harlem attracted large numbers of black Southerners, especially new arrivals from towns and farms of the eastern seaboard states of Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia and Florida. Churches, black newspapers, the YMCA, the YWCA and groups like the National League on Urban Conditions Among Negroes counseled the recent arrivals on the ways of the city and the expectations of “white employers [who] would judge their workers on the basis of general behavior, good manners, good conduct, and attention to dress and cleanliness, as well as efficient service.” Urban League “block visitors” also advised the migrants—many of whom were barely literate and had come from areas where no black public schools existed—that “children should be scrubbed, their hair combed, and . . . kept in school as long as you are able.”

Madam Walker tapped into the changing attitudes of women who longed to adopt a more urban, more sophisticated look, while also advocating personal grooming and the employment opportunities and financial independence offered by a Lelia College diploma. Most black women who arrived in the cities of the North went to work as maids, cooks and laundresses. The few who found jobs as unskilled laborers in munitions factories, meatpacking plants, rail yards and other industrial operations were placed in the “most dangerous departments” and given “the least desirable jobs at the worst pay.” For women seeking something other than domestic work and the grime of factories, Madam Walker offered an alternative. Those who learned “Walker’s Scientific Scalp Treatment,” her ads promised, could earn “from $15.00 to $40.00 per week” in their own homes or salons. The focus of customer testimonials in Walker Company brochures continued to shift from “hair growing” to business development. “You have opened up a trade for hundreds of our colored women to make an honest and profitable living . . . where they can make as much in one week as a month’s salary would bring from any other position a colored woman can secure,” wrote Maggie Wilson, Madam Walker’s top Pittsburgh agent. In a message designed to appeal to women tired of low-paying jobs, a Mrs. William James declared that with the Walker System she had made as much as $33 in one week. “It is a Godsend to unfortunate women who are walking in the rank and file that I had walked. It has helped us financially since 1910. We have been able to purchase a home and overmeet our obligations.”

Their success had also become Madam Walker’s success, pushing her annual sales above $100,000, the equivalent of more than $1.5 million in today’s dollars. Ransom’s midyear 1916 report only increased her excitement: “You don’t know how it does my heart good to see the business come up. I am hoping for the million dollar mark in the six years you promised me.” Within a decade of selling her first tin of Madam Walker’s Wonderful Hair Grower, she confidently informed a reporter that she was “contemplating enlarging her present business into a million dollar corporation.”

Harlem’s black community welcomed Madam Walker with flattering headlines and offered a receptive and stimulating setting for her increasing involvement in national political issues. Within weeks of her February 1916 arrival, the Colored American Review—a magazine she would soon own—featured her on its cover surrounded by a collage of her homes, salon, factory and automobiles. Praising her ability to overcome “handicaps, restrictions and traditions that confront women, especially colored women,” it elevated her to “a sphere unique when we consider the businesswoman of to-day.” A New York News editorial—“Welcome to Madame Walker”—hailed her as a woman who “has risen to command the respect of tens of thousands of both races” and “an inspiring example to every colored girl and woman.” In March the New York Age trumpeted her move to the city with an effusively complimentary article, drawing attention to her six-figure income and the 10,000 sales agents who sold her products on commission. Recounting the now familiar story of her early struggles, the widely read newspaper provided a ready platform for her self-help philosophy. “I first want to say that I did not succeed by traversing a path strewn with roses. I made great sacrifices, met with rebuff after rebuff, and had to fight hard to put my ideas into effect,” Madam Walker proclaimed. “Having a good article for the market is one thing, and putting it properly before the public is another.” Equally important to her was her ability to assist other women. “In Greater New York alone, two hundred agents are engaged in promoting ‘The Walker System.’ I feel that I have done something for the race by making it possible for so many colored women and girls to make money without working hard,” she told the Age reporter, comparing the daily routines of self-employed Walker agents with the back-wrenching tasks required of field and household workers. Not long afterward, another publication—referring to her speeches on social issues and women’s business pursuits—pronounced her “as famous for her lectures as she is for the wonderful preparations which she manufactures and which sell all over the country.”

With such an introduction to the community—and with her already well-established reputation as a philanthropist—it is no wonder that the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People approached her for a contribution to the organization’s first major antilynching campaign, part of its game plan to force mob violence onto the agenda of a Congress and a President reluctant to acknowledge its horrors. During February 1916, as Madam Walker was settling into her new home, Philip G. Peabody, a wealthy Boston attorney, and son of Judge Charles A. Peabody—pledged $1,000 to the seven-year-old group with the stipulation that it raise an additional $9,000 for the special fund. Peabody’s conditional gift was also dependent upon his approval of the association’s proposal for “an effective program to stamp out lynching.” To Madam Walker’s pleasure, her $100 contribution was acknowledged personally by New York Evening Post publisher Oswald Garrison Villard, the first NAACP board chairman and grandson of abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison.

It was Villard—spurred by a small group of white activists outraged over both the deadly August 1908 Springfield, Illinois, riot and the general deterioration in race relations—who had used his newspaper to print the February 12, 1909, “call” for the conference that led to the founding of the NAACP. Issued on the centennial of President Abraham Lincoln’s birth, the document urged “all the believers in democracy to join in a national conference for the discussion of present evils, the voicing of protests, and the renewal of the struggle for civil and political liberty.” More than fifty prominent men and women of both races signed on. Among them were W.E.B. Du Bois (a founder of the all-black Niagara Movement, whose goals paralleled those advocated in the call), journalist Lincoln Steffens, AME Zion bishop Alexander Walters and the iconoclastic William Monroe Trotter. One-third of the signatories were women, including white social reformers Jane Addams, the founder of Chicago’s Hull-House, and Mary White Ovington, whose persistence had supplied the impetus for the conference’s first planning meeting. Antilynching activist Ida B. Wells-Barnett and NACW founding president Mary Church Terrell were the only black women whose names appeared. All determined to combat lynching, disfranchisement and Jim Crow laws through litigation and political lobbying, the whites—many of whom were Socialists, liberal Jews and social workers—and the blacks—many of whom had backed the initiatives of the four-year-old Niagara Movement—joined forces in an unprecedented biracial coalition.

The previous summer’s riot—in the hometown of Lincoln, the Great Emancipator—had “signaled that the race problem was no longer regional—a raw and bloody drama played out behind a magnolia curtain—but national,” as characterized by Du Bois biographer David Levering Lewis. After a young black Springfield man was accused of raping a white woman, a large, unruly mob swarmed through the central Illinois town’s black neighborhood with clubs and guns, some shouting, “Lincoln freed you, we’ll show you where you belong.” By the time the National Guard took control, two thousand blacks had been forced from their homes, scores were injured and at least eight people had been killed.

In the eight years since, there had been much to impel Madam Walker’s donation to the NAACP’s antilynching campaign. In 1915 alone the United States had recorded sixty-nine racially motivated killings. The April 1916 issue of The Crisis had “depicted in full-page ghoulishness . . . the group lynching of six black men in Lee County, Georgia.” During the previous decade between 1906 and 1915, some 497 African Americans—almost one per week—had been drowned, dismembered, hanged, branded, shot or burned by white marauders. Whether the victims were surreptitiously strung from tree limbs in backwoods or defiantly displayed on main roads, the gruesome images of dangling, mutilated bodies haunted and angered black Americans and sympathetic whites. Having spent the first twenty years of her life in Louisiana and Mississippi—two of the South’s deadliest lynching states—Madam Walker knew intimately the fear that gripped communities in the vise of what amounted to “state-sanctioned terrorism.” Now as she revisited the region on sales trips, she knew from childhood conditioning that she could not relax her guard.

The decisive motivation for Madam Walker’s check, however, may well have been a shocking July 1916 Crisis supplement—“The Waco Horror”—that detailed the unusually barbaric torture of Jesse Washington. The savage mid-May murder had galvanized African Americans across the country, providing “the opening wedge” for the association’s antilynching fund campaign. Washington—a mentally retarded teenager and farmhand in Robinson, Texas—had confessed to brutally killing his employer’s wife with a hammer after she “scolded him for beating the mules.” He was so psychologically unbalanced that after the murder he finished his work in a nearby cotton field, then went home to the cabin he shared with his parents and siblings. After his arrest later that day, he was taken to the county jail in Waco, then transferred to Dallas for safekeeping. By Sunday he was back in Waco. The next morning, May 15, as the judge cracked his gavel, several hundred spectators crammed the courtroom while more than two thousand men, women and children congregated outside. Before noon, the jury—which included a convicted murderer—delivered the expected guilty verdict. Within seconds the crowd surged forward, pulling Washington from the courthouse to the street, where he was hitched to a car and dragged until the connecting chain snapped free. As the rabid crowd shredded his clothes, he was stabbed, castrated and clubbed until “his body was a solid color of red.” In the meantime, a fire had been set at City Hall at the base of a tree beneath the mayor’s office window. Chained to a sturdy limb, the naked Washington was “jerked into the air . . . as rapidly as possible” while “a shout from thousands of throats went up on the morning air,” according to Elizabeth Freeman, a white investigator whose account supplied the material for Du Bois’s eight-page extra edition. While Washington was lowered repeatedly into the fire, the mayor, the police chief and a horde that had swelled to an estimated 10,000 Texans craned to watch. Later Washington’s decapitated corpse was strapped to a horse and paraded through downtown while his “limbs dropped off and . . . some little boys pulled out the teeth and sold them to some men for five dollars apiece.” Nauseating photographs of Washington’s “ghastly burnt cork husk” graphically exposed the depravity of the monstrous deed.

Intended to raise both money and consciousness, the Crisis supplement was mailed to 42,000 subscribers, as well as to all members of Congress, several hundred white newspapers, fifty Negro weeklies and 500 wealthy New Yorkers. From his Evening Post office, Villard made a personal appeal to thirty influential editors. Du Bois—influenced by a long tradition of protest journalism from Samuel Cornish and John B. Russwurm’s Freedom’s Journal to William Lloyd Garrison’s Liberator and Frederick Douglass’s North Star—knew an opportune moment when he saw one. But this was by no means his initial attempt to goad the public on the issue. Few editions of The Crisis had been without articles or items on the country’s sorry response to vigilante law, from the magazine’s inaugural issue—where Du Bois had written ironically of two murdered Italian-Americans having “the inalienable right of every free American citizen to be lynched”—to a routinely featured tabulation entitled “Colored Men Lynched without Trial.” Accompanied by the verse “If blood be the price of liberty, Lord God, we have paid in full,” the column tallied 2,732 lynchings—“the standard American industry”—from 1885 through 1914. Because Madam Walker received the magazine, she could well have seen items about eighteen-year-old Iver Peterson of Eufaula, Alabama, who was killed after having been charged with grabbing a white woman, or Will Porter of McLean County, Kentucky, who was seized on the stage of a local opera house, or the Honea Path, South Carolina, man whose lynching posse included a member of the state legislature.

In July—either just before or just after she had sent her donation to the NAACP—Madam Walker received an invitation to an extraordinary conference at Troutbeck, the Amenia, New York, estate of Joel Spingarn, the NAACP board chairman who had replaced Villard in late 1914. “I need not tell you how much we desire your cooperation in the work of the conference, which can hardly attain its real purpose without your presence,” read Spingarn’s letter of invitation. But previously scheduled travel plans forced Madam Walker to miss the gathering. “Much to my regret, I shall be in Kansas City on that date,” she replied on August 13. “However, please accept my assurance that you have and shall have my most hearty cooperation in the spirit and purpose of the conference.”

That Madam Walker was among the 200 invited guests signaled her inclusion in a select inner circle chosen to discuss nothing less than the “fundamental rights of the Negro” at the very moment that America’s black leadership was realigning itself for a post–Booker T. Washington future. While the setting for the three-day conference was at Spingarn’s Dutchess County, New York, estate, it was Du Bois who had engineered the concept and the agenda. He had also vetted the guest list, judiciously choosing men and women, black and white, from across the spectrum of “business, law, medicine, education, politics, scholarship, art” and other fields. “At last the time has come for a frank and free discussion on the part of the leaders of every school of thought, in an endeavor to ascertain the most advanced position that all can agree upon and hold as vantage ground from which to work for new conquests by colored Americans,” Du Bois declared in the conference program.

With Washington dead less than a year, the Crisis editor wisely and strategically seized the moment to deescalate the suicidal sniping between the two camps, and very possibly to position his organization as first among equals. In a conciliatory gesture earlier that summer, he had prevailed in postponing the NAACP’s annual meeting after learning that the date conflicted with a memorial service honoring Washington. As Du Bois assembled the participants for Troutbeck, he reached out to Washington disciples Robert Russa Moton, Emmett Scott and Fred Moore. On the final list was a mix of other conservative Bookerites, activist NAACP supporters and some who were, more or less, neutral, including St. Philip’s Church’s Hutchens Bishop, Morehouse College president John Hope, former diplomat James Weldon Johnson, Howard University scientist Ernest Just and former Assistant U.S. Attorney William H. Lewis. Among the eleven women who shared two tents on the shore of Spingarn’s three-acre pond were Mary Church Terrell, Mary Burnett Talbert, YMCA organizer Addie Hunton and educators Lucy Laney and Nannie Helen Burroughs—women all known to Madam Walker from NACW conventions. Day visitors included Oswald Garrison Villard, New York congressman William S. Bennett, New York governor Charles A. Whitman, Realtor John E. Nail and architect Vertner Tandy. Helen Keller, Lincoln Steffens and Julius Rosenwald were among those invited guests who could not attend. Had Madam Walker been able to adjust her travel plans, she would have benefited as much from the formal addresses as from the camaraderie. In between serious discussions of “the thing which all of us call ‘The Problem,’” Du Bois later wrote of the focus on overcoming Jim Crow laws and attitudes, the conferees “swam and rowed and hiked and lingered in the forests and sat upon the hillsides and picked flowers and sang.”

“One can hardly realize today how difficult and intricate a matter it was to arrange such a conference, to say who should come and who should not, to gloss over hurts and enmities,” Du Bois remembered. “The wall between the Washington camp and those who had opposed his policies was still there.” James Weldon Johnson—at the time editor of the Booker T. Washington–allied New York Age and later secretary of the NAACP—viewed the gathering as pivotal. “The Amenia Conference came at an hour of exigency and opportunity . . . The great war in Europe, its recoil on America, the ferment in the United States, all conspired to break up the stereotyped conception of the Negro’s place that had been increasing in fixity for forty years.”

After the conference, Madam Walker was able to read about the group’s seven resolutions, including one specifically addressing the partisanship that had long divided many of the conferees: “Antiquated subjects of controversy, ancient suspicions and factional alignments must be eliminated and forgotten if this organization of the race and this practical working understanding of its leaders are to be achieved.” An optimistic Du Bois, buoyed by the confirmation that their differences were more “a matter of emphasis” than of objective, pronounced “the Negro race . . . more united and more ready to meet the problems of the world” as a result of the rustic assembly. “We all believed in thrift, we all wanted the Negro to vote, we all wanted the laws enforced, we all wanted assertion of our essential manhood; but how to get those things,—there of course was infinite divergence of opinion.”

That the two factions had come together at all was considered a milestone, but “the legacy from Troutbeck was far less one of genuine understanding and real unity than of cosmetic harmony and pragmatic tolerance among the various factions,” wrote David Levering Lewis. “It marked a definite shift in the balance of power within black America, a reflection of the increasingly industrial, northern, and national character of the American Dilemma. It affirmed the NAACP’s primacy,” and did little “in the way of converting veteran Bookerites to the activist goals of the NAACP.” The fault lines were too fractured, the fissures too personal to expect more, and Du Bois’s allies correctly calculated that the future belonged to them. At any rate, with Democrat Wilson’s ascendancy to the White House, Booker T. Washington’s political clout had begun to wane even before his death. And changing circumstances, as blacks began a decade-long Northern migration, had rendered many of his strategies out-of-date. Increasingly his approach to education began to seem “anachronistic,” wrote historian Nathan Irvin Huggins, because “he encouraged training in obsolete crafts, based the Negro’s economic future on a sick and dying southern agriculture [and] ignored the future urban role of Afro-Americans.” While Washington’s philosophy was rooted in a nineteenth-century agrarian reality, the NAACP, with its Northern roots, had begun to secure its position at the forefront of protest politics and was eager to challenge rather than accommodate and acquiesce.

Du Bois had become familiar with Madam Walker at least as early as the fall of 1911, when the national coverage of the Indianapolis YMCA fund drive had prompted him to include a small item in that December’s Crisis. The next month Madam Walker’s first Crisis advertisement—a half-page spread—appeared in the fifteenth issue of the ten-cent publication, which, in just one year, could boast a national circulation of 16,000. (In fact, its rapid growth so concerned Booker T. Washington that he urged Fred Moore to try to increase the Age’s circulation to 25,000 readers to keep rival Du Bois from gaining any political edge.) In the June 1914 Crisis, Madam Walker’s proposal to “found an industrial school in West Pondoland, South Africa” drew a mention, though the project apparently never materialized. Later that year, she was featured in a quarter-page photograph in an article highlighting “large colored donors” to YMCA building funds.

There appears to be no existing correspondence between Du Bois, the Harvard intellectual, and Madam Walker, the self-educated businesswoman, until after 1916. Even then the trove is sparse. Without such letters, it is impossible to pinpoint the time, location or circumstances of their first meeting. But the occasion may have been during the summer of 1914 when both were featured speakers at the NACW’s biennial gathering at Wilberforce College. Absent any documents, there also is no way to decipher how Du Bois initially viewed Madam Walker on the Bookerite/NAACP loyalty continuum. In 1916, of course, Madam Walker’s contribution to the organization’s antilynching drive surely gained his favor. But that same year Madam Walker also had committed her army of sales agents to a major fundraising role for the Washington memorial planned for Tuskegee’s campus. “[I] don’t want my agents to fall behind any body of women in this rally,” she had advised Ransom that April, directing him to prepare a letter of appeal. “It will show to the world that the Walker agents are doing something else other than making money for themselves.”

Madam Walker maintained cordial relations with both the conservative and militant circles, declining to pledge exclusive allegiance to either. By refusing to do so, she adopted a stance quite similar to that of many other politically informed black women of the time whose personal alliances through marriage and friendship frequently crisscrossed the ideological spectrum. As early as 1907 the NACW—itself already more than a decade old—had voiced support for the Niagara Movement, the black forerunner of the NAACP. But the fact that Margaret Murray Washington, the NACW president from 1912 to 1916, also happened to be Booker T. Washington’s wife complicated the organization’s internal politics. By 1910, four NACW members—including one past and two future presidents—had become part of the NAACP’s leadership: Mary Church Terrell and Ida B. Wells-Barnett on its executive committee, and Mary Burnett Talbert and Elizabeth Carter on its general committee. In fact, Wells-Barnett and Frances Blascoer, the NAACP’s first executive secretary, made a presentation at the NACW’s Louisville convention in 1910, though the brilliant Wells-Barnett had been excluded from some early NACW activities because of her uncompromising, often argumentative personality. Members of both groups cooperated at the Hampton biennial in 1912 in their efforts to commute the sentence of Virginia Christian, the teenaged laundress who had killed her employer. By 1914 the NACW’s Department for the Suppression of Lynchings had joined forces with the NAACP and others to make lynching “an American embarrassment,” then allocated $100 for the NAACP’s antilynching fund during the 1916 biennial in Baltimore. During the same session the women also voted to raise $1,000 for the Booker T. Washington memorial. While the men may have been inclined to draw staunch lines of demarcation, the women’s barriers seemed more permeable and flexible, though no less principled.

Madam Walker greatly admired Mary Burnett Talbert, the NACW’s sixth president and an early NAACP member in whose Buffalo, New York, home some of the radical Niagara Movement members had met during the time of their 1905 organizational meeting in Canada. As a leader of both groups, Talbert simultaneously organized activities and recruited members for the NACW and the NAACP as she traveled around the country on their behalf.

Madam Walker also deepened a personal friendship with Elizabeth Carter, another NACW president, when she visited Carter’s New Bedford, Massachusetts, home during the fall of 1914. Both a teacher and the founding president of the racially integrated New Bedford Home for Aged People, Carter had displayed a militant streak during the summer of 1914. Responding to the widespread belief that President Wilson’s wife, Ellen, had been a catalyst for racial segregation in federal facilities, Carter had objected to sending a letter of condolence from the NACW to the President when Mrs. Wilson coincidentally died during the organization’s 1914 convention.

After Booker T. Washington’s death, even the National Negro Business League showed signs of change. At the August 1916 convention, Madam Walker was just as comfortable paying tribute to Washington as she was hearing NAACP investigator Elizabeth Freeman’s address on lynchings. As Madam Walker presented her stereopticon slides—now at the enthusiastic invitation of Emmett Scott—she fervently announced, “I never shall forget or cease to be grateful for the inspiration I received from the life and teaching of that grand hero of our Race, whose every thought and word and deed was for the uplift of the Negro—our own DR. BOOKER T. WASHINGTON!” Freeman’s presence at the meeting showed that at least some of the barriers—by necessity and pragmatic expediency—were gradually coming down. “I am here in the interest of the NAACP to start a crusade against the modern barbarism of lynching human beings,” said Freeman. “Your honored and lamented leader, Dr. Booker T. Washington, did much to awaken public sentiment against this new form of anarchy, termed ‘lynching,’” she said, though some had argued that he had not protested forcefully enough. “But there yet remains much for us to do if we would curb this heinous disrespect of law and order and put an end to the dangerous practice of lynching human beings.”

Like many other African Americans who straddled nineteenth- and twentieth-century America, Madam Walker was evolving with the times, adopting a more militant and politically assertive posture. During the Wilson administration, as domestic civil rights battles intensified and the international drama of war inched closer to the United States, Madam Walker would soon find herself among those in the forefront of the protest, lashing out against injustice and denouncing the mind-set that tolerated lynching. Her money and celebrity, as well as her ability to use both as tools for political activism, provided Madam Walker with an advantage that few other African American women—regardless of educational background or social status—could claim.