
I am incredibly grateful to all the people whose input and encouragement have helped shape Countless. In particular, a huge thank you to:

My agent, Claire Wilson, who has believed in my writing from the beginning. Thank you for your patience, calmness and always knowing exactly the right thing to say. This book would not have been written without you. Thank you, too, to Rosie Price and everyone at RCW for all your hard work.

Rebecca McNally for giving Hedda a home. Hannah Sandford, my fantastic editor, for bringing such care and insight to Hedda’s story. You have made the editing process brilliant – thank you. Helen Vick for steering Countless through the final stages, Madeleine Stevens whose suggestions for amendments have been invaluable, and to all the team at Bloomsbury. I feel so lucky to be working with you.

My thanks and love to my family and friends, especially Mum for all those library trips and hours of babysitting, and Emily for reading multiple drafts and cheering me on with grace at every stage. You will always be the first person I call. Thank you to Tom, Suki and the girls for your enthusiastic support.

The Coven, for your support and welcome, especially Lexi for fielding the panicky emails and for all that rhubarb!

I promised a shout-out to the PMO crew for putting up with all the book talk – sorry and thanks. Thank you, Vic, for talking me through maternity procedures for vulnerable young adults. Any remaining mistakes are my own.

Countless is fiction and Hedda is not me, however as I’m writing this, it’s almost exactly twenty years since I began my own ‘unit’ journey. To the brave, wonderful people I knew during that time, I still think of you and hope we all made it. And for anyone who is currently there, please know you’re not forgotten and that things can get better.

Finally, to Naomi and William, who picked a mother like me. Thank you for sharing me with the laptop and making me smile every day.