
Rest in the Wilderness

We have walked through some heavy topics in this book. I wanted to offer space to reflect on what we’ve learned, a reminder that you are not alone in the wilderness. Grab a journal and a pen, or phone a friend, and honestly explore each of these questions. Let’s learn and grow together.

Chapter 2: The Uninvited Guest

       1.  In what areas of your life are you struggling with fear?

       2.  If you are walking through a wilderness season, what does it feel like?

       3.  How have you met with God in the wilderness?

Chapter 3: How Did We End Up Here?

       1.  How can you trust God in your wilderness?

       2.  Are you getting the support you need in your wilderness season? If not, in what ways can you reach out for help? Is there a community nearby you can plug into?

       3.  Is there someone you know who is walking through a painful season, someone who you could personally reach out to and encourage? What would you say to that person?

Chapter 4: To the Back of the Cave

       1.  When did you last spend time alone? Was it in solitude or isolation?

       2.  If you are feeling isolated, what can you do to break free?

       3.  How can you carve out time for solitude?

Chapter 5: Stranger Things

       1.  Have you experienced spiritual warfare? What did it feel like?

       2.  Who are three people you could call to pray for you when you are feeling oppressed by the Enemy?

Chapter 6: Hot Mess

       1.  How has this chapter changed the way you view suicide?

       2.  How can you support and love those around you who are suffering from the crippling effects of mental illness?

Chapter 7: Goodbye to Everything

       1.  How have you invited God into your pain?

       2.  In what ways can you see that God still has good plans for you—even in your mess?

       3.  What is God trying to do in you while you are in your mess?

Chapter 8: One Plot or Two

       1.  How has walking through grief or pain changed your relationship with God?

       2.  In what ways is fear ruling your life?

       3.  How can you replace fear with hope?

Chapter 9: New Wine

       1.  What have you learned through your season of waiting?

       2.  In what place do you feel the most connected to God?

       3.  Have you experienced a miracle on the other side of your wilderness?

Chapter 10: Rebuilding Beautiful

       1.  If you could write a letter to yourself, what would you say?

       2.  What big dream do you have for your life? How can you chase after it?

       3.  What does your “cup” of suffering look like? What does it feel like? How might you, like Jesus, move toward accepting the cup?

Chapter 11: God’s Got This

       1.  What does perseverance mean to you?

       2.  How can you reflect God’s glory in the valley season?

       3.  Who do you hope is waiting for you at the finish line?