Thanks to the following publications and anthologies in which these essays first appeared sometimes in different form: After Montaigne (University of Georgia Press, 2015); Agni; Brief Encounters: A Collection of Contemporary Nonfiction (Norton, 2016); Columbia: A Journal of Literature and the Arts; Ecotone; Georgia Review; Harvard Review; Iowa Review; The Journal; Las Sombras/The Shadows (University of Texas Press, 2012); The Literary House Press; New England Review; The Normal School; Orion; Pushcart Press Anthology XLI; Rooted: Best New Arboreal Nonfiction; See Double Press; and Trespass: Essayists Beyond the Boundaries of Place, Identity, and Feminism (Lookout Books, 2019).
Much gratitude to the Guggenheim Foundation, the Dresher Center for the Humanities, and the Department of English at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and to the MacDowell Colony for their support of my work, and for the gifts of open, roaming time, and community.
And to Jed Gaylin, for holding while these words came into being. And to Sarah Gorham, whose vision lights the way. And to Kent Meyers, Brian Norman, Ann Pancake, and Wendy Willis, for reflecting back what emerged.