
The writing of this wide-ranging volume has been greatly assisted by the generosity of many people, some of whom are mentioned below. The Norfolk Wildlife Trust allowed me to search through their archives and provided me with a comfortable room in which to work and cups of coffee to keep me going. As always, the staff at the Norfolk Record Office were helpful and spent time finding documents which were not always easy to locate. Many individuals also gave of their time to help me. Alison Yardy of the Historic Environment Service looked out material, helped check references and made digital copies of illustrations. Robert Driscoll was particularly helpful in providing material and information about the Norfolk Broads. Richard Brook of the Forestry Commission sought out photographs and explained the role of the Forestry Commission in Breckland, and Tim O’Riordan and Peter Grimble provided information on recent environmental history. Merlin Waterson and John Sheail read early drafts of this book and provided much helpful advice. The maps were kindly drawn by Trevor Ashwin. I am also grateful to the anonymous readers for their hard work. As always, my husband Peter, whose idea this book was, has supported this project along the way. Those who have generously allowed copyright material to be reproduced as plates are acknowledged in the list of plates.