
Chapter 6

Believe it or Not!


Mike Collins sat at his desk reviewing his notes. The private investigator had been hired by an insurance company to investigate a potential fraudulent claim.

The plaintiff, Mrs. Peabody, claimed she’d wrecked a rental vehicle due to the car having faulty brakes which caused her severe whiplash. She was suing for pain and suffering.

The insurance company had the car checked out by three different automotive shops. Two didn’t find anything faulty, but the third reported the brake fluid reservoir was low and might have contributed to the accident.

Collins sipped the last of the coffee and contemplated getting another cup. The caffeine barely kept his eyes open as it was, but he needed to keep going. Being a private investigator didn’t pay well. At least not for him anyway.  

He stood and stretched his six-foot frame. Collins yawned as he scanned the tiny office cluttered with files. Too bad he couldn’t afford a secretary.   

There was a knock at the door.

“Mr. Collins. Are you in?” a female voice asked.

The hour wasn’t late, but he hadn’t expected anyone. Then again, it could be a potential client.

When he opened the door, a beautiful young woman in a yellow sundress and matching sandals stood in the hallway. The neck brace she wore was a bit of a distraction until he caught sight of her blue eyes.

“My name is Crystal Peabody. And I’d like to hire you.”

The insurance firm had never sent a picture of Mrs. Peabody, so he’d assumed she’d be old and wrinkly. He glanced away, trying not to ogle.

“Sorry. I can’t. Would be a conflict of interest.”

“Can I at least tell you my side of the story?”

He turned to her. “I’ve been briefed already.”

She gave a warm smile. “What if we drive to the scene. There’s no harm in that is there?”

He wondered what her angle was. There had to be one for her to come see him. The only thing which made any sense was she needed him to be on her side.

Then again, it didn’t take a private investigator to figure that one out.

He was about to decline the offer when he realized she might provide some evidence that could sway his decision. At this point in his investigation, he couldn’t prove who was right or wrong.

He nodded. “I can’t see the harm.”

“Thank you. We’ll take my car if you don’t mind.”


Several minutes later, he was sitting shotgun in a Mercedes Benz. He’d never ridden in a high-end vehicle.

Her GPS came on and told her to take the first right.

“You don’t know where we’re going?” Collins asked.

“No. The night of the accident I was going to a new restaurant in a part of town I’ve never been.”

They drove for thirty minutes talking about a variety of topics. He learned she was recently divorced. The husband left her for his personal secretary. He also learned she’d been lonely and depressed since the divorce. She was planning on meeting someone at the restaurant the night of the accident.

“I don’t recognize this route,” she said slowing down.

“You’ve only driven this way once. Plus, the GPS might be taking us on a different route.”

“You’re probably right.” 

“Did you and your ex have kids?”

She shook her head. “No. I’m thankful for that at least.” She paused. “You ever been married, Mr. Collins?”

“Divorced twice.”



“Guess we’re both destined to live alone.”

They approached a hill. Before they reached the top, Mrs. Peabody swerved to the shoulder and as they descended the hill, avoided a pothole.

They continued another five minutes until they reached a fork in the road. She slowed and pulled onto the grass.

“This is where the accident occurred. My GPS was giving me a fit with redirecting. So, I decided to stop until the problem resolved itself. But when I pressed the brakes, the car never slowed.”

She began to sob.

Collins felt bad for her and really wanted to be on her side. He ran the events from earlier as he tried to reconstruct the scene.

That’s when he realized Mrs. Peabody made two mistakes tonight. Both proved she lied.

What are the two mistakes Mrs. Peabody made?

Hint: Take another look at the GPS.

The first mistake is when Mrs. Peabody shook her head. If she suffered from severe whiplash, she wouldn’t be able to.

The second mistake is when she stated she didn’t recognize the route. If this were true, then how could she know there would be a pothole on the other side of the hill.