A big, big thank you to all the wonderful textile artists who so generously gave me images to illustrate this book, I’m sure that they are too good for the text:
Homer Alvarez
Bendigo Woollen Mills
Glenys Mann – textile artist, Australia, www.manmaid.com.au
Kaffe Fasset – textile artist and designer, UK, www.kaffefassett.com
Brandon Mably – textile artist and designer, UK, www.brandonmably.com
Jan Garside – Textile artist, UK, www.jangarside.com
Judy Wilford – textile artist, Australia, www.judywilford-visualartist.com
Vanessa Taylor – textile artist, Australia
Annamaria Magnus – textile artist, Australia, http://webclearnetworks.com.au/-handweaving Vicki Taylor – textile artist, Australia
Helen Evans – textile artist, story teller, writer, Australia, www.helenevanswriter.com.auLisa Lichtenfels – sculptor, USA, CFM Gallery, New York, NY
And just as big a thank you to the following people who were so kind and willing to help me obtain images for the book, I can’t thank any of you enough.
Neil Zukerman – gallery owner CFM Gallery, New York, NY www.cfmgallery.comDavid Dunning – photography for Anohi Hand Printing Museum, Jaipur, India
Rachel Bracken-Singh – museum director Anohi Hand Printing Museum, Jaipur, India Anokhi Hand Printing Museum, Jaipur India
And last, but never, ever least, thank you to the people behind the scenes who helped pull my messy text into the shape of a beautiful book and who waited so patiently for me to get it together:
Fiona Shoop, who gave me the commission
Lisa Hooson, who has been so lovely and not put me on the naughty seat for being so late Pen & Sword who produced the book
My dear daughter, Beatriz Alvarez, who read and edited as much as she could of the manuscript
And my lovely, lovely agent, Isabel Atherton of Creative Authors who has stood beside me and propped me up all the way through.