Day 169

People whose lives are determined by human flesh focus their minds on matters to do with the flesh, but people whose lives are determined by the spirit focus their minds on matters to do with the spirit. Focus the mind on the flesh, and you’ll die; but focus it on the spirit, and you’ll have life, and peace.—Romans 8:5–6

Brainy Tip: We are spiritual beings with minds that exist in the spiritual world as well as material beings with bodies and brains that exist in a material world. We have a strong sense of intuition because of this connection, and we can develop it through mental practice.

Every time we face a decision, we are in an “about to choose” state (known as superposition in quantum physics). If we choose to ask the Holy Spirit to help us focus in this state, we can calm down, let go, and step back as we become aware of the need for his wisdom and guidance. We increase our intuitive powers, almost standing outside ourselves, and the crazy chaos of our thinking calms down. In this state, we can make wise and loving choices, which bring life and peace into the world. We can connect the spiritual and physical realms of existence, bringing a piece of heaven to earth.