“What makes someone unclean,” he went on, “is what comes out of them. Evil intentions come from inside, out of people’s hearts. . . . They are what make someone unclean.”—Mark 7:20–23
Brainy Tip: Research shows that the signals of the mind, which are considered nonphysical light waves or packets of energy, form 90 to 99 percent of who we are.
We cannot ignore the intangible, powerful mind element of who we are. As thoughts travel through our brains at quantum speeds, neurons fire together in distinctive ways, and those patterns of activity transform our neural structure. Essentially, the way you think, through the mindsets you adopt, will influence the neural correlates in your brain, thereby influencing your words and actions. In turn, these words and actions influence the brain, and a feedback loop is established based on this mindset. A feedback loop can be changed at any time through your choice to alter your mindset—what is in your heart.
God has designed the brain in such a way that the intrinsic activity in the nonconscious part of our minds is where most of the mind-action takes place. It is where we are thinking, choosing, building, and sorting thoughts. It is the constant, high-energy activity that is always going on in the nonconscious mind, even when we are resting. What we consciously think and what we say and do are all driven by the activity in the nonconscious mind. The nonconscious mind has the roots of all our words and actions, and we choose with our minds what these roots will be—it is our “heart” or inner person.