Day 233

For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call on you.—Psalm 86:5

Brainy Tip: We can retrain the brain to focus on the good things in life.

We step into our “normal” when we are grateful for the steadfast mercy and love of God, because we are wired for his love. We retrain the brain, tapping into our natural optimism bias. Having an “attitude of gratitude,” so to speak, enables us to see more possibility, feel more energy, and succeed at higher levels in our lives.

I emphasize retrain the brain as opposed to train the brain. It is incorrect to assume that the brain has a negative bias and that we have to fight off its natural tendency to scan for and spot the undesirable. This kind of negative mindset will actually work against the natural optimism bias of brain function and upset thinking patterns!

Our minds need time to understand what our spirits already know and how we can use this knowledge to change our lives and the world for God’s glory.