Day 265

But mercy triumphs over judgment.—James 2:13

Brainy Tip: The quality of our relationships is determined by the quality of our judgment of others.

Don’t let the often puzzling and confusing tendencies of other people frustrate you. They are a mystery—but don’t see them as a helplessly complicated, unsolvable puzzle. Instead, treat the mystery as an invitation to an exciting adventure—a journey of discovery that will lead you to a new place and change you along the way. We serve a magnificent Creator who loves us so much that he makes each of us unique.

Learning how to embrace our differences can be life changing, and it increases brain function and intelligence to boot! Every one of us has a wide variety of relationships, and all of these relationships require growth in order to be healthy. We’re brothers, sisters, mothers, daughters, fathers, sons, co-workers, friends, neighbors, business partners, coaches, athletes, and on and on and on. As we invest in, grow, strengthen, and develop those relationships, the quality of our lives is transformed.