AAI. see Adult Attachment Interview (AAI)
AAI Questions to Couples
absorption, moments of
in attachment-focused family therapy
ABTs (affective balance therapies)
accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy (AEDP)
attachment-based stance of
dyadic affect regulation in
emotion-based transformation and
healing in
accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy (AEDP) model
acceptance, in attachment-focused family therapy
accommodation, emotion as
action(s), emotion preceded by
“action systems,”
action tendencies, adaptive
actualizations of meaning
Adamec, R.E.
adaptive action tendencies
adaptive behaviors, phylogenetically defined autonomic circuits supporting
adaptive emotional experience, processing to completion
adaptive physiological states, contextual cueing of
ADHD. see attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Adler, H.M.
Adult Attachment Interview (AAI)
AEDP. see accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy (AEDP)
aesthetic experience of rightness
emotional, epistemology of
joined, in intersubjectivity
perception and expression of, reciprocal influences between body and brain in
positive. see positive affect
in brain
shared, ongoing experiences of
in emotion-based transformational process
of gesture
of voice
“affect communicating cure,”
affect(s) experiences, defined
affect regulation
of emotion and relatedness
interactive, as central mechanism of change process
primary-process emotions in realm of
strategies for
affect tolerance
intersubjective fields of, coconstruction of
regulatory boundaries of, expanding of
affective balance therapies (ABTs)
affective change processes
affective experiences, receptive
affective life, human, understanding of, animal models in
affective neuroscience
current research in
emotion theory and
Affective Neuroscience Personality Scale (ANPS)
affective structures and functions, primacy of
affective synchrony
affective therapies, playful
affective–cognitive memories, “reconsolidation” of
affective–cognitive restructuring, primary-process emotions in realm of
affective–emotional processes, cross-mammalian, universal
affective–reflective dialogue, in attachment-focused family therapy
affective–reflective experiences
affect-regulating attachment experiences
aggression, to play, social engagement system in
alert immobility, trauma-related
Alvarez, A.
amanuensis, defined
anger, inhibition of, emotional problems resulting from
ANPS. see Affective Neuroscience Personality Scale (ANPS)
ANS. see
autonomic nervous system (ANS) anxiety, in transformational process
anxiously attached strategy
appetitive motivational system
Arnold, M.B.
arousal (intensity-energetic) dimension
arousal enactments, high and low, psychobiology of
arousal system, unitary, evaluation of
assimilation, recognition as
assurance, solid, in transformational process
behaviors and
emotions and
meaning making and
relationship formation and
characteristics of
interpersonal neurobiology of
attachment affect regulation strategies
attachment bonds, function of
attachment disturbances, causes of
attachment injuries
attachment responses, insecure
attachment security
resilience as indicator of
attachment theory
in defining features of love relationships
attachment trauma
HPA stress axis of infants in
interpersonal neurobiology of
attachment-focused family therapy, features of
affective–reflective dialogue
interactive repair
intersubjective engagement
moments of absorption and transformation
narrative flow
attachment-related emotional tendencies
attachment-related physical tendencies
treatment of
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), play and
authenticity, psychiatric
autonomic arousal dysregulation
autonomic balance
autonomic nervous system (ANS)
components of
life-sustaining activities of
“mammalian,” in fostering prosocial behaviors via vagal brake
phylogenetic changes in
polyvagal theory related to
right hemisphere and, connections between
state regulation and, historical perspective on
autonomy, within family therapy, growth of
avoidance, detached
avoidant attachment pattern
avoidantly attached strategy
conscious, of emotional pain, right-brain strategy of dissociation in blocking of
joined, in intersubjectivity
Bakken Heart–Brain Institute, at Cleveland Clinic
balance, autonomic
balance theories
Bateson, M.C.
Bazhenova, O.V.
Beebe, B.
adaptive, phylogenetically defined autonomic circuits supporting
communicative, asymmetries in
prosocial, “mammalian” ANS fostered by
submissive, trauma-related
being moved, intersubjective regulation of
below, defined
biochronology of human movement, theory of
Bion, W.
biopsychological domains, in meaning making
“black hole,”
“blank face,”
EEG of 5-month-old infants looking at
Block, L.
Blundell, J.
bodily processes
emotional changes through
in trauma therapy
brain and, in perception and expression of affect
emotions and
body-oriented therapies, playful
Bollas, C.
bond(s), attachment, function of
Boston Process of Change Group (BPCG)
Bowlby, J.
BPCG. see Boston Process of Change Group (BPCG)
body and, in perception and expression of affect
emotions in total design of
functions of
in love, described
primary-process affects in
right. see
right brain
subcortical regions of, emotional systems concentrated in
brain emotional systems. see also specific systems and emotions
care/nurturance system
evaluation of
CBS in
ESB in
fear/anxiety system
lust/sexual systems
numbers of
panic/grief/distress system
play systems
primary-process psychological entities, instinctual antecedents of
rage/anger system
seeking/desire system
in subcortical regions of brain
types of
brainstem medulla, parasympathetic vagal systems in
Brazelton, T.B.
Bromberg, P.M.
Bruner, J.S.
Bucci, W.
Bull, N.
Burton, P.
calming, social engagement system in
Cannon, W.B.
maternal, neurochemistries of
care system, panic/grief/separation distress and
caregiving system
care/nurturance system
care-seeking system
caretaking, sensitive
Cassidy, J.
categorical emotions
CBS. see
chemical brain stimulation (CBS)
central nervous system (CNS), limbic system of, myelination of
Centre for Cognitive Studies, at Harvard
cerebral hemispheres. see also left hemisphere; right hemisphere
functions of
asymmetries in
emotion and
weariness, irritation, and resistance in face of, case example
change process
interactive affect regulation as central mechanism of
moment by moment in
chaos, rigidity and, emotion between
chemical brain stimulation (CBS), in brain emotional systems evaluation
Cleveland Clinic, Bakken Heart–Brain Institute at
clinical enactments, transference–countertransference contexts of, right brain in
CNS. see central nervous system (CNS)
Coan, J.
cognition(s), defined
cognitive processes
emotional changes through
self-centered emotional systems’ stronghold on
cognitive–affective habits
in FACES flow of integration
qualities of
collective action with others, rituals for
new brain science of
with social beings
communicative behaviors, asymmetries in
“communicative” behaviors, asymmetries in
“communicative musicality,”
community(ies), emotions as visceral and motor regulators of
companionship, emotions of
conatus, concept of
Condon, W.S.
conjoint therapy, process of
connection, loss of, depression due to
conscious awareness, of emotional pain, right-brain strategy of dissociation in blocking of
integration of
states of
emergent consequences of
consciousness theory, dyadic expansion of
control, “prospective,”
“control precedence,” of emotions
cooperation, rhythms of
core emotions
core self, perturbations of
core state
truth sense and
cortical structures
Cozolino, L.
Critchley, H.D.
cross-mammalian, universal, affective-emotional processes
cross-mammalian emotional systems
Crowell, J.
Crucian, G.P.
cultural learning, developmental changes in motives effects on
curiosity, in attachment-focused family therapy
Damasio, A.
Darwin, C.
Davidson, R.
de Spinoza, B.
“dead spots,” in infant’s subjective experience
painless, biobehavioral quest for
immobilizing, trauma-related
mobilizing, trauma-related
against painful emotions, lifelong patterns of
defense system(s)
immobilization of, co-opting of, in modifying old neural circuits for new bodies
mobilization, co-opting of, in modifying old neural circuits for new bodies
“degrees of freedom,”
depression, loss of connection and
desensitization, emotional distress related to
detached avoidance
family at crossroad of
of family members, intersubjective experiences in
intersubjective experiences’ impact on
language, key factors in
right-brain processes in
developmental changes, in motives, effects on cultural learning
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
on emotional disorders’ symptoms
Dijkstra, K.
dimension(s), valenced
directed mindfulness
conceptualization of
pathological, neurobiology of. see also pathological dissociation
traumatic stress and
dissociative detachment
dissociative “gaps” in subjective reality
dissociative tendencies of traumatized individuals
distress, in emotion-based transformational process
Doidge, N.
dorsal vagal parasympathetic activation
Doussard-Roosevelt, J.A.
down, defined
DSM. see Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
dyadic affect regulation
of emotion and relatedness
dyadic interactions, positive, attuned
dyadic processes, emotional changes through
early play, importance of
EEG. see electroencephalography (EEG)
EEG activation pattern. see electroencephalography (EEG) activation pattern
EFT. see emotionally focused therapy (EFT)
electrical brain stimulation (ESB), in brain emotional systems evaluation
electroencephalography (EEG)
in arousal system evaluation
of 5-month-old infants looking at “blank face,”
electroencephalography (EEG) activation pattern, in relations between present moment and past constraints
EMAPs. see emotional activation patterns (EMAPs)
embodied self, rhythms of
emergent experience, in transformational process
as accommodation
action preceding
as active principles, not mere reactions
of attachment
behaviors associated with
being mindful of
body reactions to
change and
in change events in EFT
changes in
between chaos and rigidity
communication of,
within family therapy. see also communication(s), emotional
communicative artistry of
of companionship
complementary uses of, map of
connotations from
in context of love relationships
“control precedence” of
in defining quality of romantic relationships
dyadic affect regulation of
elements in
extravagant. see also emotionally focused therapy (EFT)
functions of, in attachments
healing power of
of infants
dynamics of
functions of
growth with responsive parental support
as inherited ancestral tools for living
as integration
levels of
meaning of
mindfulness and
motivation and
movement and
positive emotions vs.
painful, defenses against, lifelong patterns of
polyvagal theory of
positive, negative emotions vs.
practical technique of
in realm of affect regulation and affective–cognitive restructuring
understanding of
goal in
questions related to
quality of, of engagement, testing of
questions related to
reclaiming of, treatment methods for
recognition at work and
in romantic partners
science of
story of
in total design of brain
in transformation
types of
uses of, charting of
as visceral and motor regulators of self, relationships, and communities
emotional activation patterns (EMAPs), described
emotional affects, epistemology of
emotional communication
developmental process of
within family therapy
characteristics of. see also attachment-focused family therapy, features of
intersubjective experiences in
intersubjectivity in
roots of, restoration of
emotional detachment
emotional disorders, symptoms of, DSM on
emotional endophenotypes
emotional energies, prepropositional
emotional engagement, safe, dealing with lack of
emotional experience, processing of
emotional expressions
emotional feelings
emotional narratives, as discourse of language
“emotional operating systems,”
emotional pain, blocking conscious awareness of, right-brain strategy of dissociation in
emotional powers of mind, importance of
emotional primes
emotional processing, right hemisphere’s role in, fMRI of
emotional regulation, development of
emotional states, extreme
emotional stimuli, unconscious processing of, right hemisphere in
emotional systems
self-centered, stronghold on cognitive processes
emotional tendencies
emotional therapy, affective neuroscience and
emotional well-being
emotional-affective feelings, basic, understanding of
emotionally focused therapy (EFT)
case example
change events in
change events in sessions
emotion in
mirror neurons in
physiological impact of
resonance in
in creating coherent whole
goals of
model of
recovery rate with
requirements of
significant improvement rate with
emotion-based transformation, AEDP and
emotion-based transformational process
core affective phenomena in
core state and truth sense in
four states bridged by three state transformations of
metatherapeutic processing in
phenomena that need transforming in
processing of emotional experience in
processing of transformational experience in
stress, distress, and symptoms in
transformational affects in
emotion/integration, types of
in attachment-focused family therapy
endophenotype(s), emotional
energy(ies), emotional, prepropositional
emotional, safe, dealing with lack of
emotional quality of, testing of
intersubjective, in attachment-focused family therapy
social, complex expressions of, in co-consciousness between young infants and their mothers
time sense of, testing of
enthusiasm, defined
risk in, evaluation of, nervous system in
ergotropic, defined
ESB. see
electrical brain stimulation (ESB)
interactional, understanding of
developmental impact of
within family therapy
explicit, demand for
explicit memory
exploration system
of affect, reciprocal influences between body and brain in
engaging with, by newborns
extravagant emotion. see also emotionally focused therapy (EFT)
FACES (flexible, adaptive, coherent, energized, and stable), in flow of integration
Face-to-Face Still-Face paradigm (FFSF)
family(ies), in human development, importance of
family members, development of, intersubjective experiences in
family therapy
attachment-focused, features of. see also attachment-focused family therapy, features of
communication of emotions within
immobilization without
“fear itself,”
fear system, rage/anger system and
fear/anxiety system
fearful avoidant strategy
emotional-affective, basic, understanding of
subjective feeling of, integration and
“feigned death,”
felt sense
Feynman, R.
FFSF. see Face-to-Face Still-Face paradigm (FFSF)
figure of light, in transformational process
floppy immobility, trauma-related
fMRI. see functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
Fonagy, I.
Fosha, D.
“Four Horsemen,”
Fredrickson, B.L.
Freeman, W.J.
Freud, S.
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
in arousal system evaluation
in right hemisphere’s role in emotional processing
Gadea, M.
game(s), “musical,” with infants
Gellhorn, E.
gesture, “vitality affects” of
Ghent, E.
Gibson, E.J.
Ginot, E.
giving care
glance, sideways, in transformational process
Gottman, J.
Greenberg, L.S.
green-signal affects
habit(s), cognitive–affective
happiness, insight following, in transformational process
Harmon, R.J.
Harrison, A.
Hart, J.
Hartikainen, K.M.
Harvard University, Centre for Cognitive Studies at
healing affects
healing power, of emotions
health, mental
features of
Heart–Brain Institute Summits
hedonic (valenced) dimension
heralding affects
Hess, W.R.
Hesse, E.
higher-order emotions
Hinde, R.A.
horizontal integration
HPA axis. see hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis
HPA stress axis. see hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) stress axis
Hughes, D.
human brain. see brain
human life. see
life human movement, biochronology of, theory of
hyperarousal, traumatic stress and
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) stress axis, of infants, in attachment trauma
hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis
IMF. see intrinsic motive formation (IMF)
imitation, prefrontal “mirror neurons” in
alert, trauma-related
floppy, trauma-related
without fear
immobilization defense system, co-opting of, in modifying old neural circuits for new bodies
immobilizing defenses, trauma-related
IMP. see intrinsic motive pulse (IMP)
implicit memory, right hemisphere in
emotion in
functions of
psychobiology of
motives in, psychobiology of
emotion(s) of, growth with responsive parental support
emotional dynamics of
5-month-old, looking at “blank face,” EEG of
HPA stress axis of, in attachment trauma
maternal stress effects on
meaning(s) in, dynamic conflict among
meaning making by
mind of, theory of
“musical” games with
newborn, manifestations of conscious interest in persons, seeking to engage with their expressions
protoconversations with
subjective experience of, “dead spots” in
young, co-consciousness with their mothers, complex expressions of social engagement of
insecure attachment responses
domains of, triangle of well-being and
emotion as
flow of, FACES in
mindsight and psychotherapy and
subjective feeling of feelings and
integration of consciousness
integration of memory
intensity-energetic dimension
intention(s), joined, in intersubjectivity
intentional experiences
interactional experience, understanding of
interactive affect regulation, as central mechanism of change process
interactive meaning-making processes
interactive regulation
interactive repair, in attachment-focused family therapy
interpersonal integration
interpersonal neurobiology of attachment trauma
intersubjective communications
intersubjective engagement, in attachment-focused family therapy
intersubjective experiences
developmental impact of
within family therapy
intersubjective fields, co-construction of
intersubjective regulation, of being moved
components of
emotional communications in
intimacy, growth of, within family therapy
intimate enemies, changing to intimate partners
intimate partners, from intimate enemies to
intrinsic motive formation (IMF), functions of
intrinsic motive pulse (IMP)
intuitive parenting
isolation, social, psychic panic due to
James, W.
Janet, P.
Johnson, S.M.
joined affect, in intersubjectivity
joined awareness, in intersubjectivity
joined intentions, in intersubjectivity
Jung, C.G.
Kaschak, M.P.
Kestenberg, J.
Klein, M.
known, unthought
Kohut, H.
kyphosis, described
Laird, J.D.
Lane, R.D.
discourse of, emotional narratives becoming
emotional expressions in
meaning before
language development, key factors in
Lanius, R.A.
cultural, developmental changes in motives effects on
LeDoux, J.
left hemisphere, functions of
Lenzi, D.
Lichtenberg, J.D.
affective, human, understanding of, animal models in
meaningful, regulation of
mental, qualities of
life threat
life-detracting environments
life-supporting environments
limbic permeability
limbic system, of CNS
myelination of
structures of
loss of connection, depression due to
love, brain in, described
love relationships
emotion in context of
features of, attachment theory in defining of
quality of, emotion in defining of
understanding and transforming of, in EFT. see also emotionally focused therapy (EFT)
lust/sexual systems
Lyons-Ruth, K.
Mahler, M.S.
Main, M.M.
maladaptive physiological states, contextual cueing of
Malloch, S.
“mammalian” ANS, in fostering prosocial behaviors via vagal brake
Mancia, M.
Maroda, K.J.
maternal care, neurochemistries of
maternal stress, effects on infant
meaning(s). see also meaning making
actualizations of
as biopsychological
of emotions
in infants, dynamic conflict among
before language
nature of, misconstruing
not possible to be brought into awareness
as polysemic, polymorphic flow
primary self–other regulation leading to
shared, states of
unknowable, described
meaning making. see also meaning(s)
attachment and
biopsychological multilevel view of, implications for therapeutic processes
creation of new through
failure of
implications for therapeutic processes
infants and
messiness of
relationship formation and
success of, characteristics of
meaningful human life, regulation of
meaning-making processes
effect on one another
medulla, brainstem, parasympathetic vagal systems in
affective–cognitive, “reconsolidation” of
implicit, right hemisphere in
integration of
mental health
features of
mental life, qualities of
metaprocessing. see also metatherapeutic processing
in transformational process
metatherapeutic processing
in emotion-based transformational process
of transformational experience
middle, defined
Mikulincer, M.
Minagawa-Kawai, Y.
fundamental emotional powers of, importance of
infant, theory of
music of
emotion and
movement and
integration and psychotherapy and
mirror neurons
in change events in EFT
prefrontal, in imitation
of defense system, co-opting of, in modifying old neural circuits for new bodies
mobilizing defenses, trauma-related
modern attachment theory
moment by moment
in change process
moments of absorption
and transformation, in attachment-focused family therapy
mother(s), co-consciousness with their young infants, complex expressions of social engagement of
motivation, emotion and
Motivation and Emotion,
motivational system, appetitive
complementary uses of, map of
developmental changes in, effects on cultural learning
in infants, psychobiology of
emotion and
human, biochronology of, theory of
multilevel meaning making
Murray, L.
“musical” games, with infants
mutual regulation
emotional, as discourse of language
in transformational process
narrative flow, in attachment-focused family therapy
narrative integration
Nathanson, D.L.
negative emotions
positive emotions vs.
nervous system, in evaluation risk in environment
neural circuits, old, modifying for new bodies, co-opting immobilization defense system in
neural integration
contextual cueing of adaptive and maladaptive physiological states in
neuron(s), mirror
in change events in EFT
prefrontal, in imitation
actions of
manifestations of conscious interest in persons, seeking to engage with their expressions
Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology
Ogden, P.
Ogden, T.
PACE (playfulness, acceptance, curiosity, empathy), in attachment-focused family therapy
PAG. see
periaqueductal gray (PAG)
PAG ventrolateral to aqueduct (vlPAG)
emotional, blocking conscious awareness of, right-brain strategy of dissociation in
painful emotions, defenses against, lifelong patterns of
painless death, biobehavioral quest for
Paivio, S.C.
panic/grief/distress system
panic/grief/separation distress, care system and
Panksepp, J.
Papousek, H.
Papousek, M.P.
parasympathetic nervous system, described
parasympathetic vagal systems, in brainstem medulla
parental support, responsive, infant’s emotional growth with
parenting, intuitive
partner(s), romantic, emotion in
case example
pathological dissociation
manifestations of
neurobiology of
perception, of affect, reciprocal influences between body and brain in
periaqueductal gray (PAG)
Phelps, E.A.
phylogenetically defined autonomic circuits, in supporting adaptive behaviors
physical tendencies
treatment of
procedurally learned. see also specific types procedurally learned physical tendencies
trauma-related. see trauma-related physical tendencies
physiological state(s)
maladaptive, contextual cueing of
Piaget, J.
Pipp, S.
ADHD and
aggression to, social engagement system in
awakening and regulating
capacity for
early, importance of
“polyvagal definition” of
social, urge for
unique physiological mechanisms involved in
play systems
playful affective therapies
playful body-oriented therapies
in adults, importance of
in attachment-focused family therapy
polysemic, polymorphic flow, meaning as
polyvagal theory
assumptions of
biobehavioral quest for safety, survival, and painless death in
in phylogenetic origins of brain structures that regulate social and defensive behaviors
response systems proposed by
Porges, S.W.
positive, attuned, dyadic interactions
positive affect
awakening and regulating
capacity for
positive emotions, negative emotions vs.
positive somatic/affective markers
possibility, tears of, in transformational process
postbreakthrough affects
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) right-hemispheric activation due to
symptoms of, producing of
emotional, of mind, importance of
healing, of emotions
prefrontal “mirror neurons,” in imitation
prepropositional emotional energies
preverbal communication
primary emotions
“primary” intersubjectivity
primary orientation
primary process
primary self–other regulation, meaning created by
primary-process affects
in brain
primary-process emotional feelings
primary-process emotions
in realm of affect regulation and affective–cognitive restructuring
understanding of
goal in
questions related to
primary-process psychological entities, instinctual antecedents of
procedural learning
procedurally learned physical tendencies
prosocial behaviors, “mammalian” ANS fostered by
“prospective control,”
protoconversations, with infants
psychiatric authenticity
psychic pain
of high and low arousal enactments
of motives and emotions in infants
psychopathogenesis, right-brain processes in
psychophysiology, relational
during therapeutic sessions, measuring of
integration and mindsight and
right-brain processes in
PTSD. see posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
rage/anger system
fear system and
RAPs. see
relational activation patterns (RAPs) Ratey, J.
reality, subjective, dissociative “gaps” in
receptive affective experiences
as assimilation
process of
in transformation
recognition at work, emotion and
“reconsolidation” of affective–cognitive memories
affect. see affect regulation
emotional, development of
intersubjective, of being moved
of meaningful human life
primary self–other, meaning created by
state, ANS and, historical perspective on
regulation theory
relatedness, dyadic affect regulation of
relational activation patterns (RAPs)
relational psychophysiology
during therapeutic sessions, measuring of
relational trauma, reactions to
relation-seeking actions, trauma-related
formation of
attachment and
meaning making and
emotion in context of
features of, attachment theory in defining of
quality of, emotion in defining of
understanding and transforming of, in EFT. see also emotionally focused therapy (EFT)
visceral and motor regulators of, emotions as
representations of interactions that have been generalized (RIGS)
reproduction system
resilience, as indicator of attachment security
resistance, transformance and
resonance, in change events in EFT
response systems, proposed, in polyvagal theory
Revarthen, C.
right brain
in dissociation of conscious awareness of emotional pain
in transference–countertransference contexts of clinical enactments
right hemisphere
activation of, PTSD and
ANS and, connections between
cortical, processing of self-images in
in emotional processing, fMRI of
functions of
implicit memory in
in unconscious processing of emotional stimuli
right-brain affect regulation. see also right-brain processes
right-brain processes
in development
in psychopathogenesis
in psychotherapy
rightness, aesthetic experience of
rigidity, chaos and, emotion between
RIGS. see representations of interactions that have been generalized (RIGS)
risk, detection of, neural structures in
ritual(s), for collective action with others
romantic partners, emotion in
case example
romantic relationships. see also love relationships quality of, emotion in defining of, importance of
Roosevelt, Pres.
Rotenberg, V.S.
Roth, P.
Ryan, J.
Ryan, R.
safety, biobehavioral quest for
Sander, L.S.
Sands, S.H.
Schaefer, H.
Schnall, S.
Schore, A.N.
Schutz, L.E.
Schwartz, G.E.
science, subjectivity and
secure attachment
characteristics of
interpersonal neurobiology of
“secure base,”
securely attached strategy
security, attachment
resilience as indicator of
seeking/desire system
core, perturbations of
embodied, rhythms of
emotions as visceral and motor regulators of
self-centered emotional systems, stronghold on cognitive processes
self-control, neural nets of
self-images, processing of, right cortical hemisphere in
self-regulation, of emotions
Selye, H.
time, of engagement, testing of
truth, core state and
sensitive caretaking
sensitivity, described
sensitization, emotional distress related to
shared affect, ongoing experiences of
shared meanings, states of
Shaver, P.
sideways glance, in transformational process
Siegel, D.J.
single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), in arousal system evaluation
SNAG (stimulate neuronal activation and growth)
SNAG the Brain
social beings, communication with
social brain
social emotions
social engagement
complex expressions of, in co-consciousness between young infants and their mothers
social engagement system
access to, aggression to play conversion by
behaviors associated with, phylogenic origin of
in calming
components of
disorders of
social isolation, psychic panic due to
social play, urge for
Solomon, M.F.
SPECT. see
single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)
Spitzer, C.
truth sense and
emotional, extreme
state regulation, ANS and, historical perspective on
states of consciousness
emergent consequences of
Stern, D.N.
stimulus(i), emotional, unconscious processing of, right hemisphere in
stimulus-related procedurally learned tendencies
in emotion-based transformational process
maternal, effects on infant
dissociation due to
infant’s psychobiological reaction to
Stroganova, T.A.
subcortical regions of brain, emotional systems concentrated in
subjective feeling, of feelings, integration and
subjective reality, dissociative “gaps” in
subjective regulation
subjectivity, science and
submissive behaviors, trauma-related
surrender, in transformational process
survival, biobehavioral quest for
sympathetic nervous system, described
rhythms of
symptoms, in emotion-based transformational process
rhythms of
systems theory, principles of
talk therapy, in trauma healing
Tatkin, S.
tears of possibility, in transformational process
temporal integration
The Brain That Changes Itself,
The Developing Mind,
The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals,
The Mindful Brain,
theory(ies). see also specific types
attachment. see
attachment theory
of biochronology of human movement
consciousness, dyadic expansion of
emotion, affective neuroscience and
of infant mind
polyvagal. see polyvagal theory
systems, principles of
therapeutic processes, meaning making’s implications for
therapeutic sessions, relational psychophysiology during, measuring of
therapist(s), “unknowables” for
threat, life
time sense, of engagement, testing of
tolerance, affect
intersubjective fields of, coconstruction of
regulatory boundaries of, expanding of
tone of voice
appetitive nature of
resistance and
arc of
crisis of
emotion and recognition in
emotion-based, AEDP and
moments of, in attachment-focused family therapy
searing light of, case example
figure of light
first happiness, then insight
metaprocessing what just took place
narrative and solid assurance
sideways glance
tears of possibility
weariness, irritation, and resistance in face of change
working with emergent experience
transformational affects
in emotion-based transformational process
transformational experience, processing of
in emotion-based transformational process
transformational process. see also transformation
emergent phenomena in
emotion-based f. see also emotion-based transformational process
transitional affects
transpirational integration
HPA stress axis of infants in
interpersonal neurobiology of
relational, reactions to
trauma healing
bodily processes in
talk therapy in
trauma-related emotional tendencies
trauma-related physical tendencies
immobilizing defenses
mobilizing defenses
relation-seeking actions
working with
traumatic stress
dissociation due to
infant’s psychobiological reaction to
Treboux, D.
tremulous affects
Trevarthen, C.
triangle of well-being, domains of integration and
Tronick, E.Z.
trophotropic, defined
true-self/true-other relating
truth sense, core state and
unconscious affect
unconscious negative emotion
unconscious processing, of emotional stimuli, right hemisphere in
undefined mind
unitary arousal system, evaluation of
“unknowables,” for therapist
unthought known
up, defined
VAFP. see ventral amygdalofugal pathways (VAFP)
vagus, “mammalian,” as vagal brake, in fostering prosocial behaviors
valenced dimension
van der Hart, O.
van der Kolk, B.A.
van Ijzendoorm, M.H.
ventral amygdalofugal pathways (VAFP)
ventral segmental area (VTA)
vertical integration
video interaction guidance (VIG)
VIG. see
video interaction guidance (VIG) vitality affects
of gesture
of voice
vlPAG. see PAG ventrolateral to aqueduct (vlPAG)
tone of
“vitality affects” of
VTA. see ventral segmental area (VTA)
Watt, D.F.
triangle of, domains of integration and
“well-being” system
Whitehead, A.N.
Winnicott, D.W.
Woodworth, R.S.
work, recognition at, emotion and. see also recognition at work, emotion and
Zwann, R.A.