25 February 1828
Tangleford Hall, Kent

My dear Thomas,

The eldest of my young hellions has confessed to sneaking into your study near the end of our visit. The offense has already met with suitable punishment, but I trust you will let me know of any damage or disruption that he has not seen fit to mention. He has not provided any reason for the excursion other than a desire “to see a real wizard’s study.” Sometimes I think he takes after my dear Cecelia a little too much.

I am off to London as soon as may be. Wellington’s summons was waiting for me when we arrived home. I am not yet entirely sure what the business is about, which will tell you a good deal right there. Unless he has good reason, Old Hookey has always been clear about his orders; I infer that the matter is serious. I need not tell you to be discreet.

Cecelia stays here with the children. I shall write when I know more, and tell you what I can.

