
Abbasid caliphate; aesthetics of; coins of; eastern orientation of


Achaemenid empire

Adab al-imlaʿ waʿl-istimlaʿ (al-Samʿani)

aesthetics, dueling



agriculture: and climate change; cotton vs. grain in; in history; in Iraq; and Islam; in pre-Islamic Iran; Sasanid; Seljuq; summer crops in; taxation of; and trade. See also cotton; grain


Ali, caliph

Anas, Malik b.

Anatolia; camels in; climate change in; migration to; Oghuz in; Persian language in; and Siberian High

Arab conquest; and camels; and conversion; and cotton production; and culture; and land ownership; and language; and trade; and urbanization

Arab culture

Arabic language;fulanabad names in; literature in; vs. Persian language; place-names in

Arabic script; on pottery; on tiraz fabric

Arabs: camels of; clothing of; and cotton; in Iran; names of. See also Muslims


Ashraf, Ahmad

Ashtor, Eliyahu



Baghdad; cold weather in; and cotton; eastern orientation of; modern weather in; and silk

Bahram Gur, Shah

Baker, Patricia L.

Baliunas, Sallie


Barthold, Wilhelm


Bayhaqi, Abu al-Fazl

bazzaz (dealer in cotton cloth)

Bengal, east

Big Chill; and cotton; and Islam; Mongolian tree-ring evidence for; recovery from; and Siberian High; and social unrest, . See also climate change

biographical dictionaries (tabaqat); occupational names in; Sunnis vs. Shiʿites in

boneh (work team) system; alternate terms for

Braudel, Fernand


Bukhara; and camels; and cotton; Oghuz in


burial customs

Buyid dynasty

Byzantine empire

Caetani, Leone

camel herders (sarbanan)

camels; Arvana breed of; and climate; hybrid; images of; in Iran; for military; and Oghuz; one-vs. two-humped; and trade; Turkoman breed of

Carlyle, Thomas

Central Asia; camels in; climate change in; and cotton; irrigation in; migration from; Sunnis in; trade with

Chaghri (Seljuq chieftain)

China; and climate change; silk from; trade with

Christians; Nestorian


climate change; and agriculture; and camels; in Europe; and factionalism; and famine; as historical determinant; in Iran; and Ismaʿili movement; and language; and longue durée; and Mediterranean region; and migration, . See also Big Chill

clothing: Arabic; colors of; cotton; dual aesthetics in; Sasanid; sumptuary laws for

Cohen, Hayyim J.


conversion to Islam; and agricultural development; and clothing; and cotton; and dueling aesthetics; insincere; and names; of Oghuz; rate of; and taxes; and urbanization

Conversion to Islam in the Medieval Period (Bulliet)

cotton; boom in production of; and climate change; in clothing; and conversion to Islam; dealers in; decline of; Egyptian; as export; vs. grain; growers of; history of; Indian; irrigation of; and Islam; and Islamic elite; and language; and leather industry; in new villages; as summer crop; taxes on; trade in

Curzon, Lord

Dandanqan, Battle of



Drechsler, Andreas


Eaton, Richard

economy: and climate change; dual agricultural; evidence for; as historical determinant; Iranian; Islamic; and trade. See also agriculture; cotton; pastoral nomadism; trade

Egypt; Arab conquest in; and cotton; and Iran; linen from; Muslim scholars from; names in

elite: clothing of; and dueling aesthetics; languages of; migration of; Muslim; Muslim vs. non-Muslim; non-Arab; rural land-owning (dihqans); Sasanid; and silk

elite, religious (ulama): biographies of; and cotton; and factionalism; and leather industry; migration of; occupational names of; in Seljuq period; and textiles



environmental determinism


Eurasian steppe

Europe; climate change in

export trade; in cotton

factionalism; and climate change; Shiʿite vs. Sunni

famine; and climate change


Farhang-i Jughrafi yai-i Iran

al-Farisi, ʿAbd al-Ghafir


Fatimid dynasty



Findley, Carter

Frye, Richard N.

fulanabad village names; in Arabic; and Islam; in Persian; and qanats; in tax records

fulanjird village names


al-Fuwati, Ibn

Gellens, Sam Isaac

Genghiz Khan

La géographie humaine du monde musulman jusqu’au milieu du IIe siècle (Miquel)


Ghaznavid dynasty. See also Mahmud, Sultan of Ghazna

Gibb, H. A. R.

Gladwell, Malcolm

global warming

gold; prohibitions against

Golden, Peter

The Golden Age of Persia: The Arabs in the East (Frye)

Gonzalez de Clavijo, Ruy

Gorgan; camels in

grain; vs. cotton; irrigation of; taxes on

hadith (sayings of the Prophet); on silk

al-Hakim al-Naisaburi


Hegel, Georg Friedrich


Hepthalites (White Huns)


Hodgson, Marshall G. S.


Ibn al-Athir

Ibn al-ʿImad

Ibn Fadlan, Ahmad

Ibn Funduq

Ibn Hawqal


Ilkhan state

India; and cotton; fulanabad place-names in; migration to; Mughal Empire in; Persian language in



Iran; in world history

Iranian languages. See also Persian language

Iraq; Arab conquest in; conversion to Islam in; and cotton; vs. Iran; Muslim scholars from

irrigation; in Central Asia; conversion to; of cotton; of grain; in history; and land ownership; and taxes; types of. See also qanats

Isfahan; cotton in

al-Isfahani, Hamza

Islam: and agricultural development; and climate change; and cotton; factionalism in; and fulanabad village names; in Iran; and land ownership; language of; Shiʿites vs. Sunnis in; and silk; sumptuary laws in; and urbanization. See also conversion to Islam; elite, religious

Islam: The View from the Edge (Bulliet)

Islamic Textiles (Baker)

al-Ismaʿili, Abu Saʿd

Ismaʿili movement

al-Jahiz, ʿAmr b. Bahr

al-Jawzi, Ibn

Jews; Khazar

al-Kamil fiʿl-Taʿrikh (Ibn al-Athir)


Karakum Desert; camels in; migration across; and Oghuz; raids across

karbas (cotton canvas)



Khurasan; camels in; cold weather in; cotton in; famine in; land development in; Oghuz migration to; place-names in; Seljuqs in; urbanization in

Khusraw, Amir

Khwarazm; camels in; Oghuz in; and Silk Road


Khwarazmian period

Kitab al-Buldan (Book of Lands; al-Yaʿqubi)

Kitab al-Hayawan (Book of Animals; al-Jahiz)

Kitab al-Siyaq li Taʿrikh Naisabur (al-Farisi)

Kitab-i Yamini (al-ʿUtbi)

Kizilkum Desert


Kushan dynasty

Lambton, A.K.S.

land ownership: and cotton; investment in; and Islamic law; Muslim; and qanats; in Qom; rural; and Seljuq land policies; by ulama; and urbanization; and village founding

language: and Arab conquest; and climate change; and cotton; and place-names. See also Arabic language; Persian language

leather goods

linen; Egyptian

Little Ice Age

Liu, Xinru

longue durée


Mahmud, Sultan of Ghazna; coins of; and Oghuz

Mamluks, Egyptian


Manzikert, Battle of

Marv; camels in; cotton in

Masʿud, Sultan

Mazaheri, Aly

mazraʿeh (cultivated field)

Mazzaoui, Maureen Fennell


Medieval Warm Period


Mediterranean region

Mesopotamia: and camels; climate change in; and Iran; urbanization in

migration: and camels; from Central Asia; and climate change; of elite; across Karakum Desert; and language; Oghuz; and pastoral nomadism; political causes of; rural-urban; second Oghuz; southward; from Yemen

Miles, George C.

military; camels for; and Oghuz migration; Seljuq

military garrisons

Miquel, André

Mongolia, climate data from

Mongol invasion


Morony, Michael

Mughal Empire

Muhammad. See also hadith

mulham (cotton and silk textile)

Al-Muntazam fi Taʿrikh al-Muluk waʿl-Umam (al-Jawzi)

al-Muqtadir, Caliph

Muslims; clothing of; elite; land ownership by; names of; vs. non-Muslims; as religious scholars; and silk. See also elite, religious; Islam

Mustawfi, Hamd-Allah

al-Muʿtasim, caliph

Al-Muwattaʿ (hadith collection; Malik b. Anas)

names: Arab; Biblical; and conversion to Islam; Muslim. See also fulanabad village names; place-names

names, occupational; and cotton; of religious elite



Nishapur; biographies for; cold weather in; cotton in; famine in; growth of; names in; pottery from; village names near

nomads. See pastoral nomadism

The Numismatic History of Rayy (Miles)

Oghuz (Ghuzz) Turkomans; as camel herders; conversion of; migrations of; second migration of


Omar, caliph

On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History (Carlyle)

opium poppies

Ostan-e Markazi

Ottoman empire

Pact of ʿUmar



Parthian empire

pastoral nomadism; in Iran; and migrations

Persian language, vs. Arabic language; literature in; New; and place-names

piedmont region; cotton in; irrigation in; land ownership in; Oghuz migration to

piedmont region- : Oghuz migration to

place-names; Arabic; bagh-(garden); sahraʿ-(desert); in tax schedules. See also fulanabad village names


population: decline of; growth of

pottery; dueling aesthetics in

qanats (underground canals), and Arabic place-names; and cotton; engineering of; and fulanabad village names; and land ownership; in modern times; and new villages; in Sasanid period; and urbanization

qattan (cotton grower)

Qing dynasty (China)

Qom; Arabs in; place-names in; taxes in

al-Qummi, Abu Ali Hasan b. Muhammad b. Hasan



The Rise of Islam and the Bengal Frontier, (Eaton)

Rum, land of

Rumi, Jalal al-Din

Russia; climate change in; famine in

Safavid dynasty


Safinezhad, Javad

sahraʿ (desert)


al-Samʿani, ʿAbd al-Karim

Samanid dynasty

Samarqand; camels in; cotton in; pottery from


Sanjar, Sultan

Sanskrit language

Sarakhs; and Oghuz migration

Sasanid empire; aesthetics of; agriculture in; camels in; clothing in; conquest of; cotton in; elite of; pottery motifs from; qanats in; and silk; trade in; and urbanization

sawwaf (wool dealer)

Scythians (Sakae)

Seleucid empire

Seljuq (Oghuz commander)

Seljuq dynasty; agriculture in; and camels; coins of; history of; land policies of; Muslim scholars in; and Oghuz; pottery of; tiraz in; trade in

Shahnameh (Book of Kings)

Shiʿites; vs. Sunnis

Siberian High

silk; Chinese; dealers in; and elite; embroidery in; hadith on; prohibitions against; trade in; and women

Silk Road; and Arab conquest; and camels; and cotton boom; and Oghuz; revival of


social structure


Sogdian language

Solongotyn Davaa (Mongolia)

Soon, Willie




Sunnis; vs. Shiʿites

Syria; and Iran; Muslim scholars from; trade with

Taq-e Bustan

Taʿrikh-e Qom (al-Qummi)

Taʿrikh Naisabur (al-Hakim al-Naisaburi)

Tarvagatay (Mongolia)

taxation; of agriculture; and conversion to Islam; of cotton; of cotton vs. grain; of grain; and irrigation; of villages

textile industry: and changing demand; and elite; government support for; and Islam; and long-distance trade; and qanat irrigation. See also cotton; silk; wool

The Tipping Point (Gladwell)

tiraz (cotton or linen fabric with band of Arabic script)

Toghril (Seljuq chieftain)

trade: and Arab conquest; and camels; with Central Asia; with China; in cotton; and land ownership; and language; long-distance; in luxury goods; in Sasanid period; in Seljuq period; in silk; trans-Asian; and urbanization

Tughril (Seljuq chieftain)


Turkestan Down to the Mongol Invasion (Barthold)

Turkic languages


Turkomans. See Oghuz (Ghuzz) Turkomans

The Turks in World History (Findley)

Uighur Turks

Umayyad dynasty

United States (U.S.)

urbanization: and Arab conquest; and climate change; and cotton; decline of; and food supply; in history; in Iran; and Islam; and language; and population growth; and qanat irrigation; and rural-urban migration; in Sasanid period; and trade

al-ʿUtbi, Abu Nasr Muhammad


The Venture of Islam (Hodgson)

villages: cotton in; founders of; founding of new; ownership of; qanats in; taxation of. See also fulanabad village names

Watson, Andrew

wool; dealers in; in Islamic law

work team (boneh) system

Yabghu (Seljuq chieftain)

al-Yaʿqubi, Ahmad

Yemen; cotton from; migrants from


Zoroastrians; and agriculture; conquest of; conversion of; and cotton; and place-names