Natalie clicked on her seatbelt in Drake’s truck. “Any idea where your parents went?”
He shook his head. “I’m totally baffled.”
“Maybe she wanted to get some sparkling cider or something to celebrate Asher’s birth.”
“Nah, she’s a planner. I’m sure she already has that in the fridge.”
“She’s an amazing woman and mother.”
Drake nodded. “We are most blessed. As you will be someday, if I have anything to say about it.”
“You know it’s too soon to think about something like that.”
“Is it?” He glanced at her. “What difference does time make when it feels so right?”
“We need to make sure we’re compatible. If we agree on the big things in life, and if we don’t, decide if we can live with the differences.”
“I know you’re right,” he said.
“And you have to really know you’re ready to settle down. And I have to be certain I can believe in happily ever after. That our emotions, which have been running high, aren’t clouding our judgment.”
He locked eyes on her for the briefest of moments then looked back at the road. “I know what I want, and I hope to show you that happily ever after does exist. Things won’t be perfect, but we’ll work through all the problems.”
“How can you be so certain?”
“Because I know that once I commit to you for life, I will do everything in my power to make sure I don’t do anything to ruin that commitment. And I know you’re the same way. You honor your commitments.”
“Yeah, I do. But I’ve never had one this important before.”
“We’ll go slowly then. Whatever you need. If you need to back off from my family, we can do that starting right now. I can take you home if you want.”
“No, oh, no. That would be rude, but also I have to see this surprise.” She grinned at him, thankful that he caught her lighthearted mood again.
A mood he kept as they left the truck to join his family in the backyard again and helped his brothers gather the s’mores items and bring it all out on trays to the fire pit.
Natalie chose a bright red chair, and Drake took the navy one next to her. The others settled around the pit, Karlie standing at the ready with a roasting stick. Erik knelt by the fire pit and started laying kindling in the middle.
“You planning on burning down the neighborhood,” Drake asked.
“Karlie said she wanted a big fire, right kid?” He grinned up at her.
“I do.” She jumped up and down and clapped her hands. “Daddy said I get to roast my own mellows today.”
Brendan grabbed the stick. “Big girls are careful with the pointy end.”
“I’m a big girl.”
“I know, and that’s how I know you’ll be careful.”
She let him hold the stick and flung her arms around his neck. “I love you, Daddy.”
“I love you too, little bit.” Brendan let out a sigh of contentment, and Jenna placed her hand on his arm and smiled at him.
An overwhelming urge to have her own child hit Natalie, something that had never happened before. Maybe it was because she was embarking on a serious relationship with an amazing man, and that had never happened before either.
Erik struck a match, the kindling caught fire, crackling and flames sparking. Karlie jumped down and stood with her hand on Brendan’s arm. She looked like she wanted to dance again but was holding back because she wanted to be a big girl.
The power of a single parental comment always struck Natalie. She knew firsthand how they could help and how they could hurt.
What kind of parents were the Gentry children experiencing right now?
Oh, Father, please. I know I keep asking when I should trust You. But give them a good home together.
Drake leaned close to her. “You okay?”
“Just thinking about what great parents Brendan and Jenna are. Your parents too.”
“And so you’re worried about the Gentry kids.”
He really had come to know her. “Yeah.”
“I’ve been thinking about them too. Especially Willow.”
“I know I should be trusting God. I know worry is a sin. I just don’t know how to turn it off right now.”
“Wouldn’t it be great if we could just turn it off like a light switch and flip on another one for trusting God? Or turn off our doubts?”
“Yeah,” she said, staring into the now blazing fire.
“Is it time?” Karlie asked. “Can I have a mellow?”
“We should wait for Nana and Papa to get back,” Jenna said.
“I don’t want to wait.” She stared at the fire.
“A big girl would wait,” Brendan said.
Karlie pouted.
“Anyone know where they went?” Clay asked.
The others shook their heads.
“Must be pretty important if Mom skipped out on even a minute of Sunday family time,” Aiden said.
“Maybe it has something to do with Asher,” Harper suggested.
“I think Mom would have that all covered,” Clay said.
“Not if it’s a personalized item that she couldn’t get until she knew the name,” Jenna said.
“Right. Good thought.”
“Mommy, you’re waiting,” Karlie said. “Means you’re a big girl too.”
Laughter rang around the fire pit, and little Karlie looked confused again.
“I wish I had other kids to play with,” she said. “'Cause I don’t know why you keep laughing.”
“Your wish is fulfilled,” Peggy said from the patio doors.
Natalie swiveled to look at her. She held Sadie Gentry, and Logan held onto Russ’s hand. Willow stood next to them.
“Let’s go meet everyone you don’t know.” Peggy led the children out to the fire pit.
“We’re going to make s’mores,” Karlie announced. “I can share my fork with you.”
Logan went straight toward her, but Pong caught his attention, and he stopped to smother the dog in a hug. “We get to be in your family. I’m going to love you.”
Natalie gaped at them. “I don’t understand.”
“We’re going to live with Nana and Papa,” Willow announced.
“You’re what?” Natalie looked between Russ and Peggy.
“It was all Drake’s idea. We often talked about fostering kids. Even got approved, but we didn’t step out and do it. Then Drake said that these little sweeties might be split up, and we knew it was time to quit talking and take action.”
Natalie jumped up. “I’m not dreaming, am I?”
“Want me to pinch you?” Drake grinned at her.
“No, but I want to hug your parents.” She swept Peggy into a tight hug. “My heart is so full from your generosity. I am so blessed to know you.”
“I’m the one who’s blessed.” Peggy leaned back. “They’re amazing kids that God has given us a chance to help raise for as long as they’re with us. Nothing better than that.”
“And since I’m retired now, I’ll be around more, so that will help,” Russ added.
Natalie approached him for a hug, and he accepted a quick one. “Now let’s get some marshmallows going.”
He grabbed the package from the tray and ripped it open. Sadie, Logan, and Karlie ran to him.
Willow hung back and looked up at Natalie. “Are you going to be part of this family?”
Natalie thought about her answer. “I hope to.”
“I’m glad. I cried when they said you couldn’t be our caseworker anymore. But this will be even better, right?”
“Right.” Natalie knelt and hugged Willow, giving her the kind of emotion-filled hug she’d been wanting to offer for days.
Willow starting crying, her little body sobbing, and Natalie’s heart creased from this child’s visceral pain, which she would continue to feel for some time. But Natalie knew the child was in good hands now. The best hands. God’s and Russ and Peggy Byrd’s capable hands.
She let the child cry herself out, and when she settled down, Natalie leaned back. “Want to go make that s’more now?”
Willow nodded, her expression still serious.
Drake moved closer to her. “I’ll bet I can make a more perfect marshmallow than you.”
“Nah.” Willow’s eyes brightened. “I’m pretty good at it.”
“Oh, game on, girl. Game on.” He headed for the forks, and Willow raced past him, excitement on her face.
“By the way, we can take that fishing trip anytime you want,” he said, as she passed. “I have just the pole for you to use.”
“I wanna go.” Willow’s voice was tight. “But no worms. You promise?”
“I promise.”
A smile spread across her freckled face, a genuine, gloriously happy smile.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Natalie knew in her heart that with the Byrd family at Willow’s side, this girl was going to be okay. Not unscathed by the events but okay. Drake was a big part of that. She wanted to hug him right now for his kindness but just stood back and watched him joke with Willow as they poked their marshmallows into the fire.
“Hey, I want in on this action.” Erik shoved Drake out of the way, and Pong gave a sharp yelp.
Willow giggled.
“It’s okay, boy,” Logan said. “We’re all having fun. I like fun.”
Aiden and Harper had taken Logan in hand and helped him make his s’more, and Sadie sat on Toni’s lap while Clay fixed one for her.
Peggy and Russ stepped over to Natalie.
“You have an amazing family,” Natalie said. “And I know the Gentry children will do the best that can be expected in your hands.”
“Thank you. I hope so. I got permission to homeschool Willow for a while. At least until everything dies down in the media. We’ll evaluate from there.”
“That will be good for her,” Natalie said.
“And then we’ll see about adoption if that’s a possibility.”
Natalie swung to look at her. “You want to adopt them?”
“We’re taking it one step at a time,” Russ said. “We want what’s best for them.”
“But you know I already think of them as ours,” Peggy said. “So letting them go might be hard.”
“Whatever happens, I know you are the right couple to care for these very fragile children,” Natalie said with oomph.
They fell silent and watched the adults and children interact. Drake and Willow sat in the grass eating their s’mores and talking. When he’d finished his, he escorted her and Logan inside to wash up, carrying a very messy Sadie with them. When they came out, the children took off toward an old swing set and fort.
“Would be good to build a new one of those,” Drake said to his dad. “We could help you and crank it out in one weekend.”
Russ nodded. “Gonna get my tape measure now and start the plans.”
Peggy gave her husband a glowing smile. “I’ll go with you and grab the cider for a toast to Sierra, Reed, and baby Asher.”
The couple walked away, and Natalie let out a contented sigh.
“That a good sigh or bad?” Drake asked.
“Good. Very good.”
He took both of her hands and smiled at her. “Big day, huh?”
She looked up at him. “Did you know about this?”
“Just that I’d mentioned it to Mom. I didn’t really think she’d act on it, but now that she has, I couldn’t be happier.”
“Yeah, me either.”
“I think in the future we should consider adopting them if Mom and Dad can’t.”
His bombshell should shock her, but it didn’t. It felt right.
“You know, when our emotions aren’t running so high and we’re not fearing for their future. Because now”—he stopped to look at his parents, who were stepping out the door—“with my mom and dad in the picture, they’re set for a good long time, and their future is looking bright.”
She twined her arms around his neck. His hands came around her waist, and he hauled her closer.
“I’m going to kiss you now, and if you object because everyone is watching, tell me and I’ll stop.”
She slid her fingers into his hair and drew his head down. Their lips met in an explosion of emotions, and her heart soared. She tried to deepen the kiss, but he pulled back.
“I guess you didn’t mind.” He grinned.
“Nah, they’re going to have to get used to it.”
He cupped the side of her face, his touch like a warming balm. “You look happy.”
“I am, and I was just thinking I’m like the children in more ways than I ever knew. I didn’t experience great parents growing up, and I never got the amazing family until now, but I did. Finally. And seeing all of you. Seeing your priorities, your love for one another, I know you’ll do your best to make our relationship work, and we’ll have just as bright of a future as the kids.”
“No question about it. That’s what we Byrds do.” He grinned at her. “We flock together.”

Thank you so much for reading Night Moves. If you’ve enjoyed the book, I would be grateful if you would post a review on the bookseller’s site. Just a few words is all it takes. Click or tap here and you will jump to the right place to post your review.
And you’ll be happy to hear that there are more books in this series!
Book 1 – Night Fall – November, 2020
Book 2 – Night Vision – December, 2020
Book 3 – Night Hawk – January, 2021
Book 4 – Night Moves – July, 2021
Book 5 – Night Watch – August, 2021
Book 6 – Night Prey –October, 2021
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Now read on for a sneak peek at the next book in the Nighthawk Security series.


Everything points to suicide or accidental death
Underwater crime scene investigator, Kennedy Walker is shocked when her mother dies and the police rule her death a suicide or an accidental overdose. Her scientist-mother was on the verge of a scientific breakthrough, and Kennedy knows her mother would never end her life, but the detective won’t listen. Kennedy moves back to her home town and commits to finding her mother's killer and finishing her work.
And she must prove them wrong.
Kennedy digs deeper, garnering the killer’s focus, and he puts her in his cross-hairs. She can’t give up on such an important project, so she swallows down her unease over the tumultuous breakup with Erik Byrd in college and hires Nighthawk Security, not only to protect her, but to help find her mother’s killer. It takes only one look for both of them to know their feelings for each other haven't gone away. With so many people counting on her to complete the project, giving in to old feelings is a distraction neither she or Erik can afford, and they both need to keep watch. Especially in the darkest hours of the night, when the killer comes out to play.


She lived for upholding the law…
Defense attorney, Malone Rice, doesn’t want to go to her fifteen year class reunion. Attending means running into her former high school flame, now Portland police detective, Liam Murphy. But when the committee decides to honor her for her pro-bono work with homeless teens, she knows it would be churlish not to attend. She will have to go and make the best of it.
But now the law won’t save her.
As expected, Liam attends the reunion, but what Malone doesn’t expect—could never expect—is that Liam would find her standing over their classmate’s dead body. Or that she would still have feelings for the once bad-boy of their high school. Liam’s struggling too, between arresting Malone for murder and his age-old attraction to her. He walks a tightrope, until evidence surfaces that the real killer’s still out there, and Malone becomes his prey. Can Liam overcome his feelings to focus and uncover the truth before the killer strikes again and Malone ends up dead?