* Many holistic or integrative practitioners (clinical nutritionists, functional medicine doctors, or integrative doctors, naturopathic doctors, and the like) and some MDs run these tests. Acupuncturists and homeopaths can aid in the treatment of many thyroid imbalances as well.

* Since formulas are constantly changing, visit thewholejourney.com for our latest recommended brands and vitamins.

* The potency (strength) of the remedy is commonly available at health food stores in 6x, 30x, 6C, 12C, or 30C. The stronger the potency, the less often it usually needs to be taken. The strength (potency) increases from x, to C, to M. It is not recommended to use M potencies without a recommendation from a professional homeopath, so we do not use this potency in the book. Willow recommends not to exceed more than six doses in one day. One dose equals four to fve pellets of the remedy. To take the remedy, pour it from the bottle to the cap and then directly into your mouth, under your tongue for sublingual absorption. Allow pellets to dissolve and avoid food and drink for 5 to 10 minutes before and after you take the remedy.

* It’s possible to ask your grocer, local butcher, or person at the meat counter for chicken bones. Be sure to get at least 3 pounds of chicken feet (which in some regions are sold alongside traditional meat). Chicken feet are not only significantly cheaper than other sources for chicken bones (like roasting whole free-range chickens) but they contain the most collagen. Collagen is helpful for protein synthesis and is nourishing to your skin, hair, and nails. You can also ask for the neck, which contains substantial amounts of collagen as well.