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————. 1919b. Raum Zeit Materie. 3rd ed. Berlin: Springer.

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————. 1944a. “Obituary: David Hilbert (1862–1943).” Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society 4:547–553; WGA 4:121–129.

————. 1944b. “David Hilbert and his Mathematical Work.” Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 50:612–654; WGA 4:130–172.

————. 1946a. “Mathematics and Logic: A brief survey serving as a preface to a review of The Philosophy of Bertrand Russell,” American Mathematical Monthly 53:2–13; WGA 4:268–279.

————. 1946b. “Review: The Philosophy of Bertrand Russell,” American Mathematical Monthly, 53:208–214; WGA 4:599–608.

————. 1949a. Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Science, tr. Olaf Helmer. Princeton: Princeton University Press. (2nd ed., 1966; new edition 2009b)

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————. 1950. The Theory of Groups and Quantum Mechanics, tr. H. P. Robertson. New York: Dover.

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————. 1952b. Symmetry. Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Reprint, 1980).

————. 1953a. “Über den Symbolismus der Mathematik und mathematischen Physik.” Studium generale 6:219–228; WGA 4:527–536.

————. 1953b. “Universities and Science in Germany.” The Mathematics Student (Madras, India) 21:1–26; WGA 4:537–562.

————. 1955. Selecta. Basel: Birkhäuser.

————. 1968. Gesammelte Abhandlungen, ed. K. Chandrasekharan. Berlin: Springer. Cited as WGA.

————. 1977. Mathematische Analyse des Raumproblems/Was ist Materie? Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.

————. 1985. “Axiomatic Versus Constructive Procedures in Mathematics,” ed. Tito Tonietti. Mathematical Intelligencer 7:10–17, 38.

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————. 1994. The Continuum, tr. S. Pollard and T. Bole. New York: Dover.

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————. 2009b. Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Science, tr. Olaf Helmer. Princeton: Princeton University Press. (2nd ed., 1966; new edition with an introduction by Frank Wilczek)

————. 2009c. The Concept of a Riemann Surface, tr. Gerald R. Maclane. 3rd ed. Mineola, NY: Dover.

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Wittgenstein, Ludwig. 1975. Philosophical Remarks, ed. Rush Rhees. Oxford: Blackwell.

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