In an ideal world, all the food we buy and eat would be organic and therefore free from herbicides and pesticides. Although the chemicals that are used to grow and rear the foods we eat are not considered harmful to humans, there have been very few studies and tests carried out to reveal what effects a cocktail of these chemicals may have on our health.
Every year Pesticides Action Network UK publishes its list of the fruits and vegetables that are most likely to have been exposed to herbicides and pesticides, and therefore these are the ones that you may want to consider buying organic. At the time of writing the list is (from most affected): citrus fruits, pineapples, pears, apples, grapes, strawberries, nectarines and peaches, tomatoes, apricots, parsnips, cucumbers, carrots. Lettuce, peas and beans in pods, sweet potatoes and courgettes are also on the list of foods containing high levels of pesticide residue.
Others foods considered to have high pesticide residue and which you may want to buy organic are oily fish, cereal grains, flour and dried fruits.
With regard to meat, if you can afford to buy organic and grass-fed then this is the best option in terms of reducing the number of chemicals you are exposed to. Not only this, but you will also have peace of mind knowing that the food you are eating has been reared and farmed using sustainable and ethical farming methods.
If you are struggling to source organic foods in your local supermarket, try shopping at your local farmers’ markets or perhaps look into signing up to an organic food box delivery service.
Of course not everyone can afford to buy organic food and please rest assured that by eating a healthy and balanced diet you and your baby will be perfectly well nourished.