Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata arrived on an idle wind that blew into Mara’s Bay from the sea, her bright-orange air balloon awakening the sleepy village like a small rising sun. It was midmorning when the woven brackerwood basket that carried her descended into the middle of our market square, nearly hitting a pen of suckling kelp pigs brought in by the Brath twins.

We all—fishmongers and net trawlers alike—stopped our work to look up and marvel. Even Merl Janish, who started at sunrise each morning with a quart of strong cider, working his way through the harder stuff until he passed out at sunset, managed to rouse from his stupor. I was just a girl of two and ten then, at the market helping my ma sell red mussels and spotted whisker trout. But I ran forward and jostled through the gathering crowd to get a good look.

I had only seen Traveling Folk come to Mara’s Bay on two other occasions, both times in years that added to odd numbers on their peculiar calendars. Their colorful air balloons had filled the skies, jangling with bells and chimes, accompanied by herds of long-horned velvet-blue sky bison that moaned and sang in piercing melodies. They’d set up their mushroom-shaped tents just outside town, and we had journeyed down to haggle for goods and hear news of far-off lands we scarcely believed in. At night their musicians played on drums and plucked curved stringed banjos, accompanied by jugglers, dancers, and fire spinners who frolicked with Mara’s Bay folk well into the dawn.

Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata, however, did not arrive with a flock of balloons, or bells, or chimes, or singing sky bison. She came alone, a young woman of no more than three and twenty. A curious gray woolen coat with pockets along its front hugged her shoulders, swallowing her inside. Beneath it, her dress was more typical of the garish hues of the Traveling Folk—a long green skirt of elaborate gold prints, colorful scarves, and a swirl of jangling necklaces that sparkled with crimson fire beads and carved metal charms. She stepped barefoot from her basket, wriggling ring-adorned toes as if testing this new soil, sniffing at the salt-filled sea air with a small flat nose, and casting her gaze about with the scrutiny of a surveyor. When she was satisfied, she swept forward with an imperious swaying gait no one in Mara’s Bay could possibly match, bid us a good day, and gave us her fantastic and incredible name that I mouthed and played with silently on my tongue like a cherished sweet.

“Well, Mistress Devshrata,” our mayor Erl Mas said after a few pleasant exchanges. “Not expecting your folk this time of year, and alone at that. You, umm, lost?”

Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata absently brushed back the thick coils of midnight hair that shadowed her face like vines, making me touch my own limp brown tresses with envy. She flashed a dimpled smile that lit up her earth-dark skin and made her pearl-black eyes glitter. “I am precisely where I expected to be,” she drawled, in a singsong accent. “And I come to help allyuh with yuh trouble.”

At this, there were a few quietly exchanged glances—Mara’s Bay folk thought it impolite to murmur. Trouble was not a word we were accustomed to hearing. This wasn’t a sprawling port city like Banar, with its infamous daily knife duels. Or the Twelve Isles with its scheming princelings and their hired mercenaries. This was Mara’s Bay, quiet and unremarked, as far from trouble as we could imagine.

“So, it’s trouble, is it?” Ro Culin said, biting down on his reed-wood pipe the way he did when thinking hard. He tucked two gnarled fisherman’s thumbs into his suspenders and leaned his angular body back like a bent post. “What kind of trouble? Bluefish going scarce? Been noticing that lately, but figure too many sea cats this season chasing them off . . .” He continued on and was interrupted twice by those offering other theories for the scarcity of bluefish. Nearly all talk in our town, like the dross that littered the shores at night, made its way to the sea eventually.

“More trouble than that,” the Traveling Folk woman pronounced with a sharp smack of her lips that made a curious scheupse sound I longed to catch, ending our talk. “The kind ah trouble allyuh can’t handle on yuh own.”

Ro Culin raised a bushy eyebrow on his long face at this. More than a few people shared quiet glances, along with some frowns.

“Don’t suppose your help comes free, do it?” one of the Brath twins called, the endless freckles that covered her skin seeming as red as her hair.

Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata smiled again, this time reminding me of a water fox. “Trade best fairer than free,” she replied, reciting the common saying of her people.

“Always up for trade, Mistress Devshrata,” our mayor said delicately. “But not certain what it is we’d be trading for. If you could tell us more—”

She cut him off with a flourish of her long fingers. Reaching into one of her coat pockets she withdrew a drawn pouch, untying it and upending its contents into her palm, revealing a set of painted bluestones etched with strange letterings. Pursing her lips to blow heavy upon them, she cast them upon the ground. They fell in a clatter on our worn gray cobblestones, tumbling before coming to a stop. Muttering in a tongue we dared not decipher, Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata lowered to a squat and began examining each stone with care.

We all watched in hushed silence, even the mayor, as she murmured to herself. A few people etched unseen blessing circles on their foreheads and whispered mantras to ward off spells. Everyone knew the Traveling Folk practiced odd magic and could curse babes to be born with scaly feet or cause your fish stores to grow salt worms. They also had the gift of foretelling and were known to predict nights when the moon filled red as blood or days when the sun vanished in darkness. What else could it be, we knew, but magic? But no one was prepared for what she had to tell us.

“A storm?” someone asked once the Traveling Folk woman had finished speaking, repeating her words. It was old Cora Gilish. She blinked through her long red hair, casting a dubious glance to the sky with an arched eyebrow. “I know my seasons and no storms coming to Mara’s Bay no time soon, gal.” A few nods of assent came from the crowd. Cora Gilish was our local Cunning woman and could smell a storm coming days off. Every fisherman, clam digger, and kelp pig herder swore by her advice.

Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata looked up at us, eyes hard and black as the smooth stones divers bring up from the seafloor, that you imagine have seen much in their buried depths. “Not the kind ah storm allyuh studying ’bout,” she said. “This storm what coming called the Vassa. And yuh won’t know they here, until it too late.”

Confusion filled the crowd now. I frowned as well. We’d never heard of a Vassa. The mayor said as much and the Traveling Folk woman scooped up her bluestones, depositing them back into her pouch as she stood. Catching us in her glare like night squid with glow glass, she began to speak.

“Hear me now. The Vassa people dem from beyond these lands, plunderers who roam the six seas. The first yuh will know of them is their great horn that sounds through the night—always dem come at night. Their black ships with black sails will be masked on the waters. But the flames yuh gon see, spit from the mouths of their vessels as fire arrows rain down on yuh village, burning all beneath dem. And as yuh run to put out the blaze, the Vassa will come, riding their war dogs, wearing the skulls and furs ah horned bears that roam their hard country. All will be put to the torch, save for what they can plunder. The men and women of allyuh village they will kill. But yuh children dem will be taken for thralls, to be sold far across the seas. It will be as if allyuh’s Mara’s Bay never was.”

The stillness that came in the wake of her words was numbing. All I could hear was my heart pounding, and the squealing of the Brath twins’ kelp piglets. Cora Gilish’s eyes grew so round it seemed as if they might jump from her head. Ro Culin’s long pipe dangled from his thin lips, ash and tabac falling and flittering on the wind. Even Merl Janish looked as if he had been struck suddenly sober. Then, rather quickly, everyone began speaking at once.

Words tumbled from frightened lips, a mass of gibberish that made little sense. Were the Vassa monsters? Did they eat people? Where did they come from? Could they be driven off? There was wailing and some tears. A shouting match that turned to shoving erupted as the Brath twins began arguing which of them could best a Vassa in a fight. Our mayor, a short man who was more belly than brawn, called in vain for order.

Through the pandemonium my eyes remained on Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata, who stood watching it all with an odd calm—the way you did when a fierce red pike latched on to your hook, and you knew you had her. Let her wear herself out then slowly reel her in.

Our gazes met for a brief moment and the smallest hint of a smile touched her lips, as if the two of us shared some secret. I wondered if I stepped forward if she would warmly whisper it in my ear?

Turning back to the crowd, she reached into one of those jacket pockets and removed another pouch, this time pouring out what looked like fine black powder into her palms. Rubbing it between her fingers, she raised her arms overhead and made a sharp clap with her hands— producing a sound like thunder and a slight shower of red sparks that fell and danced about her midnight tresses. That got everyone quiet again, and we all stared, as if she were some otherworldly being dropped down from the Third Heaven.

“Mistress Devshrata,” the mayor breathed, wiping perspiration that dotted the balding spot on his scalp. He looked as pale as his wisps of white hair. “You said you could help us against these . . . Vassa?” The last word sent a shudder through the crowd.

The Traveling Folk woman was quiet for a while, letting a silence hang in the air before answering. “I willing to help allyuh,” she spoke at last, eyes glinting, “for a proper trade.”

The mayor nodded eagerly. “I’m certain something can be worked out. We don’t have much here, but we’re willing—”

“I want a place to stay,” she cut in abruptly. “A home to call my own, here in this village. Grant me what I wish, and I will stop the Vassa from ravaging yuh homes in turn. And my own.”

That caught us by surprise. The Traveling Folk were, well, travelers. They didn’t stay anywhere long. Mara’s Bay considered itself friendly and welcoming to folk, but we rarely saw strangers put down roots. Everyone in the village had been living here long as could be remembered: generations of Culins and Braths and Gilishes. A newcomer, one of the mysterious Traveling Folk no less, was going to be . . . different. But given the circumstances, it seemed that everyone found it an easy enough bargain.

Ro Culin was the first to nod in agreement, biting his long pipe particularly hard. Cora Gilish scowled deeply but was second, and soon followed by more. In short order the whole crowd was agreeing to the bargain. The mayor turned back with visible relief on his round face.

“It seems we have come to an understanding, Mistress Devshrata,” he said.

Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata stepped forward boldly, grabbing his arm and placing his hand flat to her chest, while putting her own on his. “Once confirmed by the heart,” she stated, “the agreement cannot be broken.” The mayor nodded awkwardly and stumbled through the familiar ritual of the Traveling Folk, ending by spitting into his hands and smearing the saliva on her open palm.

When the two finished, a roar of cheers went up. Many offered the mayor excited congratulations on his fine decision. Ro Culin and Cora Gilish bullishly agreed the bargain was easily worth it. The Brath twins began arguing over which of them had been the first to voice assent. I watched it all, perplexed, as the most important question of all seemed to me to have been lost.

“How are you going to stop them?” I blurted aloud.

The voices died as all eyes turned to stare down at me, and I almost shrank back. But Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata was staring, too, and that dark gaze felt as if it were pulling the words from my lips. “The Vassa, I mean,” my words coming in a stammer, “how are you going to stop them?”

The Traveling Folk woman did smile now, her black eyes weighing me and seeming impressed. “And what yuh name is, lickle one?” she asked.

I swallowed before answering. Lickle? “Evon Cal. My ma is Adie Cal.”

“Well, Evon Cal, daughter of Adie Cal,” she drawled, “I glad somebody bother to ask.”

She offered me a sly wink I would treasure forever, turning to walk to her basket where she rifled inside before pulling out a long and rolled parchment. She brought it directly to me and unfurled its length onto the ground. All about us, people crowded to look. On the pale brown sheet there was a drawing of what looked like a man, only his body was too straight, too angular. And where bone and muscles should have been, were wheels that reminded me of the inside of the clock that sat in the mayor’s home—the kind of fancy gadgets outlander peddlers bought to sell when passing through.

“Begging your pardon, Mistress Devshrata?” the mayor asked, his face perplexed. “But what is that?”

Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata looked up with a sea cat’s grin and sly eyes. “That,” she pronounced, “is going to be yuh champion.” A tinge of excitement tremored her voice. “And I going to make him!”

Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata’s house took over three months to build. It was a grand thing, larger than any in Mara’s Bay. Only the mayor’s home came close. And that was because he owned our only inn and store. This new house was almost twice as big, constructed of cobalt speckled taupe stone and a roof of flat ginger terracotta slates. It stood on the outskirts of the village, atop a lonely bluff that overlooked the sea. We sat in our humble wooden houses beneath thatched straw, staring up at it in wonder.

Our champion took longer.

My ma said it was probably the grandest feat Mara’s Bay had ever attempted, grander even than the old stone lighthouse that now lay crumbled and abandoned. Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata had insisted our champion be made of blackwood, which when treated and dried became as hard as iron and would not rot or burn. Every part was cut and sanded under her watchful supervision, which accepted no imperfection. The heart of our champion she crafted from brass and steel and would let no one near as she worked on its delicate construction. For armor, sheets of bronze were hammered and bent into shape, applied in layers that covered his every limb and frame.

None of it came easy. Treated blackwood had to be imported from one of the Twelve Isles. Brass, steel, and bronze were shipped from Banari ports, who in turn shipped it from far-off lands. The expense was more than our small village could easily sustain, and everyone had to contribute. Fishermen gave up a fifth of their catch, and farmers a tenth of their harvest. The rest of us were saddled with a tax that we met as we were able. Ma and I worked more, selling whenever and whatever to do our part. When donations were called for, she even gave up a golden hairpin, part of a set my father had bought for her when he was still alive. The burden of protecting our village and our homes was one Mara’s Bay folk accepted without complaint, and we gladly did all we could.

It was the end of summer, as the days turned shorter and the sea cooler, so that flocks of broad-winged silver fish could be seen heading for warmer waters, that our champion was completed. The mayor declared a holiday to mark the occasion and all of Mara’s Bay turned out. Ma and I came to sell food—boiled spiced crabs, fried shark with bake, and roasted oysters slathered on honeyed bread.

Because it was a holiday, I wore a dress the color of green sea rice, with yellow frills like bright coral at its edges. Everyone had donned their best: the mayor in his black Banari coat with its fire-red ermine seal collar; Ro Culin with a new pair of sea-cat-hide suspenders that glimmered with rainbow scales; and Cora Gilish in the broad white bonnet of a Cunning woman tied under her chin by a ribbon. Even Merl Janish had combed back his black hair with sap butter till it lay slick against his head.

None of us, of course, could match Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata. She arrived with her usual flair, turning heads and widening eyes.

She had donned a burgundy coat with gold buttons and wide cuffs trimmed in blue that verged on purple. It sat over a lavender shirt that my ma later remarked was cut scandalously low. Rows of thin blue beads wrapped around her waist above snug tan breeches that were tucked into brown leather boots with broad gold buckles. It was not clothing anyone in Mara’s Bay wore, where women preferred dresses that fell in straight lines and men sported loose fisherman’s trousers. Many stared openly as she sauntered through the market, and as I found myself mesmerized by the rhythmic way her hips swayed, I wondered if this too was some special sorcery.

She stopped momentarily at our stall, as she always did when we came to market, asking for the bake and shark. I prepared it myself, making sure to add extra meat, and dousing it with the mix of peppery spices I’d come to know she liked. Catching sight of me she raised an eyebrow. I’d begged my ma to arrange my hair into little braids, to resemble Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata’s thick-knotted tresses. And I adorned my hair with bright colorful ribbons to match her endless scarves. I blushed when she appraised me with a smile and the slightest nod of approval.

“Well, isn’t she a sight,” Cora Gilish remarked once the Traveling Folk woman had moved off.

“That she is,” Ro Culin murmured over his redwood pipe. His eyes trailed that rhythmic gait, the way an angler followed a bonefish on his line. Cora Gilish scowled, elbowing him in the ribs. He coughed, catching his pipe between his fingers and scowling back.

“What’s that ’bout, eh?” he groused. “You agreed to let her stay like the rest of us.”

Cora Gilish huffed. “That may be. But I didn’t agree to let her bring her strange ways among us. Already have some impressionable ones mimicking her.” She gave my hair a disapproving glare and my back stiffened. “Caught two Kien sisters barefoot with rings on their toes, till I put a broom to their backsides! Just you watch, tomorrow they’ll be trying on breeches and knife dueling in the streets over second husbands like those Banari strumpets! And by the eight day’s tides, look at what the woman’s done to those idiot Brath twins!”

I looked to the two figures who trailed Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata and had to stifle a giggle. Brother and sister were dressed in tight bright-green jackets and tight red breeches that matched their hair. A forelock on each of their heads had been plaited into a braid, where a copper bell hung. It jingled as they followed the Traveling Folk woman about like servants. Ro Culin chuckled and commented as much.

“More like well-heeled boar hounds!” Cora Gilish huffed. “And I can only imagine what untoward things happen in that house among those three.”

“So can I,” Ro Culin murmured. He shared an appreciative look with Merl Janish, who was sober enough to grin a set of yellowed teeth.

I didn’t understand it then myself. People whispered about the lavish parties Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata held in her great big house. She and the Brath twins carried on loudly, singing, drinking, and carousing late into the night. I often imagined that I would be invited to her house one day, where I would sit with the Traveling Folk woman and eat rich truffle pies and powdered sun cakes imported from who knew where. Certainly, I was as interesting as those dull-witted Brath twins.

“It’s unseemly,” the Cunning woman muttered. “Immoral. Scandalous. Per—”

She was cut off as a crier announced the start of the day’s ceremony. I was happy to get away from that troubling talk and followed my ma as the crowd walked out to the harbor.

There our champion stood.

He was a towering giant in the semblance of a man, taller even than the old lighthouse. His body of gearwheels and cogs constructed of steel-hard blackwood glistened the color of midnight, while a covering of bronze armor shined bright beneath the autumn sun, so that I thought I could see it shimmering atop the waves. His face had no features. It was utterly blank, free of a mouth or nose, save for two round inlays of pearl white glass that served for eyes.

Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata and the mayor stood at the clockwork giant’s feet, near a tall ladder. After he gave a few speeches during which the crowd seemed to get restless, the Traveling Folk woman finally stepped forward.

“People of Mara’s Bay!” she called out. “I have made yuh this champion as promised! He will protect yuh village on its darkest day! He yours so long as yuh will have him! So, it only right one of allyuh give him life!” Her eyes looked over the crowd, searching. Many cast their glances away. It was one thing to cheer on the champion, and another to sully their hands with Traveling Folk sorcery. But I would not bend, staring straight out and whispering a prayer beneath my breath that those beauteous eyes would find me.

“Evon Cal! Daughter of Adie Cal! Come!” she called.

I stood rooted, too stunned to move—until Ma pushed me forward. Soon other hands were pulling and pushing me through the crowd, and I found myself standing right there before the Traveling Folk woman. She beamed down at me, that small smirk on her face once more seeming to hold back some secret. Bending down she leaned in close, and I drew a deep breath, taking in her scent—like rough deep waters and sweet pungent spices that spoke of far-flung places. I wondered if I held it in my nostrils if I would be able to breathe it out again into a bottle and stopper it to hold and keep forever. This close she was dizzying, and my head swam so that my mouth seemed to speak of its own accord.

“I love you,” the words came, as if drawn from my tongue. In shock I tried to catch them, to pull them back, but they fluttered away beyond my grasp.

Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata stared back at me for long moment, then putting a hand to my hair, adjusted my ribbons as she spoke low.

“Love, is it? Oh, lickle one, what yuh know ‘bout love, nah? Still have much time for that. One day, when you ah grown woman, yuh heart gon give to one who deserve it. Maybe more than once. And yuh gon know the joy and pain and loneliness ah love. But yuh must never so easily give it to one such as me—a wind that blow in with the new season but like each passing breeze gon have its time. Yuh see, I have cast the stones to know what tomorrows lie in wait for me. And it—” Her eyes glanced up, quickly running over the assemblage of Mara’s Bay folk, and a slight sneer lifted the corner of her lip before settling, so that I wasn’t certain it had ever been there at all.

“But that my concern,” she finished. “Now then, Evon Cal, we must see to yuh champion. He a thing ah machine and magic. And I need yuh to help start his heart with magic of yuh own.”

“But I don’t know any magic!” I stammered.

She smiled slyly. “Then I gon give yuh some ah mine.” Taking my hands in hers, she blew gently on my fingers, and I felt a slight tingle run through me. “Now, go. Give yuh champion life.”

I nodded, suddenly confident, almost lightheaded. Grabbing on to the ladder I began to climb, making my way up each rung with a slight giddiness. I looked down once when I’d reached the clockwork giant’s waist to see everyone far below, then continued climbing.

Our champion’s heart stood about half as big as me. It was the only part exposed in the bronze armor—Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata’s own construction. I gaped at it in wonder, trying to imagine how such a thing could be made. Then, as the small bit of magic yet worked through me, I knew what I had to do. Placing my palms against the metal heart I closed my eyes and whispered one word. “Live.”

A warmth rushed through me, and I could feel the borrowed magic leaving, entering the clockwork giant’s heart. But it was more than that. It took something from me as well, from all of Mara’s Bay. Because it really was our very own champion.

A loud ticking began as the mechanical heart hummed to life, beating like a thing of flesh and blood. All along the clockwork giant’s body gears began to grind and turn in time. His back straightened and he seemed to stand firmer. On his featureless face those two round inlays of glass stared out upon the waters as he began his vigil.

From the crowd below cheering erupted. Women hugged and men clapped each other on their backs. I looked down searching for Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata. I had confessed my feelings to her. She had shared magic with me. And I couldn’t help but feel there was now a bond between us, of sorts.

I found her soon enough. In the midst of the celebration, she had grabbed hold of a woman—a plump widow named Agee Mas, the mayor’s niece. And she was kissing her, with such intensity that several in the crowd stopped cheering to stare slack jawed. The Brath twins stared hardest of all. I watched in disappointment as the Traveling Folk woman left the celebration arm in arm with Agee Mas, both heading to her fabulous house, leaving the ruin of my dreams in their wake.

“It isn’t natural,” one of the Brath twins muttered, where she sat staring into her thick brown ale.

I poured her another cup of hot fin-tailed lamprey and plum squash soup. It was winter. And a creeping ice had gripped Mara’s Bay, holding us fast. Ma and I sold food now inside the mayor’s inn, where people gathered to idle away time, until at least the fishing boats could be freed from the latest storm.

“Carrying on with a widow like that,” the second Brath twin added. “It’s indecent!”

“You’re a fine lot to talk,” the mayor said dryly. He was wiping down a set of iron pint mugs with meticulous care. Behind him, two of his daughters followed over each mug with a second wiping. He pursed his lips at the Brath twins. “Seem to remember you two up there most of the summer, doing ‘indecent’ things.”

From near the fireplace where he sat in a big chair, Ro Culin chuckled. He tapped out the ashes of his reedwood pipe before filling it anew. Touching a flint to the flames, he used it to spark the tabac. “Got a point there. Says something, I think, that one Agee Mas is worth two Braths, eh?”

There was laughter from others, and even my Ma had to stifle a smile. That only made the Brath twins scowl deeper.

“You’re just protecting her because she’s your niece!” one of them snapped.

The mayor shrugged at the charge. “Agee’s a good woman. Lost her husband three years back to worm sickness and never took another or a wife. She’s been lonely. Don’t recall you Braths courting her.”

“Can’t argue there,” Ro Culin said, puffing on his pipe. “Least Agee’s not all trussed up like she had you two—in your pretty, fine clothes.” More laughter now. And the Brath twins hunched further over their ale, turning the shade of fresh-cut beet kelp. I didn’t laugh. It wasn’t that I cared much for the Brath twins. But I had seen Agee Mas sometimes walking hand in hand with Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata. And you could hear the two laughing and celebrating into the night in that big house. I didn’t understand the arbitrariness of attraction, and that to the Traveling Folk woman I was only a girl of two and ten. I only knew that Agee Mas was where I wanted to be.

“Laugh if you want!” shouted one of the Braths hotly. “But we were up there! In her presence. We’ve seen things!”

The mayor sighed wearily. “And what is it you think you’ve seen?”

There was a pause and the two twins glanced at each other, before one of them blurted out a word. “Witchery!”

There was some quiet at that. Magic was one thing. But witchery was no small charge in Mara’s Bay, where people warded against foul craft that could make a man fall from his boat into the sea or cause fish stores to grow salt worms. When someone asked what kinds of things they’d seen, the Braths were eager to go on. They spoke of strange items in the Traveling Folk woman’s possession; of the way she cut open fish to read their entrails, of strange chants she would do amid smoke and candles. And ears listened.

“She’s putting curses on us!” one of the Brath twins said. “Traveling Folk witchery! Why, that’s how she got the two of us!” There were a few snickers at that, and some seemed ready to rebuff the charge. But the twins quickly ran on. “No one can remember a winter harsh as this one. Boats trapped in ice so thick you can’t cut it away. House roofs caving in from the snow. Sea cats eating up all the night squid. It’s not natural!”

People definitely went quiet this time. Everyone seemed to be dwelling on their own thoughts. For a long time, no one spoke. And then Ro Culin’s voice broke the silence.

“Other day, before this storm, I hauled in one of the biggest blue fish you ever seen.” He held his long arms apart to demonstrate. Some whistled appreciatively. “Had her right in my hands. A good grip too. By all rights she was mine—till she wriggled out. Jumped right back through the net and into the sea. When I looked close, the rope in the netting had been cut to leave a big hole. Bought that net from Lon Fel. Buy all my nets from him. And never had a hole before.”

“Because my nets don’t have holes!” thick-necked Lon Fel, who was sitting across the room, boomed. “I make the best nets in Mara’s Bay! Not a man or woman dare say otherwise!”

Everyone mumbled their assent. Lon Fel did make very good nets. And just like that, it began. One by one, people recounted stories of oddities. A sand calf had slipped inexplicably and broken its leg, needing to be put down. A barrel of freshly caught ice scallops had spoiled without good cause. A heavy hailstorm had ripped the sails of half a dozen fishing boats. On and on it went, and with each telling the mood in the room soured so that I thought I could taste it in the air.

“Two babes I delivered for Enin Geral,” Cora Gilish spoke. All heads turned to the Cunning woman, who had remained quiet all this time. She looked up from the table where she was seated to fix her eyes on us. “Twins. Both born with the cleft lip.”

There were a few gasps. I inhaled sharply. Twins were strange dealings enough; the Braths were evidence of that. But everyone knew cleft lips were a bad omen. Fishermen whispered they were really the disgruntled spirits of their catch who decided to be reborn as people, and the cleft was the mark where the hooks had once pierced their face.

“What do you suppose that means?” Ro Culin asked, his long face frowning.

The Cunning woman straightened in her authority, as every gaze turned to her, expectant. “Who can say? I know this. Never had a Geral born with a cleft lip. And haven’t heard of one in three generations in Mara’s Bay. Now we have two, at once.”

“Now hold on,” the mayor urged, tasting the mood of his inn. “We’re doing a lot of talking here, and it’s just that. Talk. Odd things happen all the time. We don’t go blaming witchery for every bad catch or when our squid milk curdles.” He turned about to meet each eye. “Need I remind you that Mistress Devshrata came here to help us? And we all agreed to accept that help. Gave our oath.”

“Wasn’t free!” one of the Braths barked. “We paid for it!”

“Still paying!” his sister added.

“All so that she can live in that big house,” Cora Gilish remarked, one eyebrow raised. “And make us that ‘champion’ who never moves and drives us slowly mad with that infernal noise.”

Everyone turned to look out the small, frosted glass window. From here we could see our champion. He was covered in a sheet of ice and stood just where we had left him. Where he always stood. The only sign that he lived was his ever-ticking heart. Day and night it ticked, so loud it could be heard the length of the village—our constant reminder of his existence as he stood his silent vigil.

“You saw her casting as well as me, Cora Gilish,” the mayor said sternly. “And you agreed the threat was real.”

“Perhaps,” she answered, pursing her lips sourly. Then paused. “Or perhaps I saw a witch’s trick. Done some talking with other Cunning women these past months. Sent out messenger sparrows too, to ask about these Vassa. No one, anywhere, has ever heard of them.”

That caught the mayor off guard. His broad face frowned. “None?”

“Not even a mention,” Cora Gilish replied, louder for all listening. She looked back out the window. “But now we have that monstrosity that does nothing, and the witch has a grand fine house. All at our expense. The Traveling Folk are known for their skills at bartering. Quite a good trade, wouldn’t you say?”

There was a hush throughout the room. I watched slowly as every head turned to the window on the opposite side, where in the distance Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata’s house stood on its lonely bluff. Eyes hardened as they stared, thinking over all they’d just heard. And as I thought of Agee Mas sitting warmly up there, where I should have been, my eyes and heart hardened as well.

“Witch! Witch! Fall in a ditch!”

We cried our chant as children, running around the legs of the clockwork giant singing the words to our new game. It was still winter, at least two weeks longer than most were accustomed to. Even with the ice gone, the fish were scarce in these cold waters. And it left all of us idle from the usual spring chores that came with a bustling market. So, in the last slivers of sun before the coming of twilight, we played.

On cue at the end of the song, we all fell down like the witch in the ditch. The last one standing was made the witch, and we picked up snowballs to pelt him. It didn’t make much sense but bore the special cruelty of children.

“If that witch was here, I’d push her in a ditch!” redheaded Jayn Rol said. It was a constant claim we made now to show our bravado and disdain for witches. Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata had become the source of our ire, nurtured on the bitter words we heard murmured by adults. We mimicked their spite, swallowed it down bitter, and made it our own.

“My da says we should have never made a pact with that witch,” Jayn Rol spat. “He says now all of Mara’s Bay is cursed.”

“My da says this winter might last forever,” a girl put in.

“Mine says she’s keeping the fish away,” another boy added.

Jayn Rol scowled, turning to look at the big house on the bluff. “We should go pelt that witch’s house!”

“No!” one boy said, his small face going pale, and eyes wide. “My ma says witches cook children—and eats them!”

Everyone’s eyes rounded at this, including my own. That was one I hadn’t heard before. I didn’t believe any of it, of course. But I no longer cared what people said or thought of Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata, who now barely gave me a moment’s glance. So, I held my tongue and kept my quiet.

“Can’t believe some people used to look up to that witch,” Jayn Rol said. His eyes fell on me, and I stiffened as he sneered. “I remember when Evon Cal was wearing those stupid bright scarves and had her hair all braided up like that witch. Probably used to rub soot on your skin too!”

My face heated, and he grinned. “I remember that day you climbed that ladder and made this iron monster’s heart tick.” He pointed up at the mechanical heart, covered in a sheath of ice but still alive. “Why don’t you climb up there again and turn it off?”

“Why don’t you?” I snapped back. “You’re always so much talk, Jayn Rol. But you don’t do anything. Just like your da. All that talk, but when he passes by that witch, he puts his head down and keeps on walking.” I huffed for good measure. “Talk from a Rol.”

It was Jayn’s turn to get heated. He stalked up to me and glared. I glared back. We were the same height after all. Seeing this wouldn’t work, he spun about and stared up at the clockwork giant that was once our champion.

“Think I’ll go up there and turn that thing off myself,” he declared.

I rolled my eyes. “Don’t be stupid. There’s no ladder.”

“Don’t need one.”

Marching up, he grabbed hold of a massive leg. Then with a heave, he hoisted himself up. We watched his odd ascent with breaths held, hardly believing our eyes. We played around our once champion, but none of us dared touch him. Jayn Rol exulted in our awe, and he gave a cry of triumph as he inched higher. Then his foot skidded, trying to find purchase on the slippery ice covering the bronze frame. There was a yelp—and he fell.

He was airborne for only moments before striking the ground hard. He lay there for a moment, only gasping. Then he screamed. We stood frozen, not knowing what to do as his face contorted in pain and tears filled his eyes. We were still standing when stout Bree Nor came running up, still wearing her washerwoman apron. With much exclamation she picked up Jayn and ran up the road to the mayor’s inn. We followed behind.

Inside, the usual talk ended as Bree Nor came huffing through the doors, laying a screaming Jayn on a table. Cora Gilish made her way forward, broad white bonnet parting all before her. She felt along the boy’s leg, and he screamed louder.

“Broken. It’ll need to be set.” Instructing others to fetch her things she turned to us. “How did this happen?”

“It was the witch!” a girl blurted out. The gathered crowd went still.

Cora Gilish looked up from where she was tying up Jayn’s leg, one eye twitching. “What do you mean, gal?”

“We were talking about the witch,” the girl said. “And then Jayn tried to climb the giant!”

“Climb?” Ro Culin asked. “Who gave him that sea-cat-brained idea?”

“I think it was the witch,” a boy trembled. “My ma says she can make people do things—like she made the Braths do things.”

The twins, who were standing nearby, quickly agreed—launching into one of their tirades that people now earnestly listened to. Cora Gilish raised a hand for quiet. “He fell?” she asked.

The girl nodded. “He was climbing just fine. Then something just . . . happened. I think.” She paused. “I think the giant might have moved.”

There were fresh gasps now, and Cora Gilish frowned deep. She turned her glare to us as on the table, Jayn whimpered through clenched teeth. “All of you saw this?”

The others all nodded in turn. And then all eyes came to me.

I stood there, confused. I hadn’t seen any witchery. A stupid boy had tried to climb the clockwork giant and fell. I certainly never saw it move. But now Cora Gilish’s glare was on me—everyone’s eyes were on me. Even my mother’s. I knew those faces waited on me to tell them not what I saw, but what they believed I saw. And it was so much easier to give them what they wanted. Under that pressure that seemed to pound in my ears, I found my head moving in a nod, and wondered if perhaps this was some other strange form of witchery.

It was like a spark.

The inn erupted with angry shouts. The witch had done this! The witch who had cheated them for fools, who had cursed their village, who lived in her big fancy house built with their money and toil. Now that witch was harming their children! It was time to do something! It was time for her to leave Mara’s Bay!

I watched, stunned, as people I had known abruptly changed, seeming to become other people. It was as if their faces held masks beneath, angry, cruel, hateful masks, which they had been hiding all this time. Men howled and women screamed. They cursed the witch and called for blood. Stout line poles were grabbed up. Fishing hooks and curved serrated gutters were brandished. Chair legs were broken off, the ends wrapped in whale oil-soaked cloth and set aflame. As one, this group of people with new frightening faces streamed out of the inn and began their night march to the house on the bluff.

I was swept up within it, carried along by its raw anger—struggling to keep up. Once the mayor tried to block them, making fevered appeals. But someone threatened to return to his inn and burn it down as well. He cowered at that, and his daughters pulled him away, to let these men and women he had called friends and neighbors seek out others to sate their rage. When we finally reached the house on the bluff, the witch herself stepped out to meet us.

Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata stood at her door, staring with that dark glittering gaze. She looked as fantastic to me as she did that morning of her arrival, and her long black hair seemed like snakes poised to strike. Dressed in her long gray coat and a bright rose-colored dress, she placed hands on her hips and planted bare feet on the icy ground—unyielding.

Her fearless stance was enough to momentarily stun the crowd and they stopped, losing their momentum. Cora Gilish, however, pushed her way to the front and walked right up to the Traveling Folk woman.

“We’ve had enough of your tricks and witchery!” she declared. “We’ve come to tell you to go—this very night!”

Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata’s eyes narrowed as she stared the Cunning woman up and down. “Allyuh break yuh pact?” she drawled. “Yuh don’ have no shame?”

Cora Gillish’s face thundered. “We don’t honor pacts with witches!” she spat.

Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata paused at that, staring with a curious expression. Then she laughed. It was a loud rich bellow that echoed through the now-dark night, full of disdain and mockery. It did not stop until Cora Gilish took her open palm and slapped the Traveling Folk woman across the face, hard enough to make her stagger. We stared in silence, and I clutched at my dress with an inhaled breath.

When Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata looked up again, there was fire in her eyes that looked like it might boil away seas. With a cry she launched for the Cunning woman. But other hands from the crowd caught her. She fought, bloodying the nose of one man, and scratching a tear into another’s face. But in the end, she was caught like a struggling sea cat on a noose-pole. A frightful Agee Mas who was standing in the doorway was snatched up as well. Together the two women were hauled before us for judgment.

A new quiet fell over Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata, as if the prior fury had never been. She watched in silence as pelted stones broke the windows of her home, as the people that had welcomed her now ran inside to ransack her belongings. She did not speak or cry out even as the first fires were set, and the flames began to darken the cobalt-speckled bricks until the terracotta tiles of the roof cracked beneath the heat.

Once, her eyes roamed about, then finding me, lingered. A flicker of something ran across them—disappointment, pity, or sadness—and it felt like a fishing barb had been thrust into my heart. I turned away, wanting to hide from those eyes that seemed to gaze through me, to my betrayal.

“Now the witch!” someone yelled. Talk began of what to do with our captives. Someone, a woman whose voice I tried to pretend was not my mother, suggested sending the witch and her lover back into the burning house. But Cora Gilish had another idea.

“She came over the sea on an ill wind,” the Cunning woman proclaimed. “We will give her back to the sea!”

A frightening roar went up, and the mad procession began a new march to the harbor. Agee Mas cried and pleaded as she was led, but Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata never uttered a word between the jeers and spittle that came her way, as silent and unshakable as stone.

It was the sound of the horn that stilled us. The sonorous blare cut through the air like the bellow of some leviathan, sending a chill deeper than winter, piercing into bone and spirit. We stopped, made immobile by that unearthly sound. Then we saw its source.

Out on the sea before the harbor were ships. They were black, so dark they blended with the night upon the waves. Their bodies were massive and long, like the great serpents that roamed the deep waters of the world. They had gotten close, so we could now see the tall masts that carried their black sails.

A sudden light flared before them—fiery green flames that spit in gouts from the mouths of carved monstrous heads at the prow of the vessels. As it illuminated the night, figures came into view standing on those black ships, the hulking forms of men plucked from our night-mares, wearing gleaming bestial skulls, and sitting astride giant armored black dogs that sent up fierce howls.

It was what had been foretold, what had been prophesied. The Vassa.

All the rage that had moments ago infused us was extinguished— like the hot spear of a fishing point plunged into water in its forging. And as we watched flaming arrows nocked like a hundred pinpoints of light, we saw our doom and wailed in fright. Only one voice rose above our anguished cries, and I looked up to see Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata shouting words in her tongue.

There was a loud creaking, then crackling as in the harbor a towering form stirred. I held my breath as my hands clenched my skirts, realizing what I was seeing. Our champion!

The clockwork giant stretched limbs like a man awakening from a long sleep. Along his body ice broke, tumbling in great blocks to crash at his feet. That ticking heart seemed to grow faster, louder, as his once-dull eyes now shined bright. He swiveled his head to gaze out at the sea, to where the black ships bobbed upon the waters. Then he began his march toward them.

No one who stood witness that night could forget the sight of our champion striding out into the shallow waves. Or how the flaming arrows loosed upon him by the Vassa merely bounced from his bronze skin. How with one hand he lifted up the bow of a ship, pitching it over so that men and their war beasts were sent crying and barking into the sea. How the flames spouted by the monstrous vessels wreathed his unmarred face in a terrible countenance, as he broke them in two. The Battle of Mara’s Bay, as we would come to call it, lasted no more than moments. Those Vassa that survived sailed furiously away, leaving their armor-laden compatriots to sink heavily and drown in the icy waters, their bloated bodies washing up on our shores for days to come.

There was silence as we watched the last of the remaining black ships depart. When a loud grunt came, all turned to see Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata pulling ruefully away from the men who now slackly held her. They backed away. Everyone did. Even Cora Gilish cowered, shrinking into her broad white bonnet. We had seen more than the saving of our village this night, or the vindication of a Traveling Folk woman. We had seen ourselves, and what lay beneath, as monstrous perhaps as the Vassa. And it shamed us.

But Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata paid us no mind, as if we were not there. She was set to walk past us when she stopped and looked directly at me. Heat burned my face, and I wanted to turn my head to not meet her terrible gaze. I wanted to pour out my guilt for what part I played in our disgrace. But I could do nothing but stare into those dark eyes that held me fast. The Traveling Folk woman bent low, and it wasn’t until her hands wiped my cheeks that I realized they were wet with tears. She said nothing, but the corner of a lip raised in a slight smile that I will always hope was forgiveness. Then she was gone, walking past us, out toward the harbor—hand in hand with Agee Mas.

Our champion stood there, waiting. At some command from his maker, he knelt low. She climbed atop him, taking a place at his shoulders. Extending a hand to Agee Mas, she helped the other woman up. Rising again, the clockwork giant stood for a moment, an imposing figure in the night. Then he strode forward. There were screams as he entered our village and many ran—thinking his maker meant him to trample us and our homes in her vengeance.

But the giant walked past our fishing boats, past our thatched-roof houses, past the still burning edifice of his maker’s house. He walked out of Mara’s Bay and onto the plains, disappearing into the dark, so that after long, even the sounds of his ticking heart could not be heard.

No one knows what became of Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata after that night. She never returned to Mara’s Bay. Nor did any of the Traveling Folk. There were rumors over the years that she had gone on to design war machines for the princelings of the Twelve Isles. Some said she had become a ruler in some distant land on the other side of the world. Others claimed she had built a great balloon to sail to the sun and died when it burned and tumbled back to earth.

Who can say?

Life in Mara’s Bay went on, as it had before. Most tried to forget that night. What was left of the Traveling Folk woman’s house was removed bit by bit, so that a field now stands where it once did—though no one dares build there.

Long after that night, when I was a woman of middle years, who had twice married and birthed and raised three children, Mara’s Bay had a bronze statue raised in the market square. It stands now half again as tall as a man and depicts the clockwork giant in all his magnificence, staring out at the sea. At his feet is a plaque that reads—Our Champion.

The name Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata, however, is nowhere to be found. In fact, that name became unspoken in Mara’s Bay, and largely disappeared from memory—except among the old like me who still remember when I was a girl of two and ten. It was as though speaking her name would remind us of what we had seen that night, not out in the waters, but in our own flesh and hearts. So, we erased her from our minds and the stories we passed down, as if silence would somehow rid us of our guilt.

But if you put your ear to the statue’s heart, and close your eyes and listen, you will hear a faint ticking like a clock—the last fading bit of magic once given to a girl that she pressed into the breast of this bronze replica, when she was yet a woman of middle years. And if you come to me now and ask about that strange sound, I will tell you all that I remember of Oresha Moon Dragon Devshrata.