“I’ve called in the reinforcements.” Riley bounded through the door of Jami’s cottage carrying a box of donuts and two go-cups of coffee. Sunlight spilled in after him, promising a picture-perfect Fourth of July Grand Opening Day. “Put me to work, boss.”

“I didn’t expect—” Jami paused to gape at him, jaws wide with disbelief. “What are you doing here?”

“Your chariot awaits.” He bowed and motioned toward the driveway. “But you need to indulge in a quick breakfast and a hit of caffeine, first.”

“I can’t eat a bite.” Jami pressed a hand to her belly as her insides twisted into a painful knot. “I’m too nervous. Julia is still sick, and I forgot to send out the e-mail reminders yesterday because she usually handles that. A new shipment of promotional materials is due around ten and the parade starts at two.”

“You can eat and you will.” Riley handed her a go-cup. The scent of his soap, now so familiar, mingled with fresh-mown grass and hazelnut coffee. “Sit down for a minute and breathe.”

“I can’t do this, Riley.” She turned to gaze out the window, closing the door behind him. “Now that it’s time, I’m just a bundle of nerves. Maybe I’ve bit off more than I can chew.”

“That’s nonsense and you know it. You’re more than ready for this. You can do it, Jami. Let me help you.” He placed a hand on each of her shoulders and eased her toward the kitchen, settling her into a chair. Gathering a pair of dessert plates from the cabinet, he set them on the table along with a couple of napkins and, for her, a glass of milk to go along with the coffee. “It’s going to be OK. Chocolate makes everything better.”

“Yummy.” Her nervous laughter filled the room as she lifted the lid of the pastry box. The delicious aroma of chocolate kissed her nose, bringing a measure of calm. “I do think this will cure what ails me. You are too good to me, Riley Hunter.”

“No.” Riley plopped a sprinkle-laden donut onto each plate and slid one toward her, his gaze full of mischief and concern. “I’m just right.”

The words hit Jami like a gust of wind, ringing so true they stole her breath. Riley was just right for her. A thundering pulse told the story. Her nerves suddenly took a backseat to the excitement of being with him.

“Thank you.” She took a nibble of the donut, chewed, and swallowed as he settled in beside her. “Thanks for coming and for helping me. Today is going to be wonderful and special.”

“Yes, it is.” His voice, tender and coaxing, calmed her further. “I promise you that sure as I’m standing here, Jami Mitchell.”




“I’ve entered the last of the orders into the computer and scheduled the book club e-mails for tomorrow.” Jami gathered her purse and the shop keys as she turned her attention to Riley, propped against the frame of her office. “Julia’s feeling better, and she’s planning to open tomorrow for me.”

“That’s great news.” Riley switched off the overhead fixture, leaving only the security light in the hallway and a silver shimmer from boulevard streetlights that danced through the front display window. “You had a huge crowd…The Harts—”

“Vivian signed up for the book club,” Jami interjected.

“I saw that. So did Pia and Kaci from the Haven. Those women like to read, for sure.”

“And Christy and Zoe, too. They all plan to be here for the launch of the club in a few weeks. Isn’t it wonderful?”


“Thank you so much for today.” Jami came around her desk and crossed over to Riley. “I couldn’t have managed without your help.”

“You’re welcome.” He nodded slightly and took her hand. “I am so glad to be a part of this…to see your dream come true.”

“That’s not the best thing of all, though.” Jami curled her fingers in his. “I have something else to share.”


“Remember what you said about trust?”

“I do.”

“Well, I’m there, Riley.” She nodded without reservation. “I’m totally there.”

“Now who’s lobbing surprises?” He drew her close, kissed her forehead and then her cheek. “That’s a perfect prelude to the festival. I think it’s time for some fireworks.”




They walked down the boulevard hand-in-hand as moonlight cascaded, bathing the town square in a soft and inviting glow. The cloudless sky provided a perfect backdrop for the promised explosion of colors yet to come. Riley carried a quilt that he’d gathered from the cab of his truck, bundled in one arm. The crowd increased as they neared the center, and he searched for the perfect resting place. His shoulders ached, and he knew Jami must be dead on her feet from the brutally busy workday. But if today’s crowd at Nana’s Novel Notions was any indication, her venture promised to be a long-term and rousing success.

“How about there?” Jami motioned to a clearing beyond a grove a trees. Blades of grass danced in the gentle breeze.

“Looks good to me.” Riley headed that way, keeping hold of her hand. When they reached their destination, together they spread the quilt and smoothed the lumps and bumps. He finally sat, taking her with him. He eased back on his elbows as he stretched his legs, gazing up at the star-dazzled expanse of sky. “Yes, it’s just right.”

“How’s the time?”

“By my estimation, perfect for this.” He slipped one hand into his pocket and drew out a thin, rectangular box. “Something for you, in celebration of your opening day.”

“Oh, Riley.” She gasped as she took the box and loosed a thin, yellow ribbon, lifting the lid to expose a silver bracelet that held a single charm…an open book. “It’s lovely.”

“There’s lots of room for more memories.” He leaned toward her, taking the bracelet from the box and draping it over her wrist. “I hope you’ll make them with me.”

“I’d like that.” Jami turned her wrist, admiring the jewelry as the charm glimmered beneath a smattering of starlight. “It’s perfect.”

“Almost perfect. There’s something else.” Again, Riley’s hand went into his pocket. He delved until his fingers touched the sheet of paper, carefully folded. “I want you to have this, but I have to tear it up first.”

“Tear it?” Her pretty blue eyes narrowed with confusion. “I don’t understand.”

“It’s the buyout clause, Jami. I’ve removed it from the contract—your contract. There will be no more talk of a buyout. Nana’s Novel Notions will thrive right there in the complex for as long as you wish. I’ve decided to find another way—an alternate venue—in which to expand my firm. I’ve discovered a few other options, and with some thoughtful planning, I’m convinced one of them will work nicely.”

“You’re planning to leave Angel Falls?”

“No. There are ample opportunities here. And you…us.”


“Shh.” He pressed a finger to her lips to silence her protests. “I can’t do it, Jami. I can’t destroy your dream in order to have mine. I’ll find another way, I promise. Because I’ve realized that your dream is mine, as well. I’m falling in love with you.”

“In love…oh, my.” Tears filled Jami’s eyes, turning them to deep pools of blue. “I feel the same. I can’t help myself. I don’t want to help myself.”

“You told me a few days ago that you trust me.” Riley tucked a finger beneath her chin to level her gaze with his. “Do you still trust me, Jami?”

“Yes. I do.”

“Then let me…” He leaned in, inhaling the scent of her perfume that drifted with the warm summer air. “…have that kiss now.”

“I’d like that.” She tilted her head, nestling one hand along the nape of his neck. “We’ve waited long enough. The timing is…”

“Perfect.” Riley closed in and claimed her lips as the first explosion of fireworks ignited the sky in a glorious burst of red and gold. He held, savored, as he felt her pulse race to match his. Finally, slow and easy, he came up for air and found his smile mirrored hers, as well. “That was…”


“Yes, perfect. I’m convinced that God has plans for us that neither one of us can even imagine.” He clasped his fingers with hers as another explosion of color lit up the darkness. “Let’s explore His plans together.”

“Thank God for the promise of a future.” Jami’s voice hitched as she returned Riley’s kiss once, twice. “Happy Fourth of July, my love. Happy future…together.”