
The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

abortion, 68

Ackermann, Leo, 286

Adler, Adam, 182, 294

Ahlem-Stoecken, 302

air raids: German, 12–14, 20; British, 41, 172

Alderney: British investigation, 277–303; collaboration, 118; deaths, 266, 286, 288–93; escapees, 234; evacuation, 13, 18, 21, 22, 24, 27, 34, 265; foreign workers, 152–3, 158; government, 9, 74; landscape, 7; liberation, 249, 280; life after evacuation, 34, 36; looting, 34, 137–8; memorial, 323–4; raids considered, 224–5; railway construction, 152; slave labour camps, 5, 94–5, 158, 160–90, 233, 234, 266, 269, 278–303, 322, 323, see also Helgoland camp, Norderney camp, Sylt camp; survivors, 269–75; war crimes, 293–9, 322; work party, 93

Amelin, Ivan, 284

Ammon, Charles, MP, 31, 32–3, 227–8, 231, 241

Anderson, Sir John, 19, 20, 30

Anquetil, Audrey, 195

Argosy Library, 99

Attlee, Clement, 231, 306, 325

Aubin, Charles Duret, 39, 137, 308–10, 340, 344

Aubin, Harry, 11, 53

Audrain, Dennis, 202

Aufsess, Baron Max von: artistic tastes, 216; on local girls and soldiers, 57; post-war life, 313–14; relationships with Jerseywomen, 57, 67; relationships with local government figures, 80, 105, 136–7, 146; social relationships, 80

Auschwitz, 110, 111

Azulay sisters, 338

Bandelow, Major, 49

Bannach, Kapitän, 61

Barbarossa, Operation, 151

Baudains, Mme, 140, 261

Bazeley, Cecil, 61–5, 104, 196

Bazeley, Lucy, 65

BBC: Channel Islands ignored, 223, 226, 230, 235–7, 333; monitoring, 83; news, 20, 332; radio making instructions, 208; resistance appeals, 136, 326; ‘V for Victory’ campaign, 204–7; see also radios

Beagle, HMS, 248, 249

Bedane, Albert, 325n

Beermart, Norbert, 179–82, 291

Belgium: Alderney camp workers, 153, 179–82, 291; BBC broadcasts, 223; collaboration trials, 277; food supplies, 232; German attack, 15–16; German occupation, 326–7, 329; labour quotas, 330; resistance, 192, 326, 326, 333

Belsen, 146, 219, 295

Bercu, Hedwig, 108, 338, 340, 343

Bertelsen, Aage, 327

Bickmore, C. W., 239

Bihet, Molly, 323

billeting, 39, 41–2, 50, 79, 96, 195, 200

Bisson, Madelaine, 201

Bisson, Ronald, 201

black market: Guernsey, 133–4; Jersey, 132–3; post-war approach, 309; prices, 121, 130–1; profits, 238–9, 261–2, 266–7, 312–13; prosecutions, 131; sources of supply, 130; SS, 188–9; taxation of profits, 238–9, 267, 312–13

Blackwell, Dorothy, 34–5, 51, 60, 125, 133, 208–9, 259

Blampied, Marianne, 338, 340, 343

Blanchford, Reginald, 34

Blishen, Edward, 319

Bloch, J. M., 183, 184

Boag Howard, James, 238–9, 307

Borkum camp, Alderney, 158

Botatenko, Peter, 220

Brandt, Willi, 324

Breuvannes massacre, 189

Brichta, Julia, 107

British Expeditionary Force, 16, 18

British Legion, 126

‘Britton, Colonel’ (Douglas Ritchie), 136, 204, 207

Brosch, Dr, 106, 107

Brouard, Elda, 107, 109

Brown, William, 69, 121, 132, 135, 146

Buchenwald, 146, 211, 292

Bulldog, HMS, 248

Bullock, Frank, 283

Burryiy, Feodor (Bill), 218–19, 220

Buthmann, Bauleiter, 291–2

Caen prison, 206

Cahun, Claude, see Schwab, Lucille

Cap Arcona, SS, 300–1

Carey, Victor: DPP criticisms, 306; evacuation of Guernsey, 25; food supply, 127, 240; Freemason appeal, 96; German landing, 37, 39; Ingrouille case, 141–2; Jewish policies, 107, 318; knighthood, 277, 307, 318; relationship with Germans, 76, 96, 107, 142, 206–7, 240, 305–7; relationship with Sherwill, 76–7, 194; status, 25, 76, 332; ‘V sign campaign, 206–7, 235, 305–6; VE Day, 248

Casper, Dr Wilhelm, 106, 112–13

Casquets lighthouse, 118, 225

Câtel, 205

Câtel Hospital, 109, 111

Celle, 210

censorship, 96–9, 236–7, 255–6

Central Registry of War Criminals and Security Suspects (CROWCASS), 313

Channel Islands Occupation Society, 321

Channel Islands Refugee Committee, 30, 229, 231

Charybdis, HMS, 196–7, 331

Cherbourg, bombing, 17

Cherche-Midi prison, 48, 209

Churchill, Winston: attitude to collaboration, 237–8, 303–4; attitude to deportations, 231; attitude to food supplies, 240–2; attitude to invasion, 19, 44–5; attitude to occupation, 223, 228–9, 242–3; Channel Islanders’ view, 223, 236, 248–9, 266; liberation, 248–9; raids, 44–5, 46, 224, 238; speeches, 85, 208, 242–3, 246, 248–9, 315–16; ‘V’ sign campaign, 204; works banned, 99

Chuter-Ede, James, 306–7, 310

Civil Affairs Unit, 260, 269, 276, 309, 312

clothes, 128

Cochrane, Bernard, 91

Cochrane, Vera, 206

Cohen, Israel, 105, 340, 343

Cohen, Phineas, 340

Cohu, Canon Clifford, 146, 192, 209–10, 332

collaboration: authorities, 303–8, 321, see also Carey, Coutanche, Leale, Sherwill; black market, 130–4, 238–9, 261–2, 266–7, 309, 312–13; informers, 139–42, 235, 236, 268; legal position, 308–11; post-war investigation, 238–9, 276–7, 303–13; post-war reaction, 260–4, 266–9; sleeping with the enemy, 55–73, 235, 252–60; volunteers in Germany, 142–3; working for the enemy, 94, 116–21, 241, 333–4

Comin, Julio, 284

Communist Party, 213–15, 332

concentration camps, 108, 110–11, 146, 171

Cooper, Duff, 99

co-operation, 129

Cornu, Jack, 140

Cotton, Sidney, 280, 294

Courier, 13

Coutanche, Alexander: background, 76–7; criticisms after Liberation, 304; death sentence appeals, 145–6, 216; deportations, 101; DPP’s visit, 306; evacuation issue, 24–5, 27; food supply, 127; Jersey occupation, 17, 39; Jewish policies, 108, 305, 338, 339, 340, 344; knighthood, 277, 307; Liberation messages, 249; memoirs, 108; relationship with Germans, 76, 79, 93, 101, 207, 247, 248, 305; ‘V’ sign campaign, 207; VE Day, 248

Crawford-Morrison, Major, 203, 210

Crill, Sir Peter, 201

crime, 34–5, 134–9, 143–4, 244–5, see also black market, war crimes inquiry

Cruikshank, Charles, 291, 321

curfew, 60–1, 135, 143

Curth, Charlie, 40

Dachau, 111, 214

Daily Express, 266–7, 323

Daily Herald 267–8

Daily Mail, 230

Daily Mirror, 231, 254, 259, 317

Daily Sketch, 231, 313

Daily Telegraph, 317, 323, 326

Daily Worker, 268

Dalmau, John, 289

Danner (alleged war criminal), 297

Davidson, Nathan, 338, 339, 340, 343

D-Day, 224, 234–5, 238, 240, 246, 315, 333

death sentences, 145–6

Dedijer, Vladimir, 326

Defence Regulations Act (1939), 89, 308–9

de la Haye, John, 325

demilitarisation, 14, 17–21

Denmark, occupation and resistance, 326–7, 329–30, 333

deportations: appeals against, 103–5; demonstration against, 197, 335; English-born islanders, 82, 100–1; government response, 101–3, 305, 334–5; Jews, 5, 102, 110–12, 268; 1942 (September), 82, 101–2, 197, 230–1, 305, 334–5; 1943 (February), 82, 102, 226, 305, 328, 334–5

Deutsche Guernsey Zeitung 98

diabetics, 54–5, 128

Dijon prison, 213

Dill, General Sir John, 17, 30–1

Dimitrieva, Claudia, 220–1, 325n

Doctor, Franz, 287

Dorey, Edgar, 24–5, 307

Dorey, Graham, 323

Dorey, Percy, 234

Dorothea Weber 292

Dryad, Operation, 225

Duickmann, Unteroffizier, 67

Dunkirk evacuation, 16, 18, 30, 315

Dunn, C. B., 103

du Parcq, Lord Justice, 238, 305–7

Duquemin, Elizabeth, 107, 109, 113

Duquemin, Stephen, 136

Durand, Ralph, 124

Eblagon, Albert, 183, 291

Eden, Anthony, 237, 241

education, 99–100

Edwards, G. B., 8

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 247, 325

Elizabeth, Queen, 252

Emmanuel, Victor, 338, 340, 342

escapes: islanders, 64, 87, 201–3, 235; slave workers, 178–9, 217–22, 269–75

evacuation, 21–30

evacuees, returning, 264–5

Evers, Heinrich, 182, 184, 294

Exeter Channel Islands Society, 228

Fajwlowicz, Leon, 300

Falla, Frank, 12–13, 97–8, 197, 212, 324–5

Feldkommandantur, 48, 57, 60, 69, 74, 80, 85, 90, 91, 94–6, 99–101, 106–7, 112, 119, 130, 140, 142–3, 193–4, 198, 240, 332, 339

Feldman, Louis, 108

Feldpolizei, 61, 135, 222; Geheime Feldpolizei, 104, 141

Finkelstein, John Max, 108, 338, 343

fishing, 87–8

Flamon, François, 325n

Foley, Reverend Edwin, 103–4

Font, Francisco, 324

food supply: agricultural output, 14, 85, 86–7; appeals to Britain, 235, 240, 242; black market, 121, 130–4, 188–9, 238–9, 261–2, 266–7, 309, 312–13; Churchill’s orders, 19, 240, 241; evacuation issue, 25, 33; fishing, 87–8; from France, 85–6, 122, 224; German army, 235, 236, 244–5; Home Office attitude, 227, 232, 235, 242; improvisation, 122–4; limpets, 122, 245; malnutrition, 125–7, 233–4, 239–40; meat, 122, 125; milk, 25, 122, 125, 139, 244; potatoes, 14, 86, 87, 122, 138, 139, 244; rations, 122, 126, 224, 241–2; Red Cross parcels, 127, 224, 242, 245; slave workers, 157–8, 166, 168–9, 170; tomatoes, 14, 41, 86; vegetables, 14, 25, 41, 87

Foot, M.R.D., 224, 326

Forces Françaises de l’Interieur, 270

Ford, Major General John Minshull, 27

Forster, Ivy, 146, 218–19, 325n

fortifications, 4, 151–2, 203, 225

Fowles, John, 8

France: Alderney camp workers, 183–4, 186, 290–1, 294, 295–6, 327; BBC France – cont. broadcasts, 223; BEF, 16, 18; Breuvannes massacre, 189; collaboration trials, 177; food parcels, 232; food supplies, 85–6, 122, 224, 232; German invasion, 16–17; German occupation, 319, 327; labour camps, 164, 269; labour quotas, 153, 330; liberation, 214, 235; political prisoners, 186; resistance, 4, 192, 270, 275, 326, 330, 333; Russian workers, 164; tourists, 4; Vichy government, 269

Franka, 173–5, 282, 292

Franoux, René, 325n

fraternisation, 51–5

Freemasons, 96, 102

Freipond (PoW), 288

French, Frederick, 18, 26, 27, 238

fuel supplies, 123, 227, 236

Fussell, Paul, 319

Gallichan, George, 212–13

Gallichan, Herbert, 212–13

Gallichan, Walter, 185–6

Garbett, Cyril, Bishop of Winchester, 229

Garrett, Royston, 325n

George VI, King, 19, 143, 226, 249, 252

Germanisation, 97, 99–100

Gestapo, 328

Gibraltar, evacuation, 33

Gide, André, 327

Gilbert, James, 143

Gill, Mabel, 199

Ginns, Michael, 319–20, 337, 342

Girard, Peter, 100, 205

‘Glaize’, 290

Glauber, Hans, 245

Goebbels, Joseph, 207

Goettman, Kurt, 97

Goldman, Hyam, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342

Gould, Louisa: arrest, 146, 219; death, 146, 192, 219, 324; memories of, 324, 336; posthumous award, 325n; shelters Russian escapee, 218–19, 324

Gould, Maurice, 202

Grasset, Sir Edward, 310, 311

Green, Maurice: diabetic, 54–5, 128; father’s imprisonment, 210–11; memories of collaboration, 65, 133, 259; memories of foreign workers, 148–9; relationship with Germans, 54–5, 199, 245; resistance, 199; school display, 82–3; ‘V’ sign campaign, 204

Green, Stanley, 146, 210–12

Green, Winifrid, 198

Grosskopf, Wemer, 40,42, 56, 244–5

Grunfeld, Marianne, 109, 111–12, 113, 336

Gruzdev, Major, 284–5

Guardian, 317, 343

Guernsey: agriculture, 7, 14, 86–7; air raid, 12, 14; airport, 88–92; archives, 322–3; collaboration, 118–19, 262, 304–13; Controlling Committee, 9, 20, 37, 38, 45, 74–6, 78, 84, 87, 89–92, 102, 105, 109, 112, 133–4, 145, 194, 202, 205, 226, 248, 304, 323, 334; cost of occupation, 95–6; crime, 135–6; death rate, 126; demilitarisation, 19–20; deportations, 102, 226; economy, 14; escapees, 235; evacuation, 21–2, 25–30, 32–3; food supply, 86–7, 127; foreign workers, 152–3; German defences, 152; German employment, 88–95; German landing, 37–40; German surrender, 248; Glasshouse Utilisation Board, 86–7, 88, 90, 95, 234; government, 9, 74, 76–7, 86–7, 89, 276–7, 304–7, 332; history, 7; identity cards, 100; illegitimacy rate, 56; informers, 139–40; Jewish population, 106–7, 109–114, 317, 322, 323, 330; landscape, 6–7, looting, 34–5; police, 60, 120–1, 135–6, 308; railway construction, 152; schools, 100; slave labour, 152–3, 285, 293, 323, 324; unemployment, 88; V-signs, 205–7, 235, 305–6, 308; war contributions to Britain, 15; War Profits Levy, 312; working for the Germans, 88–92

Guernsey Evening Press, 44, 68, 97–8, 131, 134, 194, 266, 322

Guernsey Star 13, 97–8, 248, 250

Guernsey Underground Barbers, 235

Guernsey Underground News Service (GUNS), 212, 324

Guilbert, Don, 55

Guille Allès, 99

Guillebon, Xavier Louis de, 206

Guillemette, Louis, 109

Haddock, Major F., 280–4, 291, 294, 296

Hagedorne, Willi, 251

Hague Convention: Alderney workers, 93; copies, 75; cost of occupation, 95; government attitudes, 78, 89, 324–5; Guernsey airport, 89; islanders’ dependence on, 321; military projects, 89, 92–3, 116; radio confiscations, 208, 335; used as excuse, 324–5

Hamel, Edward, 30

Hammond family, 323

Harold, King, 9

Harrison, Major General James, 16–17, 18–19

Harvey, Mr, 338

Hassall, Bernard: brother’s experiences, 202; evacuation decision, 29; imprisonment, 140, 200; Italian prisoner petition, 312; memories of evacuees, 265; memories of French troops, 18; memories of Germans, 53, 64; on black market, 131; relationship with Germans, 53, 119

Hassall, Peter, 140–1, 202

Hathaway, Sybil, Dame of Sark: character, 9; evacuation issue, 27; liberation of Sark, 249; relationship with Germans, 39, 80–1, 99, 109, 208, 314; status, 9, 77

‘Haw-Haw, Lord’ (William Joyce), 142, 208

health: labour camps, 155, 158, 168–9; medical supplies, 55, 128–9, 231–2; nutrition, 128–9, 234

Heine, General Major, 248

Helgoland camp, Alderney: conditions, 162–3, 168, 172–3, 178, 280; deaths, 162–3, 172, 280, 284; escapees, 179; numbers, 290; slave workers, 158, 162–3, 290; war crimes investigations, 280, 284

Helldorf, Oberst von, 63, 65, 92

Himmler, Heinrich, 186

Hitler, Adolf: attitudes to, 53, 54, 198, 284; Blitzkrieg, 15; SS Cap Arcona incident, 301; Channel Islands occupation, 3, 151–2, 225; death, 246; deportations, 100–1, 226; fortifications, 151–2, 225; Jewish policies, 113; raid retaliations, 226

Hobbs, Harold, 13

Hodage, Dr, 286

Hoffman, Roland le Folet, 316

Hoffmann, Carl, 285–6, 298, 299

Hoffmann, Johann, 286

Högelow, Otto, 278–9, 282, 285, 287

Hohne, Werner, 282

Holland: Alderney camp deaths, 291; BBC broadcasts, 223; German attack, 15–16; German occupation, 319, 327, 329–30; labour quotas, 153; political prisoners, 186; resistance, 4, 192, 326, 330, 333; tourists, 4

Home Circle Library, 99

hospitals, 128–9

hostages, 81–2

Houillebecq, James, 201

Hubert, John, 233–4

Huelin, Leslie, 213–15, 325n

Hüffmeier, Friedrich, 57, 246–7, 248, 251

Hugo, Victor, 77

Hurban, Margaret, 338, 340, 343

Hurford, Ron, 118–19

Hutcheson, Charles, 137

identity cards, 101

Ikonnikov, Alexei, 170–1, 269, 275

illegitimacy rate, 56

informers, 139–42, 235, 236, 260–1, 268

Ingrouille, John, 141–2, 145

internment camps: conditions, 102, 236, 320, 328; English-born islanders, 82, 101; news released, 230–1; return from, 264–5

Irish citizens on Channel Islands, 18, 193–4, 312

Italian workers, 312

Jackson, Reverend T. Hartley, 98

Jacobs, John, 338, 340, 343

JAG (Judge Advocate General), 280, 284, 294–7

Janetzko, Karl, 282

Jersey: agriculture, 7, 14, 86, 87; air raid, 12; archives, 322; collaboration, 116–18, 119, 262–3, 266–7, 304–12; cost of occupation, 95–6; demilitarisation, 19–20; deportations, 101–2, 226; economy, 14; electricity supply, 116–17; escapees, 234–5; evacuation, 21–2, 24–5, 27–8; food supply, 86–7, 127, 133, 240; foreign workers, 148–50, 154–8; German defences, 152; German employment, 88, 92–5; German landing, 39–40; German surrender, 248; government, 9, 74, 76, 79, 86, 89, 133,

Jersey – cont. 264, 276–7, 304–7, 332; history, 7; identity cards, 100; illegitimacy rate, 56; informers, 140–1; Jewish population, 106, 107–8, 113, 268, 305; landscape, 7; looting, 34–5; memorial, 324; mine clearing, 251–2; police, 60–1, 121; raid (1943), 226; railway construction, 152, 155; resistance movement, 267, 332; schools, 100; slave labour, 149–50, 154–8, 233, 285, 293, 324; Superior Council, 9, 76, 92–4, 102, 146, 307; unemployment, 88; war contributions to Britain, 15; War Profits Levy, 312; women after Liberation, 258–60; working for the Germans, 92–5

Jersey Auxiliary Legion, 268

Jersey Communist Party, 213–15, 332

Jersey Democratic Movement (JDM), 263, 264n, 268

Jersey Electricity Company, 116–17

Jersey Evening Post, 16, 24–5, 34, 64, 68, 103, 108, 261, 303, 304, 337, 342, 344

Jersey Loyalists, 262–3, 268

Jews: Alderney labour camps, 234, 290–1; deaths on Alderney, 266, 286, 291; deportation, 5, 102, 110–12, 268; Dutch, 327, 330; evacuation, 23; French, 183–4, 290–1, 294, 295–6, 327; Guernsey, 106–12, 317, 321, 322, 323; Jersey, 106–8, 268, 305, 321; Polish, 300; registration, 105–8; see also 337–44

Joanknecht, Anthony, 71, 253, 256, 258

Joanknecht, Dolly: imprisonment, 144–5; memories of evacuation, 28, 35; memories of occupation, 36, 127, 195; post-war experiences, 252–4, 256–8; relationship with Willi, 71–3, 145, 245, 252–4, 256–8

Joanknecht, Morgan, 71

Joanknecht, Willi, 71–3, 145, 195, 245, 252–4, 256–8

Johns, Marshall George, 283, 292

Johns, Richard, 88, 90, 92, 95, 307

Johnson, Frank, 16

Joyce, William (‘Lord Haw-Haw’), 142, 208n

Kaiser, Josef, 282

Kalganov, Ivan, 167–70, 269, 273, 275, 302

Kalganov, Vladimir, 167–8, 275

Kanatnikov, Alexander, 302–3

Kassens, Karl-Heinz, 42

Kegelman, Johannes, 43, 57, 252, 259

Kennedy, Joseph P., 20

Kent, Arthur, 197–8, 263

Kent, Captain, 309

KGB, 161, 272, 275

Klarsfeld, Serge, 291

Klebeck, Kurt: background, 302; black market, 189; post-war life, 278–9, 285, 298, 299–303; SS Baubrigade deputy commander, 186, 188–9; treatment of prisoners, 188–9, 279, 285, 292, 300–3; trial, 299–301

Knackfuss, Oberst Friedrich, 80, 93, 101, 200, 231, 313

Kondakov, Georgi: background, 161–2; escape, 269–71, 275; French camps, 164, 269; memories of Alderney deaths, 162–3, 165, 190, 288, 289; post-war life, 190, 272–3; repatriation, 271–3

Konopelko (slave labourer), 293

Kozloff, Georgio, 219, 220, 221–2

Kratzer, Dr Jacob, 80

Krauer, Alfons, 256

Krefft, Sonderführer, 100

Krichefski family, 108

Krokhin, Mikhail, 221

Kugler, Randolf, 56, 59, 60, 250, 254–5

Lager Himmelman, 155–6

Lainé, Sir Abraham, 87, 90, 106, 114, 313

Lainé, Ernest, 91

Lamy, Albert, 37, 140

L’Amy, Major, 203

Langlois, Ruby, 198

language, 8, 27, 97, 99–100, 144

Lanz, Major Albrecht, 38–9, 77, 194–5

Laufen camp, 211

Laval, Pierre, 266

Laveleye, Victor de, 204

Leale, John: background, 76; evacuation issue, 25; honours issue, 307, 318, 324–5; Ingrouille case, 145; Jewish policies, 107, 109, 112, 318; occupation policies, 75, 78, 89, 304, 318, 324–5; post-war life, 304; relationship with Germans, 80, 89, 91, 98–9, 107, 145, 205; ‘V’ sign campaign, 205; VE Day, 248

Le Blond, Leona, 199

Le Breton, John, 325n

Le Breuilly, Oscar, 219

Le Brocq, Norman: post-war experiences, 303–4, 309; relationship with Germans, 53, 214–15; resistance, 213–15, 325n, 332; Russian workers, 222, 325n

Le Cheminant, Annie, 288

Le Cocq, Francis, 121

Le Cornu, Mike, 149–50, 200–1, 212, 220, 325n

Le Cornu family, 220

Le Druillenec, Harold, 146, 192, 219, 325n, 336

Le Lievre, Eugene, 120

Le Mottée, René, 325n

Le Quesne, Ed, 88, 93, 146

Le Sueur, Francis, 325n

Le Sueur, Bob: escape story, 202; help for slave workers, 217–19, 325n; memories of collaboration, 70; memories of deportations, 197; memories of evacuation, 24; memories of Jews, 108

Lettich, Dr Andre, 110

Liberation Force, 258, 303; Civil Affairs Unit, 260, 269, 276, 309, 312

Liberation plans, 238–9, 258

libraries, 99

Lieutenant Governors, 9, 16, 17, 19, 27, 258, 310, 311

Lille prison, 145

Lingshaw, James, 142–3

List, Maximilian, 186, 189, 292, 297–8

Lloyd, Esther, 338, 341, 342

looting, 34–5, 137, 264–5

Lopez-Rubio, Alice (née Le Cornu), 220

Lopez-Rubio, Christobal, 220

Lorenz, Walter, 256

Low Countries, see Belgium, Holland

Maass, Major-Doktor, 38–9, 44, 77

McCarthy, Mary: clothes, 60, 128; memories of black market, 132; memories of collaboration, 66, 141, 260; memories of Germans, 58–9; post-war life, 260, 261

Machon, Charles, 212, 324, 336

McKinstry, Dr R., 220, 325n

Magsam, Heiner, 80

Mahy, Pierre, 131

Malherbe, Suzanne, 145, 215–16, 267, 338

malnutrition, see food supply

Manchester Guardian, 266

Manley, Major, 203

Mansell, Tom, 43, 47–8

Mansell, Vivyan, 11, 29, 47–9, 54, 58

Mansell family, 195

Marempolsky, Vasilly, 155–8, 190

Markbreiter, Charles: air raid (1940), 14–15; evacuation issue, 22–3, 25, 33–4; food parcel issue, 229–30, 232; post-war policies, 307; Sherwill correspondence, 46

Marks, Therese, 108, 338, 342–3

marriages, British-German, 70–3

Martel, Philip, 45–6

Massmann, Captain, 285

Mathew, Theobald, 306, 207–10

Maxwell, Sir Alexander, 22, 33, 308

medical supplies, 55, 128–9, 231–2

memorials, 323–4, 336

Metcalfe, Augusta, 126, 220–1, 325n

Michel, Henri, 191

Middlewick, Mrs, 108

Miere, Joe: arrest and imprisonment, 51, 145, 200, 247, 325; memories of collaboration, 64, 119, 193–4, 260–1, 325–6; memories of informers, 140; memories of resistance, 193–4, 200, 325–6; post-war life, 258, 260–1

Miere, John, 247

Miere family, 195

MI19, 233, 234–5, 237, 284, 297

Minotaure, 293

Miró, Joán, 216

Misiewicz,Ted, 159, 175–9, 290

Montague, Dr William, 23, 25, 105

Moore, Marcel, 216

Morrison, Herbert, Home Secretary, 227, 228, 231, 241–2, 303, 307

Mottistone, Lord, 32

Mountbatten, Lord Louis, 225

Moyne, Lord, 227, 229–30

Mülbach, Paul, 214–15

Mulholland, Desmond, 45–6

Muller, Dr, 61, 63, 64

Natzweiler camp, 209

Nestegg, Operation, 248

Netherlands, see Holland

Neuengamme camp, 186–7, 188, 201, 279, 292, 301, 302

Nevrov, Kirill, 161, 164–7, 269–73, 289–90

Newsam, Sir Frank, 306–7, 310

Nichols, Herbert, 29, 52, 123, 139, 216–17, 250–1

Nichols, Pat, 30

Nicolle, Hubert, 45–9, 208, 334

Nicolle, John, 210

Norderney camp, Alderney: conditions, 158–9, 165–6, 176–9, 181–2, 185–6; deaths, 176–7, 182, 185; numbers, 290; slave workers, 158, 290; war crimes investigations, 294

Norrisa, Francis de, 103

Novak, Janek, 181

Noyon, Fred, 235

Nuremberg trials, 211

Oberbefehlshaber (West), 74

Oettingen-Wallerstein, Prince Eugen, 80, 113

Ogier, Edward, 109, 112

Ogier family, 112

O’Hurley, Brian, 291

Orange, Clifford, 107–8, 338–40, 344

Oranienburg, 278

Ord, Douglas, 12

Organisation Todt (OT): Channel Islander attitudes towards, 260, 283; Channel Islander employees, 94–5, 152; deaths, 293; food stores, 135; Hitler’s plans, 151; labour organisation, 94–5, 152–3, 281; treatment of slave workers, 149–51, 153, 158, 183, 282–3, 291

Osborne, Stanley, 205

Ozanne, Marie, 192, 217, 324, 336

Painter, Clarence, 209

Painter, Peter, 209

Pallot, Oswald, 325n

Pantcheff, Theodore, 284–92, 294, 296, 297–9

Paris: liberation, 164, 271; open city, 14

Patalacci (PoW), 290

Paulus company, 95

Peake, Osbert, 33, 227

Perkins, Leonard, 220, 325n

Perkins, Stella (née Metcalfe): air raid memories, 11, 12; family imprisonment, 145; food supply, 126–7; post-war memories, 249, 259; Russian escapees, 218n, 220–2

Pfeffer, Professor Karl, 81–2, 100

Phillips, Vice-Admiral Thomas, 19

Picton-Turberville, Edith, 232

Polacek, Premysl, 210

Poland: BBC broadcasts, 223; Jews, 300; Nazi administration, 328; slave workers, 153, 175–9, 186, 290, 291

police, 60–1, 120–1, 135–6, 208, 327

Pope, Daphne: evacuation memories, 36; relationship with Germans, 52, 54, 118, 209; returning islanders, 265; stealing on Alderney, 137–8

Pope, George, 118, 266

Portsea, Lord, 15, 31, 224, 227–30, 232

Pothugine, Albert, 171–5, 269, 275, 282

Pothugine, Anna, 171

Powell, Enoch, 316

Prigent, Gordon, 185–6

Prins, Daphne, 29, 60, 123–4, 250

prison sentences, 144–6

Puhr, Lagerführer, 188, 294

Purchasing Commission, 85

Quisling, Vidkun, 330

radios: banned, 143, 206; confiscation, 47, 207–8, 335; crystal sets, 53, 208; hidden, 209, 249; imprisonment for possession, 146, 210–11; informers, 236; see also BBC

RAF: Channel Islands raids, 41, 46, 173; Comforts Committee, 15; funeral, 196; prison ship bombing (1945), 301

raids on islands, British, 44–5, 46, 47–9, 102, 151, 224–6, 231, 238, 321, 328, 333, 334

Rang, Werner, 71

Ravensbruck, 146, 219, 324

Red Cross: food parcels, 127, 224, 229, 236, 244, 245, 328; help for refugees, 33; medical supplies, 231; messages, 223, 228; Vega, 127, 242

Reffler, Dr, 90, 99, 341

registration, 100–1, 105–8

Reiman, Willi, 41, 57, 251, 254

resistance, 191–222, 267, 326–8

Rigner, Hubert, 283

Ritchie, Douglas, 136, 204

Rodine, Alexander, 273–4

Russians: escapees, 218–22, 269–75; islanders, 145, 221; on Alderney, 160–71, 266, 290–1, 294–7, 302; on Jersey, 154–8, 233; OT workers, 153, 186; SS prisoners, 186

Rutter, James, 137–8

Ryan, James, 43–4, 65, 120

Sabre, HMS, 26

Sachsenhausen, 186, 188, 278, 302

St Helier: air raid (28 June 1940), 12; graffiti, 304; liberation, 249, 258; VE Day, 248

St John’s Ambulance, 13, 34

St Peter Port: air raid (28 June 1940), 12–13, 14; food supplies, 242; liberation, 249–50; VE Day, 248

Sainte Croix, Edwin de, 12, 116–17

Salvation Army, 96, 217, 324

Sanitaat, Bruno Amling, 255

Sark: air raid, 12; collaboration, 311; deportations, 102, 226, 328; evacuation, 21, 27; German landing, 39; German lessons, 99; government, 9, 74, 77; landscape, 7; liberation, 249; model occupation, 80–1; raid (1942), 225–6, 231; raid (1943), 226, 328

Sarre, William, 325n

Schmettow, Graf von: Cbarybdis funerals, 196–7; collaboration, 94, 241, 334; food supply, 240–1; Nicolle-Symes case, 48; replacement, 246; surrender issue, 243

schools, 99–100

Schwab, Lucille (‘Claude Cahun’), 145, 215–16, 267, 338

Schwalm, Lieutenant Colonel, 285

Sculpher, William, 37–8, 107, 205

Sennett, Rita, 343–4

Shapcott, Brigadier, 280, 295, 296

Sherwill, Ambrose: air raid (1940), 11, 14–15; attitude to British raids, 45–7; background, 76–7; deportation issue, 102; escape policy, 202–3; evacuation issue, 25, 27; German landings, 35–6, 38–9; Guernsey airport, 91–2; honours, 307; imprisonment, 47–9, 142–3, 226, 265; Jewish policies, 105–7, 113–14; occupation policies, 74, 77–9, 114, 194, 334; radio broadcast, 84–5, 329; raids, 45–9, 226, 334; relationship with Germans, 38–9, 45–6, 49–50, 74, 77–9, 84–5, 194; repatriation, 265

Sherwill, Jolyon, 199–200, 265

Sherwill, May (née Clabburn), 50–1, 76–7, 105, 265, 314

Sherwill, Rollo, 3, 129, 138, 199–200, 265, 317

shoes, 128

Sholomitsky, Ivan, 175, 289

Simon, Samuel, 338, 340, 342

Sinel, Leslie, 196, 247, 249

Six Smith, P. G. B., 300

slave workers: Belgian, 179–82; British, 185–6; brutal treatment, 149–51, 154–90, 233, 276–93; Channel Islanders’ attitudes, 148–51; Channel Islanders’ help, 155, 158, 216–22; escaped, 178–9, 217–22, 269–75; Jewish, 183–4, see also Jews; memorial, 323; memories of, 321; numbers, 152–3, 290–1; on Alderney, see Alderney, Helgoland camp, Norderney camp, Sylt camp; on Guernsey, 285, 293, 323, 324; on Jersey, 149–50, 154–8, 285, 293, 324; Polish, 175–9; political prisoners, 153, 186; Russian, 154–75, 186, see also Russians; SS prisoners, 186–90, see also SS; war crimes investigations, 276–93

Snow, Brigadier, Alfred, 239, 248–9, 254, 261, 264

Sole, Gasulla, 156, 157–8

Soltisiak, Jena, 177, 179

Soviet Union: Alderney survivors, 271–5; German invasion, 175; honours islanders, 325; post-war relations with Britain, 284, 299; war crimes investigations, 284–99

Spangersburg, Kurt, 57

Spanish prisoners, 153, 157–8, 217–18

Spehr, Otto, 187–90, 277–9, 290, 292, 323–4

Spergau, 146, 210, 332

Spitz, Auguste, 107, 109–10, 113, 336

SS: Alderney radio search, 209; Baubrigade I, 186–9, 278–9, 292, 297; Cap Arcona incident, 301; Jersey camp, 157; Sylt camp, 168–9, 178–9, 188–9, 276–93, 302, 321, 323–4; treatment of prisoners, 168–9, 178–9, 282, 286–8, 291–2; war crimes prosecutions, 293

Stalin, Josef, 274

Stalingrad, battle of, 171

Steckoll, Solomon, 322

Stein, Dr Gottfried von, 80

Steiner, Karl, 110–11

Steiner, Paul, 110–11

Steiner, Therese, 107, 109–11, 113, 336

Still, Ruby, 338, 342

Still family, 108

Stroobant, Frank, 323

Stumpf, Hans, 42–3, 57, 59

Sulikowski, Emile, 283–4

Sunday Chronicle, 231

Swift, Charles, 83

Sylt camp, Alderney: conditions, 158, 168–9, 178, 182, 282, 286–7; deaths, 168–9, 178, 287, 292; evacuation, 189; memorial plan, 324; numbers, 290; punishment camp, 164; slave workers, 158, 290; SS, 189, 281, 282, 287, 292, 302; war crimes investigations, 281–2, 286–7, 302–3

Symes, James, 46–9, 208, 334

Symes, Louis, 48, 334

Symons, Dr Angelo, 69, 125–6

Taubert, Hans, 255

Taubert, Otto, 287

Theiss, Karl, 284

Thielbeck, 301

Thurban, Betty, 69, 128–9, 195, 250

Tierney, Eileen, 210

Tierney, Joseph, 209–10

Tietz, Karl, 177

Times, The, 15, 21, 231, 237, 259, 266, 317

Timmer, Messrs, 87, 104, 133–4

tourism, 6, 15, 58

transport, 127–8

Tremayne, Julia, 208

Ukraine, forced labourers, 153, 171–4, 273, 290, 302–3

UN War Crimes Commission, 189

Upson, William, 283

Uzan, Henri, 183–4

‘V’ sign campaign, 203–7, 235, 251, 305–6, 308

van Grieken, Gilbert, 153

VE Day, 247–8

Vega, 127, 242

venereal disease, 68–70

Vestal, 26

Vibert, Dennis, 202, 229, 232–3

war crimes inquiry, 189–90, 276–7, 293–303, 313, 322

War Profits Levies, 312

War Savings Groups, 15

Welkerling, Josef, 282

Wells, H. G., 99

West, Colonel, 304

Weymouth: access by sea, 223, 232; evacuees, 22, 29, 32

Whitley, Kathleen (née Norman): air raid memories, 13; imprisonment, 191, 205–6, 251; on collaboration, 37, 116, 117–18; ‘V’ sign campaign, 191, 205–6, 251

Whitley, Sandy, 12, 117–18

William the Conqueror, 9

Winterflood, Archibald, 100

Woitas, Jan, 189–90

Wolfenbüttel camp, 213

women, relationships with German soldiers, 55–73, 235, 252–60

Woodall, Fred, 51, 133

Woolf, Leonard, 316

Woolnough, Violet, 107

workers, foreign, 152–3, see also slave labour

Wranowsky, Annie, 107, 109

Xaver Dorsch, 173–4, 281–2, 292

Zepernick, Oberleutnant, 61–5, 104, 196

Zimmerman, Armin, 248