Chapter 13
Blankets, bed frames, bed linens, a table—make that two tables—barrels to catch rain water. Evelyn relaxed in her seat at the writing desk, tapping the feather of the quill pen against her cheek. What else? She looked around the room for inspiration. Flames—red, yellow, white, and blue—popped and snapped in the open fireplace. Gold and red brocade drapes hung at the windows. Elegant chairs, featuring cushioned seats and curved legs with claw feet, stood at intervals on the oriental carpet. Of course. She dipped the quill and added chairs to the list of items necessary for the interim lodgings in the renovated carriage house.
On the morrow, she'd visit her uncle to ask him to acquire the furniture for the finished house. Uncle Joshua, Emily's father, operated an importing business. The first list included many more items than the one before her. She glanced at the page pushed to the right side of the desk, ready to hand off. Bedsteads, armoires, tables, chairs, carpets, wallpaper, candlesticks, and on and on. She also need a quantity of smaller bits and pieces such as urns and basins, chamber pots, candles, kitchen wares and a myriad of other necessities. She grinned at the challenge laid before her. She'd create a welcoming home and worthwhile school.
The back door thudded closed, followed by the sound of footsteps in the hall. She paused, the quill poised to continue with writing down additions. Probably Amy stopping in for a visit. Evelyn perused the short list again. Cleaning supplies, cookery, utensils, baskets and bowls, cooking tools. The list seemed to have no end.
"Miss Evelyn."
Startled by the deep voice, Evelyn dropped the quill, knocking over the ink stand in the process. A river of black flowed onto the page, obliterating several of her entries. "Gramercy!"
"My apologies." Nathaniel hurried to help clean up the mess, grabbing a stained rag from a wooden bowl on the desk and blotting the paper. "What is this?"
"A list." After he lifted the rag away, Evelyn fanned the page, hurrying the drying process. "Must you sneak around so?"
"I had not intended to startle you." He dropped the rag back into the porcelain bowl sitting on the wood surface.
"What did you intend?" Evelyn glanced up at him, dropping her gaze back to the list when she saw the intensity of his expression. A deep yearning flashed through her, lightning across a stormy sky.
"To talk with you." He offered a hand, waiting with his palm up in invitation.
His hand had fresh ink over the stains from his current occupation. She picked up the rag and rubbed the dabs of wet from his fingers, careful not to make direct contact with his skin or risk upsetting her composure. Restoring the rag to its home, she contemplated his request. "We can talk here."
"Sit with me on the sofa. We'll be more comfortable." He wiggled his fingers until she oh-so-reluctantly placed her hand in his and stood. "Come."
Evelyn sucked in air in response to his touch, but allowed him to lead her over to the high-backed garnet sofa and sank onto the firm seat. What did he want? He sat beside her, his breech-covered thigh nearly touching hers. If her skirts had less bulk, she'd probably feel the heat from his leg. Fortunately, she'd donned her thickest petticoat to ward off the winter chill. Little had she considered the garment also would fend off a man.
She clasped her hands together in her lap, then endured his quiet contemplation. The scars on his face twitched as she studied him. Was he nervous? Curious. "What did you wish to discuss?"
His smile lit his eyes and revealed his teeth. "Your girls' school."
"I'm sorry. I don't understand." Her mind raced with questions. Why did he care? What aspect of the scheme? Why was her heart pounding so in her breast?
He pointed at the page on the desk. "Your list. Items needed to start over?" He shifted his position, closing the gap between them. "Quite a lot of things."
"Yes." Should she trust him? She knew he wanted to become better acquainted. Her parents' conditions preyed in her mind, rattling her composure. Her hands trembled. "I have my work cut out for me."
"Riding to and from the estate will be quite tiring, I'd venture." Nathaniel laid a hand over hers, his thumb brushing across her skin in a steady rhythm. "You'll want an escort."
Warmth threaded through her body, finding purchase in her cheeks. A current of electricity rushed through her with each tender stroke of his thumb. "I won't need one as I'll be living on the property to oversee the progress."
"Living there? Where?" His thumb stilled and his eyes raised to look into hers.
Detecting concern mixed with something more worrisome to her equilibrium in his steady gaze, she swallowed. "In the carriage house, after it's been made comfortable." Her heart competed with her thoughts. Which could race faster? "It's only a couple months until the temperatures will rise and it won't be quite so bitter outside."
"You can't live in a carriage house without making significant changes to it." He resumed caressing her hand with his calloused thumb, a faint rasp filling the silence. "Who will make it habitable for you?"
"Ethan has offered to start work next week." Was he suggesting she shouldn't pursue her intent? She lifted her chin and captured his gaze. "Within a few weeks, I should be quite at home, he said."
"I don't like the idea of you being alone with Ethan."
"Why ever not?" She blinked at him, amazed by the vehemence in his tone. "He's my cousin. I have nothing to fear from him."
"He desires your companionship too much, from the gossip I've heard." He shook his head and then peered at her. "I'd prefer for you to not accept his help."
"You do not have a say in the matter." Though she understood from her own exchanges with her cousin that he did indeed display a level of interest she found disconcerting. Still, she harbored no doubt in her ability to squash any unwanted attentions. "What do you suggest I do if not accept his offer?"
He regarded her for a long moment. "I'd be honored to assist you, if you'd permit me."
"I don't believe it's necessary for you to take time away from your work, but I appreciate the overture." Distance. That's what she needed. To put distance between them so he couldn't distract her. Couldn't make her out of kilter and on edge, as though waiting for something she couldn't define to occur.
"It's not inconvenient for me to take a few days to help."
"I'll not be alone, as I'll have Jemma and Jim with me." She paused, seeing surprise lift his brows. "And the Sullivan brothers will start working in a short time, as I said. I'll be perfectly safe, I assure you."
"I cannot help but be alarmed for your well-being. Your safety and comfort are my utmost concern." He gripped her hands, his sincerity reflected in both his gaze and his tone. "Lyn, please, let me complete the renovations."
She'd longed to put distance between them, and then he suggested infiltrating her temporary quarters? While holding her hands, which completely set her senses on fire. But then to have the man in yet another of her abodes? An inner voice whispered yes, yes, yes. She shivered though no chill swept through her. Instead, desire replaced the denial. She liked him on a deeper level than she'd previously admitted to herself. Must be that second condition her mother insisted upon making her weak. But the temptation remained, and as long as she was being honest, had begun the moment she'd met the man.
"Please?" Nathaniel squeezed her fingers, a persuasive grin aimed her way. "You know I'll take care of it without any delay. You'll be able to move in sooner."
"What of your printing work? Can Frank spare you?" What was she doing? She swallowed a huff rather than venting her inner turmoil. She didn't want his help, did she? Say no!
"Yes." He leaned closer as he tugged on her hands, turning her to angle toward him. "I have two days free after to-morrow."
"Free?" She moistened dry lips, enthralled by his eyes, his mouth as he drew steadily closer to hers.
"Yes. We can start for the property in a couple days." He reduced the space between them to a kiss.
Her senses spun, leaving her breathless and off balance. Her racing thoughts crashed to a complete stop. She closed her eyes, relishing the exquisite experience of bussing with a man, this man. Dear heavens above. He slipped inside her mouth, teasing the tip of his tongue against hers. A moan reverberated in her throat when he embraced her, pulling her to him. No longer could she deny her feelings about Nathaniel. She held onto him, an anchor in the maelstrom unleashed by his touch, his kiss, his very breath.
He eased away, slowly and tenderly breaking the contact between them. She just as slowly opened her eyes as she attempted to restore her composure and calm her heart. Amazing. The room had not changed. Everything still stood where it had been before the world turned upside down. She blinked when he captured her hands, bringing them up to his mouth.
"We can leave after we break the fast in two days." He kissed her fingers, one by one, his gaze dwelling on her features. "Will that be enough time?"
"That would be perfect." Her voice sounded strange, rough and low. She cleared her throat, feeling awkward and dizzy. "I-I have much to prepare before our departure."
He nodded and helped her stand. "As do I." He pressed his lips to hers, stirring her calming senses. "See you at supper."
He departed, glancing back at her with a grin before disappearing down the hall. She remained still, several realizations descending upon her. Not least of which was, she could fall in love with him. Oh dear...