Though writing is a solitary endeavor, it takes many people, and cookies, to make a book. My sincerest thanks to the following individuals who helped bring Vilonia to print:
To my intrepid, no-nonsense agent, Caryn Wiseman, who took a chance on me after seeing only a handful of pages. Your wit and wisdom pushed me to the finish line. I’ll forever be grateful Big Sur brought us together.
To my editor, the savvy Sylvie Frank, who asked the best questions, tolerated my bouts of indecision, and laughed at the right parts. You deserve a whole cake.
To the entire team at Paula Wiseman Books: Krista Vossen, Katrina Groover, Chava Wolin, Sarah Jane Abbott, and Paula Wiseman. Thank you is not enough. I’m treating you all to Guy’s milkshakes. And to Emma Trithart, who so perfectly illustrated Vilonia’s personality and spunk. Thank you.
To my friends at Arkansas SCBWI. Your notes made for a better book.
To my critique mates turned close friends, who read Vilonia’s story at every stage. The Book Nerds: Karen Akins, Kimberly Loth, and Mandy Silberstein. I love you all.
To Stefanie Wass, fellow dog lover and the best beta reader, and to my debut author group, the Swanky Seventeens, for countless laughs and pep talks.
To Dr. Stacy Furlow and Dr. Paige Partridge for their support and help in answering my medical questions.
To my parents, Mickey and Phillis, who raised two readers. Thank you for turning my lamp off all of those nights I fell asleep reading. And to my twin brother, Ryan. We’ve come a long way from two-pound preemies. I still call the front seat.
And to Jackson, Zachary, Nathan, Copeland, and Madeleine—my fiercest cheerleaders. I’m your biggest fan and am so lucky you’re mine.
And to Jesse, who told me to “write the book already.” I love you times infinity.
And thanks always to God for seeing fit to let me live despite my rocky start so I could share these words with you.