
I’m still not entirely sure what I’m doing but I am lucky enough to have a long list of very nice and supportive people looking after me. They are . . .

My family—Ma, Ossie, Melo, B, Bob, KP, Sarah, and Belles.

From C+W—My wonderful agent Susan Armstrong, Emma, Jake, Alexander, Dorcas, Tracy, and the much missed Alexandra.

From Orion—My editor Sam Eades for putting up with me, the cloud of vapey smoke that is Ben Willis, the best copy editor in the business Laura Collins, Claire Keep, Katie Espiner, Sarah Benton, Laura Swainbank, Lauren Woosey, and the rest of the Hachette team in the UK and around the world.

Last but not least, a sincere thank-you to all the readers for keeping me in a job and for your endless enthusiasm for these characters and their messed-up lives that I take so much pleasure in destroying. I don’t really do social media and certainly don’t do reviews but apparently you’re out there, so thank you!