- Adams, Brook
- Agesilaos
- agricultural cooperatives
- agriculture
- agro-biology
- Russian collectivization
- American Anthropologist
- American Civil War
- anarchism
- anthropology
- and autonomy of the normative system
- and economic history
- see also cultural anthropology; economic anthropology; social anthropology
- Aquinas, Saint Thomas
- archeology
- Aristeides
- Aristotle
- Asia
- Athens
- city-state
- market habit in
- trade policies
- attitudes
- American, to society
- cooperative or competitive
- modernizing or economistic
- and the sciences
- audition
- Austen, Jane
- Austria
- corporative state
- education
- autarky see self-sufficiency
- averagism
- Babylonia
- balance of power
- Banaro of New Guinea
- Bank Act (1844)
- banking, in antiquity
- barter
- Bastiat, Frédéric
- Bauer, Otto
- Beard, Charles
- Becker, Gary
- Beloch, Julius
- Bendixen, F.
- Benedict, Ruth
- Bentham, Jeremy
- Bismarck, Otto von
- Boas, Franz
- Boeckh, Philipp August
- Bolshevism
- borders see frontiers
- bourgeois society
- Bretton Woods Agreement (1944)
- Britain
- abandonment of gold standard
- class consciousness
- US aid to
- war economy
- Bücher, Carl
- Bunyan, John
- Burnham, Harry
- Burns, A. R.
- Cadamosto, Aloys da
- Calvin, John
- Canada
- Cangiani, Michele
- capital
- capitalism
- in antiquity, problem of
- development of
- fascism and
- liberal socialism and the problem of
- relationship with democracy
- religion and the rise of
- stabilization of, in Russia
- transformation of
- universal
- unregulated
- violence and freedom
- see also corporative capitalism; laissez-faire; liberal capitalism
- capitalism–socialism axis
- Capitulare de villis
- Carey, Henry Charles
- catallactic triad
- Catanzariti, Mariavittoria
- causation, external, theory of
- centrally planned economy
- Charlemagne
- Chartism
- China
- Christianity
- church and state
- citizenship, Greek
- city-states
- civil liberties
- civilization
- crisis of
- and culture
- and the economic sphere
- industrial
- machine
- nineteenth-century, passing of
- technological
- in towns
- and uses of science
- versus liberty
- Clapperton, Hugh
- Clark, Colin
- Cold War
- Cole, G. D. H.
- collective security
- collectivism and syndicalism
- colonialism
- colonization, ancient
- commodification
- commodities, fictitious
- common good
- commonwealth, economic
- communism
- and Bolshevism
- challenge to democracy
- and liberal socialism
- and use of term “socialist”
- war
- communities
- boundaries of
- and institutional society
- modern civilized
- and political theory
- sacrifices for the economic interdependence of
- and state
- values in
- Comte, Auguste
- Condliffe, J. B.
- conscientious objection
- consciousness
- class
- of method in the sciences
- the reform of
- conscription
- conservatism
- Constant, Benjamin, The Liberty of Ancients …
- constitution
- forms of
- guardianship of the
- constitutional liberty
- contingent historical form
- “Contribution of Institutional Analysis to the Social Sciences, The” (Polanyi)
- cooperation
- among sciences
- or competition
- international economic
- in liberal socialism
- social in American education
- as a tool
- cooperatives
- state-created agricultural
- voluntary agricultural
- Corn Laws, repeal (1846)
- corporation
- corporative capitalism
- corporative state
- courts, and social peace
- Covenanters
- creativity
- credit instruments
- “Crisis of Ideology” (Polanyi)
- “The Critical Issue Today: A Response” (Polanyi)
- Cromwell, Oliver
- crusades
- cultural anthropology
- culture
- attitudes and
- in a class society
- and democracy
- determined by economic factors in market economy
- and economic history
- and freedom of conscience
- laws without
- popular
- urban
- as use of the products of civilization
- values in shared
- “Culture in a Democratic England of the Future” (Polanyi)
- Cunningham, H.
- Cunningham, William
- currency
- cowrie shell
- managed
- postwar
- primitive
- Dahomey and the Slave Trade (Polanyi)
- Dale, Gareth
- Dániel, A.
- Dante Alighieri
- Darwinism
- Deimel, Father
- Delian League
- democracy
- communist challenge to
- compatibility with human existence
- crisis of
- and culture
- economy and
- English and continental ideals of
- the fascist challenge to
- and freedom
- Greek
- and liberal capitalism
- limitations of
- models and forms of economic organization
- new forms of
- parliamentary and self-regulated markets
- political and economic liberalism
- relationship with capitalism
- suspension of
- through socialism
- use of term
- and war
- see also egalitarianism; libertarianism; representative democracy
- Demosthenes
- Denham, Dixon
- determinism
- statistical
- see also economic determinism
- dialectical materialism
- Dickens, Charles
- dictatorship
- of the proletariat
- Russian and German
- disciplines, academic
- double movement
- Dühring, Eugen
- Durkheim, Émile
- “Eclipse of Panic and the Outlook of Socialism” (Polanyi)
- ecology, and technology
- economic, the
- limits to interpretation of history
- the meaning of
- use of term in social sciences
- versus self-sufficiency
- economic anthropology
- economic crisis
- economic determinism
- dogmatic belief in
- nineteenth-century legacy of
- economistic fallacy
- economic functionalism
- economic history
- of antiquity
- change in subject and method
- direction and scope of advance
- institutional and historical approach
- and primitive “economics”
- see also general economic history
- “Economic History and the Problem of Freedom” (Polanyi)
- economic ideal, the
- economic interdependence
- economic liberalism
- economic organization
- the problem of
- technology and science
- economic sphere
- economics
- comparative
- and the environment
- and freedom
- and law
- pattern
- and politics
- “primitive”
- separation from politics
- “Economics and the Freedom to Shape Our Social Destiny” (Polanyi)
- economistic prejudice
- economy
- as a cultural reality
- defined via institutional analysis
- and democracy
- disembedded
- and institutions
- as a living process
- in society
- and society
- and technology and the problem of freedom
- “Economy and Democracy” (Polanyi)
- Eddington, Arthur Stanley
- education
- in American society
- Austrian
- English
- and social reality
- and social responsibility
- efficiency principle
- egalitarianism
- Egypt, ancient
- elements, distribution in science
- elites, circulation of (Pareto)
- elitism
- Ellis, H. S.
- embeddedness
- empires
- foundation of
- irrigational
- employment
- freedom of choice in
- full
- and unemployment
- enclosures
- Engels, Friedrich
- England
- agricultural industry
- class stratification
- counter-Reformation
- culture of the future
- democratic ideals
- institutions
- laissez-faire
- logic of the sea
- Norman
- population
- two-party system
- Enlightenment
- entrepreneurship
- equality
- and continental democracy
- and liberty
- essentialism and nominalism
- ethics, New Testament
- Europe
- civilization in cities
- democratic ideals
- democratic institutions
- Eastern
- fascism
- future of
- industrialists vs. parliaments with socialist majorities
- post-war
- “Europe Today” (Polanyi)
- European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) (1949)
- European Union
- evolutionist fallacy
- exchange
- “Experiences in Vienna and America: America” (Polanyi)
- fascism
- challenge to democracy
- in Germany
- Italian
- origins of
- and pacifism
- solution to capitalist problems
- Ferguson, William Scott
- feudalism
- Firth, Raymond
- “For a New West” (Polanyi)
- Forde, Daryll
- Förster, F. W., “Machinery of Commonality”
- Foucault, Michel
- France
- freedom
- of choice
- in a complex society
- of conscience
- and democracy
- economic history and the problem of
- and economics
- economy and the problem of
- in English democracy
- and equality
- as foundation of all true harmony
- institutions of
- and justice
- limits of
- and planning
- political
- principle of political philosophy
- the problem defined
- and the reality of society
- and responsibility
- in technological society
- and the two sources of liberty
- unrestricted
- French Revolution (1789)
- frontiers
- gain, hope of
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT) (1947)
- general economic history
- meaning change
- practical and theoretical sources
- and primitive “economics”
- “General Economic History” (Polanyi)
- George, H.
- Gericke, W. F.
- German historical school
- Germany
- manorial system
- planned economy
- reparations from
- Ständestaat
- towns
- see also Nazism
- gifts and countergifts
- globalization
- Glotz, Gustave
- gold
- fall of standard (1931)
- international standard
- Göring, Hermann Wilhelm
- government
- constitutional
- democratic English
- extension of, in nineteenth century
- “governments not the people” myth
- and industry
- municipal
- and public opinion
- see also popular government
- Great Depression (1929)
- Great Transformation, The (Polanyi)
- Great War see World War I
- Greece, ancient
- Grote, George
- guild socialism
- Hahn, L. Albert
- Hammonds, the
- Hammurabi, Code in Susa
- Hayek, Friedrich A. von
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
- Heichelheim, Fritz
- Henry II
- Herskovits, Melville J.
- Hertzka, Theodor
- Hindenburg, Paul von
- Hiroshima
- history
- compared with generalized sciences
- and economic concepts
- limitations of economic interpretation of
- sociology of
- Hitler, Adolf
- Homer
- Horthy, Miklós
- “How to Make Use of the Social Sciences” (Polanyi)
- Hungarian Revolution
- Hungary
- hunger
- as a collective affair
- fear of
- idealism
- liberal
- and materialism
- nineteenth-century
- versus realism
- ideology
- crisis of
- of everyday life
- imperialism
- income
- social differences in America
- universal basic
- individual, the
- as citizen
- cultured
- morality
- rights of, in primitive societies
- role of, in America
- uniqueness of
- individualism
- Industrial Revolution
- industry
- agricultural
- democratization of
- and government
- syndical organization of
- Inge, William Ralph
- Inquest of Sheriffs
- institutional analysis
- and economic aspects of society
- of the nineteenth century
- in the social sciences
- institutions
- cooperative and competitive
- democratic, crisis of
- determined by market mechanism
- economic
- and economy
- English
- fascist
- freedom of
- importance of
- political legitimacy of
- economic, in relation to noneconomic
- would make war unnecessary
- and transformation of world economy
- war as
- intellectuals, role of
- interdependence
- of thought and experience
- see also economic interdependence
- interests
- conflicting, of human groups
- innate
- as “third dimension” of science
- International Court of Law
- international economic order
- international relations
- international trade and self-sufficiency
- internationalism
- interventionism, protective
- Islam
- Italy
- corporative state
- fascism
- urban life
- Japan
- “Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Is Freedom Possible?” (Polanyi)
- Jefferson, Thomas
- Jellinek, Adele
- Jewry
- Joerges, Christian
- Johnson, Richard
- justice
- and freedom
- see also social justice
- Kautsky, K.
- Kelsen, Hans
- Kerensky, Alexander
- kinship systems
- Knapp, Georg Friedrich
- Knight, Frank H.
- knowledge
- theoretical, application of
- effects of, on man
- instrumental
- no continuum of
- sociology of
- Koffka, Kurt
- Kropotkin, Peter
- kula transactions
- Kwakiutl Indians, potlatch
- labor
- commodification of
- deregulation of
- division of, and moral problem of society
- exploitation of
- free
- international division of
- militarization of
- power of
- submissive forms of
- and surplus value
- Lambert, Johann Heinrich
- land
- commodification of
- effect of industrial socialization on
- liberation of
- and man
- and manorial system
- monopoly on
- nature as
- political law of coercive property in
- Lassalle, Ferdinand
- law
- and changes in concepts of society
- “conflicts law”
- and economics
- institutionalist perspective on
- and liberty and equality
- modern, theory of
- and motives for justice
- paradoxical nature of
- and Polanyi
- and politics
- social
- sociological analysis
- without culture
- League of Nations (1919)
- legal origins, theory of
- Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich
- Leninism
- Levitt, Kari Polanyi
- liberal capitalism
- and market economy
- and the nineteenth century
- and representative democracy
- liberal economic order, collapse of
- liberal socialism
- and communism
- and the problem of capitalism
- liberalism
- abstract
- classical English
- see also neoliberalism
- liberty see freedom
- life sciences
- Lipsen, Eli
- Livelihood of Man, The (Polanyi)
- London
- Luther, Martin
- Lynd, Robert
- Macaulay, Lord
- Mach, Ernst
- Malinowski, Bronislaw
- Crime and Custom in Savage Society
- man
- as economic animal
- and directed existence
- evolution
- innate interests of
- as labor
- and land
- maturity of
- nature of
- relation to nature
- survival
- Manchester School
- manorial system
- Mantoux, Paul
- Mao Tse Tung
- Marathon, battle of (490 bc)
- market
- as an economic institution
- as an organic form of organization
- elements of, in antiquity
- law and the institutionalization of
- neolithic forms of
- and society
- as source of modernity
- market economy
- based on economic motives
- and cooperative socialism
- destruction of values
- dual function of law in
- ideological corollaries of
- nineteenth century
- prices in
- rise of
- self-regulating
- transformation of
- Weber on
- see also double movement
- “Market Elements and Economic Planning in Antiquity” (Polanyi)
- market mechanism
- market society
- critique of
- and the disembedded economy
- Marramao, Giacomo
- marriage
- Marshall Plan
- Marx, Karl
- Marxism
- determinism
- Lenin's
- and socialism
- materialism
- American
- dialectical
- historical
- and idealism
- Mauss, Marcel
- Mayer, E. D.
- Mead, Margaret
- “Meaning of Peace, The” (Polanyi)
- measures, changing
- “Mechanism of the World Economic Crisis, The” (Polanyi)
- media, role of
- Mendelism
- Menger, Karl
- mercantilism
- Meredith, H. O.
- Mesopotamia
- metaphysics, elimination from sciences
- Meyer, Eduard
- Meyer, Robert Julius
- middle classes
- Mill, John Stuart
- Mises, Ludwig von
- modernism, versus primitivism
- Mommsen, Theodor
- monarchy, absolute
- monastic movements
- monetary theory
- money
- as an economic institution
- as a means of exchange
- Mises' concept of
- as a semantic system in social sciences
- primitive, study of
- token
- uses in antiquity
- uses of
- Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron de
- morality
- Morris, William
- motives
- Müller, Fritz, “On Christian Anarchism and Prophets of Crisis”
- Mussolini, Benito
- nation-states
- inadequate self-sufficiency
- transformation of
- national security versus civil liberties
- national socialism see Nazism
- nationalism
- natural sciences
- nature
- “Nature of International Understanding, The” (Polanyi)
- Nazism
- neo-classical economics
- neo-institutionalism, American economic
- neoliberalism
- New Deal
- “New Frontiers of Economic Thinking” (Polanyi)
- New Republic, The
- Niebuhr, Barthold Georg
- nominalism and essentialism
- nonconformity
- normative system, autonomy of the
- North America see Canada; United States
- North, Douglass
- North-South dichotomy
- numismatics
- Oesterreichische Volkswirt, Der
- oikos controversy
- “On Political Theory” (Polanyi)
- opinion
- climate of
- majority in English democracy
- see also public opinion
- Oppenheimer, Franz
- original sin
- Owen, Robert
- pacifism
- fallacy of
- roots of
- social
- and the tolerance analogy
- and the working-class movement
- Pareto, Vilfredo
- parliamentarianism, crisis of
- parliaments
- peace
- social, and courts
- the meaning of
- policy as key to
- the postulate of
- Peisistratos
- Peloponnesian War
- personality
- Christian concept of
- freedom of
- independent
- “Philosophies in Conflict in Modern Society” (Polanyi)
- philosophy
- physiocratic
- Pirenne, Henri
- planning
- economic
- economic, in antiquity
- and freedom
- Pöhlmann, Robert R. von
- Polanyi, Karl
- biography
- juridical–political thought
- intellectual legacy
- policy
- economic
- as key to peace
- laws of
- moral problem of
- pacifist
- polis
- political organization, new forms and international economic cooperation
- political philosophy
- political, the
- definition of
- role in Polanyi's thought
- politician, and statesman
- politics
- and economics
- and history
- and law
- methodology
- moral problem of
- and the postulate of peace
- and power
- separation from economics
- Polyaenus
- Poor Law (1601)
- Popper, Karl, The Open Society and Its Enemies
- popular government
- and government of the law
- and laissez-faire
- positivism
- power politics
- constitutional forms
- executive
- and social awareness
- see also balance of power
- practicality
- prices
- fixing
- fluctuating
- free formation of
- in a market economy
- stabilizing
- primitive societies
- at sub-war stage
- economies of
- money in
- norms of
- primitivism versus modernism
- production
- in conflict with social need
- efficiency principle in
- modern organization of
- nationalization of the means of
- primitive conditions of
- private ownership of the means of
- socialization of the means of
- profit
- progress
- proletariat
- propaganda
- property
- coercive, law of
- primitive notion of
- security of agricultural
- system of, and democracy
- protectionism
- Protestantism
- Proudhon, Pierre Joseph
- psychology
- public opinion
- formation of
- and statesmanship
- under private enterprise
- “Public Opinion and Statesmanship” (Polanyi)
- Puritanism
- Randall, H.
- rationality
- and Christian reformers
- and the economic
- Mengerian concept of
- and risk management
- utilitarian
- see also rule of reason
- realism versus idealism
- reciprocity
- redistribution
- redistributive economies
- reductionism
- religion
- and the rise of capitalism
- tolerance in
- religious education
- representative democracy
- responsibility
- and freedom
- and market economy
- social
- Resta, Giorgio
- Restoration
- revolutions
- cultural
- political
- see also world revolution
- Ricardo, David
- rights
- commodification of
- social, and economic crisis
- Robbins, Lionel
- Rodbertus-Jagetzow, J. K.
- Roman Catholicism
- Roman Empire
- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
- “Roots of Pacifism, The” (Polanyi)
- Rostovtzeff, Michael I.
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
- rule of reason
- Russell, Bertrand
- Russia
- and America
- New Economic Policy (NEP)
- planned economy
- Socialist and Communist Party
- state socialism
- Russian Revolution (1917)
- Rutherford, Mark, The Revolution in Tanners Lane
- Salsano, Alfredo
- Savonarola, Girolamo
- scarcity paradigm
- Schechter ruling
- Schmitt, Carl
- The Concept of the Political
- The nomos of the Earth
- Schmoller, Gustav
- science, technology and economic organization
- sciences
- cannot be pooled
- elimination of metaphysics
- ethical neutrality (Wertfreiheit)
- human interests, method and pattern
- method
- sovereignty of man over
- see also life sciences; natural sciences; social sciences
- self-government, local and vocational
- self-regulated economy, destructive tendencies of
- self-regulated markets
- and governmental power
- and parliamentary democracy
- self-sufficiency
- as autarky
- and international trade
- origins of
- sex, problems of
- Shakespeare, William
- situation
- skepticism
- slavery
- Smith, Adam
- social anthropology
- social classes
- and abolition of monarchic absolutism
- American differences of income
- and English culture
- and industrialization
- and international economic order
- and market organization
- stabilization of
- social democracy
- social facts, total
- social justice
- social organization
- social philosophy
- social relations
- economic and other
- economics embedded in
- impersonalization of
- social sciences
- comparative method
- compared with natural sciences
- dual function of
- institutional analysis in
- method of
- normative dimension of
- uses of
- socialism
- Christian
- cooperative, and the market economy
- democracy through
- functionalist associational model of
- the future of
- and Marxism
- role of
- Soviet
- see also capitalism–socialism axis
- society
- American belief in
- changes in concepts of, and laws
- class structure of
- and economic determinism
- and economy
- human freedom and the reality of
- integrated, trend towards an
- limits personal freedom
- and the market system
- meaning of
- modern, conflicting philosophies in
- moral problem of
- and nature
- original unity of
- and the state
- sociology
- in economic history
- and economic theory
- general
- historical
- organicistic sociology
- sociology of history
- sociology of knowledge
- Solon
- Sombart, Werner
- South America, suspension of democracy
- sovereignty
- as a function of individual freedom
- of man over sciences
- national, economic importance of
- national territorial
- Soviet Russia see Russia
- specialization
- Speenhamland Law (1795)
- Spencer, Herbert
- Stalin, Joseph
- standard of life
- state
- and church
- and communities
- democratization of
- and freedoms
- frontiers
- in liberal socialism
- limited, in England
- loyalty to
- social, model for a
- and society
- strong
- see also corporative state
- statesmanship
- and public opinion
- responsible, institutional safeguards of
- sociology of
- statistics
- Statute of Merton
- Stiglitz, Joseph
- supply–demand mechanism see market mechanism
- syndicalism, and collectivism
- syndicates, fascist
- Tavernier, Jean Baptiste
- Tawney, R. H.
- taxation
- technology
- adjustment of social life to new forms
- control of
- and ecology
- economic organization and science
- economy and the problem of freedom
- territory
- Themistocles
- Thilenius
- Thurnwald, Richard
- token money
- tolerance analogy
- Tönnies, Ferdinand
- totalitarianism
- Toutain, Jules
- towns
- Toynbee, A.
- trade
- as an economic institution
- free organization of
- and money as market function
- policies of Athens
- primitive
- and self-sufficiency
- three forms of
- traditional definition of
- transnational, regulation of
- Trade and Markets in the Early Empires (Polanyi)
- trade unions
- transformation
- and crisis
- lectures on
- of world economy
- “Trend toward an Integrated Society” (Polanyi)
- Trobriand Islands
- Trotsky, Leon
- Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques
- Tyler, Wat
- tyranny
- United Kingdom see Britain
- United States
- attitudes to society
- capitalism
- constitution
- economic disorganization (1930s)
- education and economic processes
- free economy (1946–8)
- fundamentalism
- limited state power
- New Deal
- and Russia
- in war
- “Universal Capitalism or Regional Economic Planning” (Polanyi)
- universalism
- Christian
- personal
- western, criticism of
- Ure, Percy
- usury
- utilitarianism
- values
- Christian
- destruction of, in market economy
- incommensurable core of
- in shared culture
- in social adjustments
- standards of
- Veblen, Thorstein
- Versailles, Treaty of
- Vienna
- social democratic school reform
- Wall Street crisis (1929)
- Walworth, Sir William
- war
- as an institution
- arbitration of
- avoidance of
- borders and
- civil and national
- and communism
- and democracy
- effect on economy
- Huxley on
- preventive
- problem of
- psychological nature of
- sex analogy
- theological explanation of
- as a tool
- total
- unwanted
- war communism
- war economy
- war industry principle
- Webb, Sidney and Beatrice
- Weber, Max
- Economy and Society
- General Economic History
- The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
- welfare state
- Wesleyan revival
- West, the
- West Africa
- Wilamowiz-Moellendorff, Ulrich von
- Wilberforce, William
- Willcox, O. W.
- William the Conqueror
- Williamson, Oliver
- Wilson, Woodrow
- work, mental and physical, equalization of
- Workers' Educational Association
- working class
- industrial, the problem of the
- see also proletariat
- World Bank, Doing Business
- World Economic Conference
- world federation
- world revolution
- world trade, in antiquity
- World War I (1914–18)
- causes of
- effects of
- Polanyi's part in