Following is the complete list by days of the scenarios included in Flaminio Scala’s Il teatro delle favole rappresentative. Those discussed in detail in chapters 5–8 of this book are shown in bold.
Giornata I |
Day 1 |
Li duo vecchi gemelli |
The Two Old Twins |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata II |
Day 2 |
La fortuna di Flavio |
Flavio’s Fortunes |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata III |
Day 3 |
La fortunata Isabella |
The Fortunate Isabella |
Comedy |
Comedia |
Giornata IV |
Day 4 |
Le burle d’Isabella |
Isabella’s Pranks |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata V |
Day 5 |
Flavio tradito |
Flavio Betrayed |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata VI |
Day 6 |
Il vecchio geloso |
The Jealous Old Man |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Day 7 |
La cruduta morta |
The Woman Believed to Be Dead |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata VIII |
Day 8 |
La finta pazza |
The Fake Madwoman |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata IX |
Day 9 |
Il marito |
The Husband |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata X |
Day 10 |
La sposa |
The Bride |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XI |
Day 11 |
Il Capitano |
The Captain |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XII |
Day 12 |
Il cavadente |
The Tooth Puller |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XIII |
Day 13 |
Il dottor disperato |
The Despairing Doctor |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XIV |
Day 14 |
Il pellegrino fido amante |
The Pilgrim and Loyal Lover |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XV |
Day 15 |
La travagliata Isabella |
The Troubled Isabella |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XVI |
Day 16 |
Lo specchio |
The Mirror |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Day 17 |
Li duo capitani simili |
The Two Captains Who Look Alike |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XVIII |
Day 18 |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Li tragic successi |
The Tragic Events |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XIX |
Day 19 |
Li tre fidi amici |
The Three Loyal Friends |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XX |
Day 20 |
Li duo fidi notari |
The Two Loyal Notaries |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XXI |
Day 21 |
Il finto negromante |
The Fake Sorcerer |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XXII |
Day 22 |
Il creduto morto |
The Man Believed to Be Dead |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XXIII |
Day 23 |
Il portalettere |
The Letter Carrier |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XXIV |
Day 24 |
Il finto Tofano |
The Fake Tofano |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XXV |
Day 25 |
La gelosa Isabella |
The Jealous Isabella |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XXVI |
Day 26 |
Li tappeti Alessandrini |
The Alexandrian Carpets |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Day 27 |
La mancata fede Comedia |
The Promise Not Kept |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XXVIII |
Day 28 |
Flavio finto negromante |
Flavio the Fake Sorcerer |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XXIX |
Day 29 |
Il fido amico |
The Loyal Friend |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XXX |
Day 30 |
Li finti servi |
The Fake Servants |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XXXI |
Day 31 |
Il pedante |
The Pedant |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XXXII |
Day 32 |
Li duo finti zingani |
The Two Fake Gypsies |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XXXIII |
Day 33 |
Li quattro finti spiritati |
The Four Fake Possessed Men |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XXXIV |
Day 34 |
Il finto cieco |
The Fake Blind Man |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XXXV |
Day 35 |
Le disgrazie di Flavio |
Flavio’s Misfortunes |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XXXVI |
Day 36 |
Isabella astrologa |
Isabella [the] Astrologer |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Day 37 |
La caccia |
The Hunt |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XXXVIII |
Day 38 |
La pazzia d’Isabella |
The Madness of Isabella |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XXXIX |
Day 39 |
Il ritratto |
The Portrait |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XL |
Day 40 |
Il giusto castigo |
The Proper Punishment |
Comedia |
Comedy |
Giornata XLI |
Day 41 |
La forsennata prencipessa |
The Deranged Princess |
Tragedia |
Tragedy |
Giornata XLII |
Day 42 |
Gli avvenimenti comici, pastorali e tragici |
The Comic, Pastoral and Trag |
Opera mista |
Mixed Drama |
Giornata XLIII |
Day 43 |
L’Alvida |
Alvida |
Opera regia |
Royal Drama |
Giornata XLIV |
Day 44 |
Rosalba incantatrice |
Rosalba [the] Enchantress |
Opera eroica |
Heroic Drama |
Giornata XLV |
Day 45 |
L’innocente Persiana |
The Innocent Persian Woman |
Opera reale |
Royal Opera |
Giornata XLVI |
Day 46 |
I Parte-Dell’orseida |
Orseis, Parti |
Opera reale |
Royal Opera |
Day 47 |
II Parte-Dell’orseida |
Orseis, Part II |
Opera reale |
Royal Drama |
Giornata XLVIII |
Day 48 |
III Parte-Dell’orseida |
Orseis, Part III |
Opera reale |
Royal Drama |
Giornata XLIX |
Day 49 |
L’arbore incantato |
The Enchanted Tree |
Pastoral |
Pastorale |
Giornata L |
Day 50 |
La fortuna di foresta prencipessa di |
The Fortunes of Foresta, Princess of |
Moscovia |
Moscow |
Opera regia |
Royal Drama |