Although only the author’s name appears on the front of a book, there are so many more that should be included; it takes the love and support of many for authors to write their stories. I dedicate this book to all those who helped me in this journey.
To God: For all the blessings You have showered upon me, including my family and friends, and for gifting me with a brain warped enough to conjure up these stories.
To my husband: For believing in me and supporting all my crazy ideas no matter how ridiculous they seemed, and for the countless times you’ve stepped in and taken over everything so I could write. You fell in love with someone who doubted everything about herself and helped her believe she could fly. I couldn’t have made it here without your love and support.
To my children: For being the wonderful, kind, independent and amazing creatures you are. You’re not the best of your father and I—you’re already so much better than we could ever be.
To my family: For your encouragement and support, for not judging me about the stories I create, and for stepping in to help so that I could keep writing.
To all my friends: For being my constant cheerleaders and for putting up with all my crazy talk about writing, publishing and marketing without complaint.
There are two friends in particular I have to single out because they’ve stayed glued to my side every step of the way in this writing journey. They have read, and then re-read, every word I’ve ever written so many times they know it by heart. Jaya: What do I say? From the moment I told you about my secret writing hobby until now, you have made it your mission to push me out of the closet and guide me (often kicking and screaming) in directions I never imagined. Asha: For all the sleepless nights you’ve hidden under the blanket reading my stories and telling me how my writing is so much better than so and so.
To my writing friends: There are so many of you from Coffee Talk Writers (past and present), those on Scribophile, and hundreds of others I’ve met along the way. You have given a new writer guidance, encouragement and even slapped her around. Your patience, honesty and generosity mean more than I can put into words. In particular, I want to point out Aubrey Wynne, Valerie Twombly, Renea Mason, Cait Jarrod, Lea Bronsen, Jena Baxter, Isabella Harper, DC Stone, Paula Spencer, Kelly Lincoln, Kristen Sanchez and Janette Spann.
To my editor Tera Cuskaden: I was crazy nervous pitching to you that day in May. By the time I finished, I walked away feeling like I’d made a friend. Thank you for your honest feedback and patience throughout this process and for proving me right, that I had made a friend.