Clairaudient: A psychic who can hear or perceive sounds, voices, or noise from the spiritual realm.
Clairscent: A psychic who can smell an odor or fragrance that is not in the physical world, but emanates from a spirit or the spirit world.
Clairsentient: A psychic who gathers information by feeling with the whole body.
Class A Psychics: The strongest psychics belong to this class. They can see, feel, smell, and hear ghosts and other supernatural entities. Class A Psychics make up just under 1 percent of all living humans.
Class B Psychics: The second strongest class of psychics. These psychics can either see and feel or hear and feel ghosts, but not both. Class B Psychics make up about 2 percent of all living humans.
Class C Psychics: The weakest class of psychics. Class C Psychics can feel ghosts at times, but they aren’t able to see or hear them with any degree of predictability. Class C Psychics make up slightly more than 1 percent of all living humans.
Electromagnetic field (EMF): A physical field produced by electrically charged objects. Electrical currents and living creatures can affect the EMF; however, if a spirit is present, the EMF may be highly charged.
Electronic voice phenomena (EVP): Sounds found on electronic recordings interpreted as spirit voices. These voices are not audible to the Untouched or lower-class psychics when they are recorded.
EVP listener: A device to record electronic voice phenomena (EVP).
Gauss Master EMF meter: A scientific instrument that detects waves in the electromagnetic field. This instrument helps paranormal investigators detect the presence of spirits without a psychic present.
God’s eye (“Ojo de Dios”): A spiritual object that originated in Mexico. It is made by weaving a design out of colorful yarn on a wooden cross.
Ghost: The apparition of a dead person in the physical world; a spirit.
Ghostball: 1. A ball with sigils that keep a poltergeist trapped inside so it will move on its own; 2. A game, like soccer, but played with a ghostball.
Holy water: Water that has been blessed by clergy and protects the user against evil.
King Solomon: Also named Jedidiah; King Solomon was a wealthy and wise king of Israel who reigned circa 970 to 931 BCE.
Malevolent spirit: The soul of a human being who had ill intentions while living. Since spirits retain the same personalities they had while alive, these spirits can be angry, troublesome, and just plain nasty.
Nazar Boncuğu: A brilliant blue eye-shaped amulet, traditional in Turkey, which protects against “the evil eye.”
Office of Psychic Investigation (OPI): The federal organization in the United States of America that defends the country and its citizens against paranormal attacks. There are federal, state, and city offices of the OPI.
Paranormal Cybersecurity Squad (PCS): A federal organization that monitors all electronics in the United States to aid in the prevention of paranormal cyber- and electronic attacks.
Paranormal Investigator (PI): Usually an Untouched or someone with little psychic ability who investigates paranormal activity.
Pentacle: A talisman or magical object, typically disk-shaped and inscribed with a pentagram (a five-pointed star). A pentacle can sometimes be found in the Seals of Solomon, which wards against evil spirits.
Poltergeist: A supernatural being of unknown origin responsible for loud noises and throwing objects around.
Pretender: An Untouched (nonpsychic) who so desperately wants to be psychic that they pretend to be one.
Seal of Solomon: The legend of the Seal of Solomon is that the ring was engraved by God and was given to the king directly from heaven. There are forty-four Seals of Solomon, some of which can be used for protection against evil.
Sigil: An inscribed or painted symbol that contains magical power. Often used to keep ghosts and spirits out of homes, offices, schools, etc.
Sixth Pentacle of Mars: A Seal of Solomon that protects its owner against harm and causes an enemy’s weapons to turn against him.
Spellguard watch: The safest electronic watch on the planet with sigils inscribed on every gear and battery. The seal on the face glows in the dark. It is the standard-issue watch for every Paranormal Cybersecurity Squad officer.
The Great Unleashing: When American and British spiritualists opened the door from the world of the dead to the world of the living and allowed ghosts and other supernatural beings to roam freely. They were unable to close the door they opened.
The Problem: When ghosts and spirits roam freely in the world of the living due to the Great Unleashing.
Third Pentacle of Jupiter: One of the Seals of Solomon. This seal defends and protects those who encounter spirits.
Town psychic: Local psychics, usually operated by Class B or Class C Psychics, not directly regulated by the OPI. The town psychics take smaller cases that the local or federal OPI offices are too busy to handle.
Untouched: A nonpsychic person. The Untouched make up roughly 96 percent of the entire living population.
Ward: A type of magic or spell intended to deflect harm or evil.