The One could feel the use of the spires. The Lealfast had constructed the glass spires with Magi knowledge (with the power of the One) and their use always touched the One’s soul.
He moved slowly about the Infinity Chamber, running his hands over the ruined glass, restoring it to its full beauty and power. Within a day or two the Infinity Chamber would once again be whole, and would once again connect the pyramid with Infinity.
Then would the One be at full power.
He hummed as he worked, and occasionally sang snatches of song he could recall the Magi singing to him in reverence as they built the pyramid. He was trying out his voice, seeking the perfect pitch and timbre, endeavoring to make it as perfect and as beautiful as was the caged golden glass and the dimensions of this chamber. The One also appreciated deeply the ability to speak and sing. So long he had been nothing but an entity which had existed first in the abstract and then as a glass pyramid. Now he was flesh incarnate, and he could move and speak and act in a manner he’d never been able to previously. Physical form brought its own challenges, but the One enjoyed challenges.
He always won.
As he worked and sang, the One thought about the Lealfast. It was no accident that some of the Magi had escaped so far north when the traitor Boaz sought to destroy the pyramid two thousand years previously. The One had ensured that their knowledge did not die, but lived on within the Lealfast.
They would be his new Magi.
They might hesitate for the moment, but the One knew that eventually they would bow before him.
“All my servants,” the One whispered, his hands continuing their slow purposeful movement over the blackened glass, “all working my will.”
He paused a moment, amused as he recalled that he had come to flesh at that very same moment Ravenna had shown Maximilian Persimius the vision within the Land of Dreams.
“Dear Ravenna,” the One whispered, one of his fingers now stroking a piece of glass that once more glowed golden. “Sweet Ravenna, believing everything I show you. So malleable.”
The One’s hands resumed their slow dance over the glass. The Persimius family had tried to destroy him through the renegade Magi, Boaz, who was a prince of the Persimius blood. They would not get the chance again. When the One moved against Maximilian Persimius and his erstwhile bride, Ishbel, the death strike would come from any one of four or five directions.
Maximilian would never be able to anticipate or counter all of them.
The One smiled, then resumed his singing, perfecting the pitch of his voice until the Infinity Chamber rang with its glory.