Axis SunSoar. Where the glory now, eh?” Armat lifted a leg over the wither of his horse and slid to the ground.
All around Axis could hear columns of horsemen moving to surround the wounded Lealfast.
Armat came to stand directly before Axis, who was still supporting Inardle. Armat looked at her, then back at Axis.
“They’re very pretty, Axis,” Armat said, “but what in the world ever made you think they could fight? They have shamed you…or…is it that they are but a reflection of your own shameful lack of ability?”
Axis said nothing.
Again Armat slid his eyes back to Inardle. “They are pitiful. Pathetic.” He moved his eyes about the group. “Georgdi, and Zeboath. Is this all that is left?”
“You will not catch the others,” said Georgdi.
“Was that a challenge?” Armat said, a smile of what appeared to be genuine amusement on his face. “I do not need to catch the others, Georgdi. Not just yet. Looks like there is work for me to do here. Why did you stay?”
“I would not leave the wounded,” said Axis.
“Ah, he speaks,” Armat said. “And so nobly. ‘I would not leave the wounded.’ Just this one, Axis,” he nodded at Inardle, “or do you feel emotional toward the entire lot?”
“They are my responsibility,” Axis said.
“Not for much longer,” Armat said, and he lifted a hand to signal to his men.
“Stop!” said Axis. “For gods’ sakes, Armat, these wounded are of no danger to you. They—”
“They are lying here dying in slow degrees,” said Armat. “I am merely being efficient in hurrying them along a little. Even if I were not here, Axis, what could you do to aid them? Zeboath is a good man, but by the gods, even this lot might stretch his capabilities.” He lifted his hand again, then brought it down in a swift movement.
Axis did not so much hear as sense the movement in the dark behind him. He thrust Inardle into Zeboath’s arms, then took several steps toward where the mass of Lealfast were lying.
There were shapes moving through the darkness, bending down to the first ranks of the Lealfast.
“No!” Axis cried. “For the gods’ sakes, stop this—”
Then there came a great blow to the back of his head, and the darkness consumed him.