Melanie took a deep breath and bent forward on her chair to unbuckle her strappy, stiletto pumps. Gingerly easing them off, she wiggled her toes, hissing quietly with pain as blood rushed back into the crushed extremities. Why hadn’t it occurred to her that her feet would swell in the tropical heat, and shoes which had fit perfectly fine back in Melbourne would be uncomfortably tight here?
That said, the bride didn’t seem to be suffering the same affliction. Harmony twirled on the dance floor, not a hair out of place, her laughter like crystal chimes on the warm breeze.
It’s been a long day. How does she still look that goddamn perfect? Melanie wondered, but she tried to stamp out the small spark of jealousy. It was Harmony’s wedding day and she was marrying the man of her dreams. Everything was supposed to be perfect.
Melanie wished a tiny little bit of her younger sister’s perfection would rub off on her occasionally, that was all.
“She looks like a fairy princess, doesn’t she?” Her mother slid into the seat beside Melanie, smiling a little tearfully at her.
As always . “Yes, Mum,” Melanie said dutifully. “It’s been a wonderful day. Harmony and Alex look so happy together.”
It was true. Harmony’s delicate blonde beauty had always attracted hordes of men, and perhaps that was what had first caught Alex’s eye, but the wealthy property developer had seen past the perfection of her exterior to the sweetness of Harmony’s soul. Tall, dark and handsome, he was the perfect foil for her; together they looked like the headliners of a Disney movie.
Melanie sighed inaudibly, wiggling her sore toes again, trying to tell herself she wasn’t jealous. Harmony was three years younger than her, though. Ever since she’d hit puberty, guys had taken one look at Harmony and forgotten Melanie even existed.
“I only wish you could find a man,” her mother said.
Melanie gritted her teeth as the familiar refrain began.
“You look so nice today, but Harmony had to practically blackmail you into that dress… you never wear pretty things…”
“I’m a landscape gardener, Mum. Pretty things don’t survive around me.” She kept her hair and her fingernails chopped short for the same reason. Harmony had bullied her into hair extensions and acrylic nails for the wedding, too; both felt strange and unnatural.
Melanie tuned out as her mother carried on; it was an old, familiar argument she’d heard many times before. You’ll never find a man if you don’t make an effort .
The party was winding down, and she’d been up since before dawn. Guests were starting to drift away, and there was no reason for her to stay until the end. Faking a large yawn, Melanie said, “I think I’m gonna turn in, Mum. Good night.”
“Oh… don’t you want to dance, darling? There are some lovely young men here, some of Alex’s friends…”
“Good night.” Melanie’s voice was firm. She leaned down to kiss her mother’s cheek.
“Good night.” Her mother sighed and gave up the attempt, turning back to watch the dancers. Melanie leaned down to scoop up her abandoned shoes, leaving the open-air restaurant and dance floor with a distinct sense of relief.
Despite her feigned weariness, she wasn’t all that tired. Instead of heading back to the luxury cabin she’d shared with Harmony until that morning, she turned in the opposite direction, toward the beach.
The waves lapped gently over her feet, blissfully cooling on her sore toes. Melanie breathed out a long sigh of relief, walking along the beach at the edge of the water until she came to a large rock. Sitting down on it, she swished her sore toes in the water, blessing her sister’s decision to have a ‘small’ wedding on this lovely tropical Barrier Reef island rather than a lavish affair back in Melbourne. At least here, there was somewhere to escape the crowds other than hiding in her room.
“We found a mermaid, Saul,” a deep voice said, and she started, hand going to her chest, before laughing.
She’d met the groom’s two best friends at the engagement party six months ago. Saul and Jordan were just as tall, rich, and sexy as Alex himself, and they were also very obviously a couple. They’d spent most of the night flirting with her, making her laugh her ass off, and they’d done a fair bit of the same today. They’d even both demanded she dance with them, which was at least part of the reason her toes hurt so bloody much.
“You made me jump! What are you two doing, sneaking around in the dark?”
“What were you doing, sneaking off from the party?” Saul answered her question with one of his own as he hopped up to sit on the rock beside her. It wasn’t all that dark; there was a full moon and she could see him clearly. He’d lost his shoes and socks somewhere too, and his trousers were rolled halfway up his shins. Jacket and tie abandoned, shirt sleeves rolled up, and collar open, he looked casual and ridiculously sexy.
Why, oh why, are the gorgeous ones so often gay? Melanie mourned silently. Saul and Jordan were an utterly adorable couple, though. Jordan was as blond as Saul was dark, and they looked so aesthetically pleasing together Melanie couldn’t bear to regret that neither of them was even remotely available.
Jordan stood in front of her, looking just as beautiful as Saul, the moonlight shining off his short, blond hair. He, too, had discarded his jacket and tie and looked deliciously rumpled. He held something out; she squinted to make out what it was. “Champagne?”
“Sure,” she replied.Taking a swig from the champagne bottle, Melanie tried to push down an errant thought that Jordan would probably look about as rumpled after a night of heavy sex. It really wasn’t polite to be fantasizing about someone else’s boyfriend that way.
Saul took the bottle from her hand to drink before passing it back to Jordan… and much to Melanie’s surprise, putting his arm around her shoulders.
“So, how about it, beautiful mermaid?”
“How about what?” She turned to look at him in confusion, wondering what he meant, and gasped as Saul’s lips covered hers in a slow, gentle kiss.
It took a few moments for Melanie’s brain to recover from the shock, and then she jerked back. “What the… what the fuck !” She looked instinctively at Jordan, stunned to see him grinning.
“I think we’ve given her mixed signals, Saul.”
“Mixed signals?” Her head swivelled back and forth between them like a spectator at a tennis match. “You’re gay .”
“Bi,” Saul corrected.
“But… but… Alex said you two had been together since high school!!” Melanie’s brain was failing to assemble what they were telling her into logical information.
“Quite correct,” Jordan agreed. “We have. But, as Saul said, we’re both bisexual. We both like women. Specifically… we both like you .”
“Gimme that bottle back,” Melanie said after a moment of shocked silence. Jordan chuckled and handed it back. She took another long swig of champagne, lowered the bottle to find them both looking at her expectantly, and decided even if she drank the entire bottle it would only make the whole situation feel even more unrealistic.
“So,” she said finally, “what now?”
“That’s up to you.” Jordan moved closer. “If you’re not comfortable being with both of us, you could pick one. Everything’s on the table.”
“Or if the whole thing is creeping you out, we can just walk you back to your cabin and say good night.” Saul’s arm was still draped over her shoulders. “We’d both be pretty damn disappointed, but hey… at least we can still go to bed with each other.”
Melanie made a strangled noise as a mental image of the pair of them entwined popped into her head; valiantly she tried to push it down. “Let me get this straight. You’re both attracted to me and you both want to take me to bed. Together.”
“It’s called a threesome,” Jordan said helpfully. “I’m getting the distinct impression that nobody has ever asked you for one before?”
“Well, my last boyfriend did invite me to join them when I caught him in bed with another girl…”
“That is not the same thing!” Saul sounded completely outraged.
“I quite agree; he was a cheating jerk. And if either of you had approached me on your own, I’d have called you a cheating jerk, but this… this isn’t cheating, is it?”
“Nope, it’s a mutually consensual invitation to a polyamorous encounter.”
“Saul, you’re using long, complicated words. It’s a threesome. Or a twosome if that’s what you’d prefer, Melanie.”
“What would the other one do if I did choose just one of you?” She was honestly curious, though she didn’t have a clue how it would even be possible to choose between them. They were equally nice, equally attractive. Choosing one and not the other would feel wrong, somehow, like she was forcing one of them to cheat.
“Watch, hopefully,” Saul said with a wicked chuckle.
Melanie had to laugh at that, nudging her elbow into his ribs. “You’re terrible.”
“Just horny. So what do you say, babe?” He nuzzled gently at her neck, pressing light little kisses against the sensitive skin below her ear. “Gonna let me and Jord give you the night of your life?”
Why the hell am I even thinking about it? I’ve never been propositioned by one man this attractive, never mind two. Live a little, Melanie!
“Sure,” she said aloud. “Your place or mine? I’ve got a cabin to myself now that Harmony has moved to the honeymoon cottage with Alex.”
“We can go to yours if you’d be more comfortable there,” Jordan said, “but are you equipped?”
“Condoms and lube,” Saul said in her ear, laughing as she stiffened up and shook her head mutely. “Our place it is then, huh?”
Melanie tried to act relaxed and confident, as though she was invited for threesomes all the time. Just another day in the glamorous life of Melanie Reed , she tried to tell herself as she accepted Jordan’s offered hand and stood up. I’m on a tropical island about to go and have unimaginably hot sex with two impossibly sexy, funny, likable guys … Her brain stalled out. The thought was just too far out of the realm of possibility.
And yet, Saul was taking her shoes and claiming her other hand, and the pair of them were walking her back up the beach, leading her toward a cabin not far from her own.
A sense of unreality descended over Melanie, broken only by Jordan’s prosaic remark of, “Better wash our feet off before we go inside.”
There was a faucet on each cabin’s front veranda for that exact purpose. Watching with a certain degree of amazement as Jordan and Saul washed their feet off, Melanie extended her own under the cool stream of water, feeling the sand sluice off her skin.
Jordan had gone inside and returned with a towel. Sitting down on one of the deckchairs on the verandah, he spread the towel between his legs, and gestured. “Come here, I’ll dry them off for you.”
A little hesitantly, Melanie moved to stand in front of him, lifting one foot. She was unsteady, at least until Saul’s arms slid around her waist from behind.
He was strong and warm against her back, holding her close, bending his head to nuzzle against her throat. A little gasp of pleasure escaped her as he bit down gently on her shoulder.
Jordan’s hands closed the towel around her foot, rubbing slowly at the water droplets clinging to it. The rasp of the fabric, the warmth of his fingers tracing up her calf, combined with the sensual scrape of Saul’s stubble against her throat to bring Melanie fully back into the moment.
“Other foot,” Jordan said, his voice low and husky. She could see him better in the light spilling out through the cabin’s open French doors, see his blue eyes were fixed on hers. Slowly, she set her foot down, lifted the other to his grasp for him to dry. As she did, Saul’s hands moved up from her waist, his thumbs grazing the underside of her breasts.
“You look amazing in this dress,” Saul said, low and husky, bending his head to kiss her bare shoulder. “It really suits you.”
“Harmony let me pick it out myself. Said she wasn’t going to put me in something frilly and pink, that she wanted me to look good today.” Melanie smiled self-deprecatingly. “It’s not like she’s in any danger of being overshadowed by me. On my best days I’ve never held a candle to her.”
Jordan shook his head with a chuckle. “Where’d you get the idea you’re not beautiful? Sure, Harmony’s a traffic-stopper, but you’re a stunner too. Saul and I were knocked sideways when we met you at the engagement party. Haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since; we were sure you’d have some guy dancing attendance on you here, though. Finding you unaccompanied, well, frankly it was all we could do to wait until the wedding was over to hit on you.”
That was… extremely flattering. Especially since the engagement party hadn’t been one of her best days. She’d worked late to get a job finished so she wouldn’t have to work the following day, rushed home for a fast shower to get the leaf debris and grass clippings off herself, and thrown on a pair of clean jeans and a t-shirt with a few sequins on it. At the time, it was about the most glamorous outfit in her wardrobe. She’d gotten all the way to the hotel where the party was being held before realizing she’d forgotten to put on the cute kitten heels Harmony had bought her. She’d had to wear her old rubber flip-flops all night instead.
Her feet were dry now. Jordan set the towel aside, letting her foot slip from his grasp, and reached out. Saul nudged her forward until she stood between Jordan’s spread knees. Broad hands landed on the outside of her calves, sliding upward, taking the soft chiffon fabric of her skirt up with them.
“There’s no way you’re wearing a bra under this dress,” Saul said, his hands gently exploring the underside of her breasts, thumbs pressing through thinly pleated material to find her nipples. “Are you wearing knickers?”
“Yes!” Melanie said, a little outraged, gasping as he pinched lightly at her nipples. Jordan’s hands were high on her thighs now, moving up to her hips; his fingers hooked into the sides of the silken thong she had on.
“Now you’re not,” Jordan said, pulling down. The thong stretched and fell to her knees, then her ankles. “Now you’ve got no underwear on at all. Just the way we like it.” He put a hand behind her knee, lifting her foot to the chair beside his hip.
Saul tugged at the dress’s bodice, pulling it down so her breasts popped free. Jordan pushed her skirt up to her waist, his eyes lowering to gaze at what he’d just uncovered.
“Very nice,” he said approvingly.
Suddenly glad she’d let Harmony talk her into the spa day where they were both waxed and plucked to within an inch of their lives, Melanie smiled down at him. “I’m glad you approve.”
“Very much,” Jordan murmured, edging forward. Melanie realized what he was up to scant seconds before he leaned in and stroked his tongue swiftly over her clit.
“Faaaahhhhh,” she said incoherently, hands flailing. She ended up settling them on his blond head, feeling the silky texture of his hair slipping between her fingers as he angled his face, pushing his tongue deeper into her pussy.
“That good?” Saul asked softly, his hands busy with her breasts, teasing and plucking at her nipples. “We want to make you feel so good, beautiful girl.”
It felt incredible. Jordan’s hand slid up her inner thigh, behind his jaw, one long finger teasing around the mouth of her pussy before slowly pushing up into her, all while his agile tongue lashed rapidly over her clit.
Melanie’s thighs began to shake. She was glad of Saul’s solid bulk behind her, steadying her, though his fingers working her nipples were certainly contributing to her unbalanced state.
“Oh god,” she moaned aloud. “Oh god, I’m gonna come.”
“That’s it,” Saul murmured in her ear as Jordan redoubled his efforts, adding another finger to the one already working inside her. “That’s it, gorgeous. Come on. Let him taste those sweet juices.”
She shuddered in his grip as Jordan’s fingers crooked, stroking over the most sensitive spot deep inside her. His tongue flickered over her bud, almost vibrating. Melanie bit down hard on her lower lip to keep from screaming her head off and maybe attracting unwanted attention; they were, after all, visible to anyone who should happen to pass by. Low, guttural sounds escaped her instead as her whole body shook.
Jordan didn’t let up with his mouth, but his licks slowed to soft, gentle swipes of his tongue, and he slipped his fingers gently out of her. Saul released her nipples, just cupping her breasts in his warm hands. He didn’t stop kissing and nibbling at her neck, though, whispering soft words of praise against her skin.
“Come on inside,” Jordan said, pressing hot, open-mouthed kisses against her tender inner thighs.
Aware that she was standing on an open verandah with her breasts out of her dress and her skirt hiked up to her groin, Melanie nodded mutely. Her legs felt wobbly when she tried to walk, but Saul’s strong arm around her waist supported her, guiding her inside and over to the big, white bed.
“How do I get this thing off you?” he asked exasperatedly, fumbling at the back of her dress. “Is there a zip somewhere?”
“Under my arm.” She raised her left arm for him to grab it and a moment later the dress was sliding off her hips, falling to the floor, leaving her naked and exposed to their hungry eyes.
“Damn, but you’re gorgeous,” Jordan breathed, drinking her in as he fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, stripping it swiftly off to reveal a well-muscled chest.
Melanie shook her head shyly. Tall at five foot nine, she had more muscle than most girls from hard physical work as a landscape gardener; being broad-shouldered with small breasts, she’d always compared herself unfavorably to hourglass-shaped Harmony.
“You are,” Saul disagreed with her shaking head. “You’ve got fabulous legs and the most glorious ass.” Warm fingers trailed gently up her flank, curving over one high, pert buttock. “Strong, beautiful woman.”
“Enchanting,” Jordan agreed with Saul. “Beautiful face, too.” Stepping close, he lifted one hand to cup her cheek. “The most stunning mouth I’ve ever seen.” The tip of his thumb ghosted lightly over her lower lip, a little swollen after she’d bitten down on it to keep from crying out during her climax. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about your mouth.”
His blue eyes were dark with lust as he moved closer, his free hand stealing around Melanie’s waist and pulling her against him. His mouth came down on hers and she tasted her own juices on his lips.
Melanie heard Saul’s indrawn breath behind them, heard fabric rustle, but she was too busy enjoying Jordan’s kiss to care about what Saul might be doing. Both men were over six foot and she liked the way she had to tilt her head up into the kiss, the strength of Jordan’s arms around her making her feel small and delicate. She settled her hands on his upper arms, feeling with pleasure the strength of his bicep muscles. He definitely worked out; she squeezed experimentally and he pulled back from the kiss to grin down at her.
“Damn, you two look good together,” Saul said, and Melanie turned her head to look at him, her mouth opening on a gasp as she saw him on the bed. He’d stripped off while they were busy kissing and now reclined against the pillows, a smile on his lips and one big hand wrapped around his cock.
He was just as beautiful as Jordan, though in a different way. She knew he was from a Lebanese family; saw now that his whole body was the same deep bronze color as his face and hands. Solidly muscled, with curling black hair at his chest and groin, he was a sight to behold. Melanie stared until she thought her eyes might pop out of her head.
“Suddenly I feel quite invisible,” Jordan said dryly.
“Get your kit off and she’ll stare at you too, I bet,” Saul snickered at him in return. “Come here, gorgeous.” He crooked a finger of his free hand at Melanie. “Come and let me worship that beautiful body of yours while loverboy here gets naked.”
Right then, she couldn’t think of anything she wanted to do more, so she took a step back, slipping from Jordan’s arms, and put a knee on the end of the bed, crawling onto it and up toward Saul. Some wicked imp made her straddle his legs and crawl up over his body; Jordan groaned behind her but her eyes were fixed on Saul’s face, on the way his eyes widened and he licked his lips as he watched her.
Deliberately, Melanie licked her own lips as she came up level with Saul’s groin. He made a rough sound in his throat, hand tightening on his cock. She lightly put her hand on his wrist.
“Why don’t you let me play here for a while?” She did her best to make her voice sound low and sultry, although she felt a little silly doing it. Saul didn’t seem to think she was silly, though, reaching out to stroke her hair as he released his cock.
“Whatever you want to do, Melanie. No pressure.”
“Looks like something’s under pressure,” she quipped with a significant look at his erect cock, making him chuckle.
“I can stand it.”
“Yeah? Can you stand this?” Lowering her head, she teasingly licked off the pearlescent droplet gleaming at the tip.
Saul made an incoherent sound deep in his chest, his hips jerking upward slightly, but he quickly restrained himself and stilled. His hand slipped from her hair, grasping at the sheets beside him as Melanie opened her mouth wider to engulf the swollen head.
The mattress dipped behind her and her eyes widened as strong hands closed over her hips, but she didn’t move from her position. Instead she lowered her head to take Saul deeper, hollowing her cheeks to suck him in, flicking her tongue over the tip as she lifted up again.
“That’s it,” Jordan said softly behind her. “He loves getting blown, Melanie… I can see from his expression that you’re gonna rock his world.”
Her ass was sticking up in the air as she worked her mouth over Saul, and Jordan seemed pleased with her position. His strong hands caressed her, cupping and molding her buttocks, separating them to tease his thumbs down her crack and over her pussy. Already wet from the ministrations of his mouth a little while ago, Melanie was sure she was practically dripping as Jordan slowly pushed both thumbs inside her. He pulled them out a moment later, though, provoking a whine of protest.
“Hey, don’t you worry. I got you.” She heard the rip and crinkle of a foil wrapper and closed her eyes in anticipation.
“Take care of her, she’s being so good to me,” Saul said, his voice strained. Opening her eyes to look up at him, she smiled as best she could around her full mouth.
“I got this, don’t worry. Just enjoy yourself,” Jordan answered with a quiet chuckle, shifting up behind her. The head of his sheathed cock rubbed up and down her cleft a time or two; she made a protesting little noise and pushed back against him, hungry to be filled.
“Easy, there.” It was a low chuckle as the tip of his thumb grazed over the pucker of her ass. She twitched, and his thumb pressed a little harder.
She needed to speak. Reluctantly pulling off Saul’s cock, Melanie twisted her head to look over her shoulder at Jordan. “I haven’t… I mean… nobody’s ever…”
“Fucked your ass?”
She blushed at his crude words and nodded. She’d read about it a few times and at the back of her mind had been aware that she found the idea, particularly of double penetration, quite arousing. There were lots of things that were arousing in theory but not in practice, though.
“Let’s take it slow. Why don’t you mount up on Saul, and I’ll get some lube and work on loosening you up a little? If you don’t like it you can tell me to stop any time.”
It sounded good to Melanie. She nodded as Saul reached out a long arm and pulled open a drawer in the chest beside the bed, fumbling inside. He pulled out a condom packet and offered it up to her; she accepted it with a smile and ripped it open to roll down on him.
“Come ride me.” He held his arms out welcomingly.
She was more than happy to accept the offer. Her pussy ached to be filled; she wanted it hard and fast and deep. Lining up, she shoved down hard, taking Saul in to the hilt with one long steady push.
“Ohhhh, fffuuuuuuccckkkk,” Saul threw his head back and gasped the words to the ceiling. His hands released the bedsheets and came up to curve over Melanie’s breasts, thumbs flicking at her nipples.
She moaned with pleasure, rolling her hips and feeling the stretch as long-unused internal muscles protested the intrusion. It felt wonderful .
Then Saul moved, shifting his knees further apart to spread her wider open. Catching her nipples between fingers and thumbs, he tugged gently but remorselessly, forcing her to bend toward him. Reaching up, he sought her lips with his own, kissing her as his hips took over the rhythm he’d forced her to quit when he spread her legs wide.
A thick finger trailed down her cleft, reminding her of Jordan’s presence. A soft click of a cap, then lube trickled wetly down her ass, making her shiver briefly. Or maybe that was what Saul was doing to her nipples.
“Easy,” Jordan soothed, as there was a blunt wet pressure at her ass. She had to pull her mouth from Saul’s, gasping for breath.
“Hey.” Saul stilled his rocking hips, letting go of her nipples. Putting one hand to her cheek, he made her meet his eyes. “If it’s too much, say, all right? We don’t want to push you into anything you don’t enjoy.”
Melanie wasn’t sure what to say. Would they think she was slutty if she yelled Don’t stop, for God’s sake don’t stop? Biting down on her lip briefly, she nodded. “Okay.”
“Good.” Saul resumed the slow rocking of his hips, enough that his cock slipped in and out of her just a little with each stroke. It felt blissfully good; Melanie moaned with pleasure as he shifted the angle slightly and hit a particularly sensitive spot–and at the same moment, Jordan’s well-lubed finger pushed past the tight muscle of her ass.
It was Melanie’s turn to gasp out a curse, her hands tightening on Saul’s biceps, her nails biting into the muscle.
“Good or bad?” Saul checked with her.
“Good, oh god, please don’t stop.” She no longer cared whether they thought she was slutty or not. That boat had probably already sailed when she’d accepted the offer of a threesome, anyway. She didn’t want the incredible sensations to stop. It skittered up and down her spine as Jordan worked his finger in deeper. “Oh god, I think I’m gonna come.”
“Ain’t no think about it, you are definitely gonna come,” Jordan said hotly in her ear, pressing kisses against the back of her neck as his finger shifted inside her. His other hand worked around in between her and Saul, his fingertip gliding over her clit.
The added sensation tipped Melanie over the edge. She writhed and screamed atop Saul, her second climax of the night even more intense than the first. Both men added their voices to hers, their hoarse words of praise gasped against her skin.
This time, they gave her no opportunity to come down from the high. By the time she eased back a little bit from the incoherent edge of pleasure, Jordan had a second finger working in her ass, loosening it even as Saul continued his slow fucking up into her spasming channel.
“Talk to us, beautiful,” Saul asked, kissing her brow. “You okay there?”
“I… don’t think ‘okay’ really covers this.”
Jordan chuckled at the desperate note in her voice. “No?”
Dear god, was that a third finger? A strange mewling sound filled the air; it took Melanie a few moments to realize it was coming from her.
“You’re really enjoying this, huh?” Jordan said quietly. “You ready for the rest of it?”
Melanie had to bite down on Saul’s shoulder for a moment as Jordan withdrew his fingers.
Saul gasped, then cradled the back of her head in his fingers. “That’s it, bite down.”
She had a momentary respite as Jordan squeezed more lube into his hand and stroked it over his cock. The anticipation was almost unbearable. Shivering as Saul’s hand massaged the back of her neck, she waited, every nerve ending humming with tension, until a heavy, blunt pressure at her ass told her Jordan was finally joining the party.
The stretch as Jordan pushed slowly into her was on the edge of pain; Melanie had never realized before how pleasurable that could feel. She let go of biting Saul’s shoulder to moan loudly.
“Okay?” Jordan paused in his slow penetration to ask, his hand stroking lightly down her back.
“More,” was all she could gasp. “More…” The world had narrowed down to just the three of them, to the hot slide of skin on skin, to two deep voices murmuring praise as she writhed between the two men. They set up an alternating rhythm, push-pulling her between them, Saul pulling out as Jordan pressed deep.
Melanie lost track of reality. There was only the pleasure, cresting and arcing through her body, pulsing through her in unending waves. She was only vaguely aware of Saul stiffening and gasping her name, Jordan following him over the edge a few moments later, both of them buried to the hilt inside her trembling body.
Slowly she came back to herself, to an awareness of soft kisses against her skin, warm hands stroking her sides. Jordan pulled out with a groan and she gasped and shuddered with the loss of him as Saul eased from her too and rolled her to the side, where she gave up any pretence of dignity and just collapsed limply on her back. Limbs splayed, uncaring of her graceless pose, she gazed at the ceiling in a state of pure bliss.
“Earth to Melanie,” Saul murmured.
“Hmmm,” she said dreamily, rolling her head to the side and giving him a blissed-out smile.
“I don’t think I need to ask if that was okay for you, do I?”
“Uh-uh.” Spotting a bruise darkening on his shoulder, she reached out an arm which didn’t seem to want to obey her, finally managing to put her hand over the mark. “Sorry I bit you.”
Saul’s deep brown eyes were warm, his chuckle hearty as he gazed back at her. “Sweetheart, you could have drained me like a vampire and I wouldn’t have cared.”
Pleasure-drunk, her body still humming with the afterglow, she smiled at him. He reached out to caress her cheek.
“You are so beautiful.”
“Magnificent,” Jordan agreed, and she looked past Saul to see him silhouetted in the open bathroom door. He moved away across the room, utterly unselfconscious about his nudity, and Melanie followed him with her eyes. He bent over to open the room’s mini-fridge and she nearly swallowed her tongue.
“He does have a quite magnificent ass,” Saul noted, and Melanie laughed breathlessly.
“I should be too tired to even notice.” She stared, though, as the muscles in Jordan’s ass and thighs flexed. He turned around, grinning as he came over to offer her a bottle of water, and she saw to her surprise he had a tattoo on his chest, a large multicolored design all over his left pectoral muscle and up onto his shoulder. She gazed at it curiously as he moved closer, recognizing it as a dragon, a beautiful red and gold one. Leaves and vines surrounded it.
“How beautiful,” she murmured, accepting the water he offered.
Jordan smiled, sitting down on the bed beside her. “Thank you. I like yours, too.”
She blushed at the realization that he’d had a very intimate view of the rose she had on her right ass cheek. “It’s just a little thing, compared to yours. This must have taken hours.” Reaching up, she lightly traced the loop in the dragon’s tail.
“Maybe you can help me convince Saul to take the plunge.”
“What can I say, I’m terrified of needles,” Saul said as Melanie glanced over her shoulder at him with a grin.
“Ah, would you need someone to hold your hand?”
“You can hold my hand anytime.” He grabbed one of hers in both his big ones, bringing it to his lips for a kiss. He nibbled lightly on her fingertips.
Her body was still humming with the aftershocks of their impossibly intense lovemaking, and yet Melanie found a visceral response welling deep inside her in response to Saul’s actions. He smiled, long and slow, obviously picking up on her renewed lust.
“Give us a few minutes, beautiful. We don’t recover quite as fast as you.”
She had to laugh at herself. “Honestly I doubt I could do anything. I’m wrecked.”
“Then get some sleep.” Jordan tucked himself alongside her and pressed a kiss against her shoulder. “Just remember that in the morning, we expect you to be fully refreshed and ready for round two.”
“And rounds three, four and five,” Saul agreed, cuddling close on her other side.
“Hey, my flight home is at noon tomorrow,” Melanie protested, chuckling. “I don’t think we’ll have time!”
“Four and five might have to wait until we’re back home in Melbourne, then,” Jordan said drowsily against her shoulder.
Startled, Melanie stiffened. “What?”
“Did… you not want to see us after this?” Jordan’s head shot up, alarmed.
“Well, you… suggested a threesome… I thought you meant just the one night.”
“If that’s what you want, that’s okay,” Saul said after a moment of silence. “We were kind of hoping tonight might convince you we’re worth taking a chance on, though.”
“As in… a relationship?” She was almost afraid to ask.
“It’s a lot to ask. People won’t always understand,” Jordan said quietly.
“The sex would make it worth your while, though,” Saul put in, ever the irrepressible joker.
Melanie smiled, laying back between the two men. Jordan was right, people wouldn’t understand.
On the other hand, she had the feeling it would be a lot more than just mind-blowingly good sex which would make a relationship with the two of them worth any grief she might get for her life choices.
A giggle burst from her lips.
“What’s funny, beautiful?” Saul asked.
“My mother’s been telling me forever that I need to find a man. I’m just imagining the look on her face when I tell her I’ve found two!”
* * *
Irresistible is just one of the stories from Summer Heat , an anthology of steamy summer romances from Shenanigans Press! Click here to find it on Amazon , ONLY until the end of December 2017!