On the Droid 2, reading email on a non-Gmail account is much like reading Gmail. In the Application Tray, tap Email to launch the Email app, and it immediately downloads any waiting mail. As with Gmail, the Email app displays the subject line, time and date of delivery, and the sender of each message. It also displays the first line or so of the message.
If you’ve organized your mail into folders on your computer, that organization won’t be reflected on the Droid 2. You won’t be able to see or use the folders from your computer’s email software.
To read a message, tap it. If there are images in the message, they aren’t displayed off the bat; to see them tap Display Images. At the bottom of the screen are icons that take you to the next and previous
messages, for deleting mail
, and for replying to or forwarding mail
. To forward or reply to mail, tap the icon and select whether you want to forward or reply.
If the sender is a contact for whom you have a picture, the contact’s picture will show up next to his name in the From area.
The Droid 2 gives you a few more ways to handle mail. Tap the Menu key, and you have these options:
Move. Lets you move the mail to another folder. If it’s an IMAP account, you see the folders created on the server. However, with a POP3 account, you won’t see other folders here aside from Trash.
If you’ve set up multiple email accounts, when you go to your inbox, you see email only from the first one you set up, which is your default account. To change your default email inbox, press the Menu key, tap Email Settings→“Default email account”, and then choose which you want to be the default.
Mark unread. Email you haven’t yet read shows up as blue in your inbox, with a blue button. If you want the mail you’ve read to again appear unread (showing up as blue with a blue button), tap this option.
To read email from another account instead of your default, you can use the Droid 2’s Universal Inbox, or use the Messaging applet to check inboxes individually. For details, see The Universal Inbox.
Flag. If you have mail that you want to mark as important, tap this button to flag it. When you do this, a flag icon shows up next to it in the inbox.