Here’s where to go to change just about everything about the way that the Droid handles sounds, such as your ringer and playing music, and even the display. Tap Sound to get to these options:
Silent mode. Tap to turn off all your phone’s sounds, except for alarms and media, such as music.
Vibrate. Tap to control when the phone vibrates to indicate an incoming call. It’s especially useful when combined with turning off the ringer for incoming calls, or for when you set the volume to low. Your choices are to always vibrate when you receive a call, never vibrate, vibrate only when you’ve set your phone to silent mode, or only when the phone isn’t in silent mode.
Volume. Tap to set the volume for music, media, and your ringtone when you receive a call. A slider appears that lets you set the volume for each individually. The Droid 2 plays the new volume level when you move the slider, so if you’re not satisfied with what you hear, change it again until you reach the level you want. You also have the option of having your notifications use the same volume as your ringtone volume.
Phone ringtone. Tap this to change your phone ringtone. When you tap it, a list of available ringtones appears, including the one you’re currently using. Browse the list, tap the new one you’re considering, and you hear a preview. Select the one you want, and then tap OK to make it your ringtone.
You can use any music you have stored on your Droid 2 as your ringtone. See More Music Options for details.
Notification ringtone. Sets the ringtone you hear when you receive notifications, such as when new email has been received. You choose your new notification ringtone in the same way you do your phone ringtone.
Audible touch tones. Like to hear tones when you tap the dialpad? Turn on this option. If you’re a fan of silence, leave it unchecked.
Audible selection. Tap if you’d like a sound to play when you make a selection on the Droid 2 screen. This can get noisy, so choose it with care.
Screen lock sounds. Tap, and the Droid 2 will make a sound every time your screen locks, and when you unlock it.
Media audio effects. Want to enhance the quality of the music you play on your Droid 2? Here’s where to do it. You can add effects such as surround sound, use an equalizer, and more.
You get two choices when you tap “Audio effects”—one for wired stereo devices, and one for the phone speaker. As you would expect, wired stereo devices offer more options than the phone speaker.
Wired stereo devices include not just headphones, but speakers as well, so you can add effects to speakers as well as to your headphones.
When you tap “Wired stereo devices”, tap “Enable audio effects” to add any effects. Tap the “Effects profile” drop-down box, and you can choose from a variety of profiles, such as 3D Stereo, Home Theater, and so on. You can also choose Custom, to create your own settings.
For more information about these settings and how best to use them, see More Music Options.
If you make any choice other than Custom, then you can’t change the other settings on the “Wired stereo devices” screen—Surround and Equalizer—because they’re controlled by the effects profile. But if you choose Custom for your effects profile, you can choose the kind of surround sound you want and select a different kind of equalizer.
Haptic feedback. Tap this option if you want to feel a slight vibration when you tap certain keys or take certain actions on the Droid 2—for example, when you unlock the phone, press a key on the dialer or keyboard, or add a widget.
SD card notifications. If you want a sound to play whenever you receive a notification about the SD card—for example, that it’s being prepared for use after you’ve turned off the phone and then turned it back on—turn on this checkbox.
Emergency tone. You can have the Droid 2 play an alert, vibrate, or do nothing when you make an emergency call (such as to 911). Tap this option to choose among them.
Call connect. Want to hear a sound when your phone makes a connection on a call? Tap this option.
Network Lost tone. There may be times when you lose your connection to the Verizon Network. If you want to be notified when that happens, turn on this option.
Roaming tone. To be warned when you’ve left the Verizon Network, and are roaming, turn on this box.
Software update alert. Want to be informed when there’s a new version of the Android operating system ready to download to your phone? Turn on this checkbox, and your Droid 2 will do it.