
If you take only one thing away from this book, I hope like heck it’s confidence. Confidence that you can create a beautiful and functional home for you and your family, no matter what state your space is in right now.

You don’t have to be a naturally organized person to have an organized home, and you certainly don’t have to spend a lot of time or money to make it happen. Consistency is the key. When you schedule just fifteen minutes a day each and every day and dedicate it to de-cluttering and tidying up, you will see a huge impact on your space…and on your life.

While I do hope you now have the urge to purge, I hope more than anything you can now spend less time cleaning your home. Yep, I wrote a book about how to clean and organize your home so you won’t have to clean it all the time…oh the irony. The magical part of getting your house organized is that once you’ve set up the right systems, your housework will immediately be cut in half. Let’s face it; no one likes housework.

You can do this. It isn’t about having a perfect home, it’s about making your life easier. Taking the time to purge and contain your belongings is about freeing yourself up to focus on the things that really matter most to you. Life is short. Let’s not waste it looking for lost items, constantly tidying, or feeling anxious in our own homes.

Okay, it’s time to get a little philosophical with you now. That was my disclaimer, so brace yourself, because here it comes: organizing your home will change your entire life. The way your space looks and functions has a huge impact on the way you feel and the way you and your family function. You will have more time to discover what it is you love to do, and more money to be able to do those things.

Having less clutter means more time with loved ones, more money in your pocket, and way more happiness.

I want you to make a commitment to yourself right now that every day before bed you will spend just fifteen minutes giving your home a great big hug. Hug it by tidying, purging, or organizing just one small space each day. I promise you your home will hug you back, and when it does, you are going to feel amazing.