Sam did not invite me for a sleepover this weekend. Was it something I said?

He was kind of quiet at school the last couple of nights—not his usual bouncy self. And we didn't go to self-control class because it was cancelled. The principal said it was because there weren't enough kids signed up, but I'm pretty sure Mr. Zane just didn't want to deal with us. I blame it on the slime with the giggles.

When I told Sam we should sign up for sprinting, he didn't really answer. Then I asked if he wanted to practice over the weekend, and he mumbled something about having to help his dad clean up the swamp. Really?


The good news is, I'm getting plenty of practice sprinting at home—away from my mopey big sister.

Cate has been a wreck ever since the Creeper Family Meeting. She wanders around sniffling, hissing, and bumping into furniture. She still wears Rosy the Wig, but it's usually on crooked.


Cate isn't a big exploder—not like my other sisters. But lately, there's no telling what she'll do. For instance, when I told her she had her wig on sideways, she got all hissy.


Like it was MY fault she hadn't looked in a mirror lately. Sheesh!

So I left the house—quick.

I spent the night practicing sprints in the backyard. I figure if I can learn how to run faster, it might hide the fact that I'm not the sneakiest creeper in the cave. And it might be my ticket to surviving Mob Middle School.

But here's the thing: creepers aren't really known for their amazing running skills. I blame it on our short little legs.


So after one lap around the yard, I was pretty much tuckered out. Then, while I was leaning against the neighbor's fence trying to catch my breath, something hissed at me.


I thought it was a creeper—maybe even my scary sister with her crooked red wig. But then I looked down and saw Sir Coughs-a-Lot.

That cat was standing RIGHT next to me, and his back was arched. I don't think that's a good sign.

Well, let me tell you—I sprinted across the yard faster than an Enderman can teleport. I don't think my feet even touched the grass.


I REALLY hate that cat. But I think he might be my secret weapon in the sprinting department. If Sam and I use my backyard for training, we'll be speedsters in no time!

I can't wait to tell Sam on Monday. Hopefully that slime will be acting normal by then.