Wow, I really did not see that coming.
Sam met me at school last night, and he started picking a fight. SAM. You know, the slime who usually can't wipe the smile off his face? Yeah, that one.
I didn't even recognize him when he bounced up to me all quivery and angry. He was almost spitting when he said, "You're just a sneaky creeper!"
Then he bounced away without even explaining why he was so mad.
I started sweating right there in the hallway. Did I mention that sweating is not good for my psoriasis? Stress isn't either, and Sam had just dumped a whole heap of it on me—for no good reason.
I had to hear it from Ziggy Zombie first. Ziggy said there's a rumor going around that I was the one who wrote the note—the note that broke up Sam and Willow's little romance.
Now, let's just get one thing straight: I did not write that note. I might have, if I'd gotten the idea before someone else did. Because I don't think that Willow Witch is all that good for Sam. But I didn't do it.
I asked Ziggy who started the rumor, and he didn't know. I guess it doesn't really matter. The point is, Sam BELIEVED it. And he stopped talking to me.
Mondays are hard enough to face. But last night was even tougher without that slime by my side.
In history class, I tried to tell Sam that I didn't write that note. But he wouldn't even look at me. During our quiz, I could see he was shaking—he was THAT mad at me. And I started itching like crazy.
When I leaned sideways to rub my shoulder against the back of my chair, Mrs. Eagle-Eyes Enderwoman caught me and thought I was cheating. So now I look even MORE like a sneaky creeper. And Sam didn't even stick up for me.
During lunch, I didn't see him at all. Ziggy scooted his chair close to mine and offered me half of his flesh sandwich. But the way I was feeling, I couldn't have forced down a burned pork chop. It didn't help when Ziggy happily pointed out that my rash was coming back. GREAT.
I went to art early hoping I'd run into Sam. But he wasn't there. We were dying wool with dyes made from flowers and bone meal. Can I just say that wool is a VERY itchy material? Somehow, I made it through class. But I must have been thinking about Sam the whole time, because I put some cactus in my dye and turned it slime green.
Sam wasn't in science class either. He must have gone home sick. We were supposed to memorize all the different ores in the Overworld. But how could a creeper think about that at a time like this?
Instead, I tried to write a rap song. That usually makes me feel better. But every song I started was kind of lame.
So finally, I just gave up.