Due to the increase in popularity of running and hiking, we’re seeing an increase in the number of trails each year. One of the most active organizations is Rails to Trails. This non-profit group buys railroad rights of way and sells it back to local or state governments for local trail development. Visit them at www.railstotrails.org. Many of their projects are finalized with a paved trail but some are not.
A growing number of park departments have websites. When you do a web-search for trails you will often find a website with maps and access points.
Visit the websites for the Appalachian Trail and the Pacific Crest Trail. Both are over 1,000 miles long and have many access points. Some segments will take you into remote areas.
Texastrails.org is an example of the many local organizations that offer directions and a variety of information about the trails in the area. Other examples are Washington Trails Association and www.tejastrails.com (Texas)
A list of trails by state is provided at the end of this book.