
This book was a huge undertaking, and many people helped me at various points along the way. Thanks to John Otte, Jason Joyner, Cathyln Dyck, and Kathryn Freeman, who helped with an initial brainstorming session at ACFW 2013. To Larry Nielsen and Michael Vernor for helping me work out the magic and for reading the very first draft. And to Crystal Nielsen for listening patiently while all this went on. To Amanda Luedeke, Stephanie Morrill, Shannon Dittemore, Nadine Brandes, Melanie Dickerson, and Chris Kolmorgen for letting me vent about the story, helping with brainstorming, and critiquing. To Kerry Nietz for talking science with me. To Tom Luque for his help with sailing. And big hugs to Luke Williamson for listening to the whole spiel, and to Corinne Stennett for your consistent prayers. Thanks as well to the talented and organized team at Bethany House Publishers, including Dave Long, Elisa Tally, Noelle Buss, and Amy Green. You guys are awesome.