A while loop

while loops are used when a specific task is supposed to be executed until a specific condition is met. while loops are commonly used to execute code in an infinite loop. Let's look at a specific example where we would like to print the value of i from 0 to 9:

while i<10:
print("The value of i is ",i)

Inside the while loop, we increment i by 1 for every iteration. The value of i is incremented as follows:

i += 1

This is equivalent to i = i+1.

This example would execute the code until the value of i is less than 10. It is also possible to execute something in an infinite loop:

while True:
print("The value of i is ",i)

The execution of this infinite loop can be stopped by pressing Ctrl C on your keyboard.

It is also possible to have nested while loops:

while i<10:
while j<10:
print("The value of i,j is ",i,",",j)

Similar to for loops, while loops also rely on the indented code block to execute a piece of code.

Python enables printing a combination of strings and integers as long as they are presented as arguments to the print function separated by commas. In the earlier-mentioned example, The value of i,j is, i are arguments to the print function. You will learn more about functions and arguments in the next chapter. This feature enables formatting the output string to suit our needs.