To access the GPIO pins using Python, we import the RPi.GPIO library, which allows direct control of the pins through the module functions. We also require the time module to pause the program for a set number of seconds.
We then define values for the LED wiring and active states (see Controlling the GPIO current segment in the There's more... section of this recipe).
Before the GPIO pins are used by the program, we need to set them up by specifying the numbering method—GPIO.BOARD—and the direction—GPIO.OUT or GPIO.IN (in this case, we set all the RGB pins to outputs). If a pin is configured as an output, we will be able to set the pin state; similarly, if it is configured as an input, we will be able to read the pin state.
Next, we control the pins using GPIO.ouput() by stating the number of the GPIO pin and the state we want it to be in (1 = high/on and 0 = low/off). We switch each LED on, wait five seconds, and then switch it back off.
Finally, we use GPIO.cleanup() to return the GPIO pins back to their original default state and release control of the pins for use by other programs.