Perform the following steps to install uInput:
- First, we need to download uInput.
You will need to download the uInput Python library from GitHub (~50 KB) using the following commands:
wget unzip
The library will unzip to a directory called python-uinput-master.
- Once completed, you can remove the ZIP file using the following command:
- Install the required packages using the following commands (if you have installed them already, the apt-get command will ignore them):
sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools python3-dev sudo apt-get install libudev-dev
- Compile and install uInput using the following commands:
cd python-uinput-master sudo python3 install
- Finally, we load the new uinput kernel module using the following command:
sudo modprobe uinput
To ensure it is loaded upon startup, we can add uinput to the modules file using the following command:
sudo nano /etc/modules
Put uinput on a new line in the file and save it (Ctrl + X, Y).
- Create the following circuit using the following equipment:
- Breadboard (half-sized or larger)
- 7 x DuPont female-to-male patch wires
- Six push buttons
- 6 x 470 ohm resistors
- Breadboarding wire (solid core)
GPIO keypad circuit layout
The keypad circuit can also be built into a permanent circuit by soldering the components into a Vero prototype board (also known as a stripboard), as shown in the following photo:
GPIO keypad Pi hardware module
This circuit is available as a solder-yourself kit from
- Connect the circuit to the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins by matching the appropriate buttons with the appropriate pins, as shown in the following table:
Button |
GPIO pin |
6 |
v |
22 |
< |
18 |
^ |
B_UP |
15 |
> |
13 |
1 |
B_1 |
11 |
2 |
B_2 |
7 |