Sensor Interface for Obstacle Avoidance

To make a robotic vehicle that drives itself, we need to first understand how humans drive a vehicle. When we drive a car, we constantly analyze the space and the distance to other objects. Thereafter, we make a decision if we can go through it or not. This happens constantly with our brain – eye coordination. Similarly, a robot would have to do the same sort of thing. 

In our previous chapters, you learned that we can find the proximity of objects around us, using sensors. These sensors can tell us how far an object is, and based on it, we can make decisions. We have done using an ultrasonic sensor primarily because it is extremely cheap. However, as you remember, it was slightly cumbersome to attach ultrasonic sensors and to run its code. It's time that we take a much simpler sensor and attach it to the car. 

This chapter will cover the following topics:

  • Infrared proximity sensor
  • Autonomous emergency braking
  • Giving it self-steering capabilities
  • Making it fully autonomous