“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”
—Theodore Roosevelt
here are universal fundamentals that undergird every great achievement. Those fundamentals help you figure out where you want to go in life and provide a map for getting there.
We have identified seven timeless universals in the Victor’s Code. This code is all the magical pieces that cracked the code of victory; it’s something we discovered. This code is written on the bottoms of our feet and embedded deep in our souls. When we have strayed from its wisdom, we have suffered the consequences. When we have adhered to it, we have enjoyed a continuous flow of last laughs. Our passion is to share the Victor’s Code with you.
The saying goes, “Pass the truth to the next generation. Teach them early what we learn late.” If you are just starting out in life, we are passing the baton of truth to you in the hope that it will shorten your learning curve considerably. Learn it, internalize it, and enjoy the journey.
For those of you who’ve lived some years but still have unmet desires and goals, it’s never too late. The Victor’s Code might not be new to you; perhaps you’ve heard it before, or maybe you even lived by it at one time. Our encouragement to you? Blow the dust off your bucket list and apply the code afresh.
Are you with us?
Let’s get started.